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Garrett Duke

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Garrett Duke last won the day on July 11

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About Garrett Duke

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. That should tell you something about him, then haha!. ;) I say name him Garrett! Ha! I'm only kidding. :) What did you name him, anyways? I'd definitely love to see pictures, I've never seen a Bichon breed...don't even know what it is! :D Course I'm not a huge dog lover either, only for Huskies, Laberdors, (I know it's spelled wrong) King Charles Cavaliers and pugs. I do like Corgis too, heh. Hope all is well with you, and that no tornado has blown you away yet. I'm not joking about it either. I'm trying to get up with BL, but no answer yet and I'm pretty worried.

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