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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Soon enough Luke was walking back into the orphanage, an arm around Zack. "I'd like t' speak t someone about fosterin' Zack here..."
  2. Luke took the little boy's hand gently, rubbing his hand with his thumb. "Let's go."
  3. "Oh...right...well, how bout we just go back to the orphange an' ask them there to leave a note?" he offered.
  4. I'll tell you what I want when you drive like my fanny whips apple butter! *retorts*
  5. Luke smiled patting the little boy on the head. "Well then... we best get t' writin." With that he got up and took the writing tablet from its spot near the phone and turned it to a clean sheet, handing the little boy a pen.
  6. "What d'ya say George? Shall we ask 'em at the orphanage?" asked Luke easily recognizing what Zack was doing.
  7. "What dya think? Worth a try? We could leave a nice letter...explainin where ya are..." he encouraged daring to hope little Zack would take him at his word.
  8. Luke sighed. "I'd like George t' stay..." he began thinking a minute. "Tell you what...what if we left a note...so your folks'd know where t' find ya if...I mean when they show up?"
  9. "Right," said Luke understandingly. "Let's get ya home then." With that he offered his tan hand to the little boy.
  10. Luke bit his lip. "You wanna be there when your folks come...dontcha?"
  11. Luke said nothing, his mouth a thin tight line. He was worried...and for the first time in a long term he felt as if he had reason to be.
  12. Luke raced out at the sound of the horn, throwing the shotguns and bows in the back before sliding in. "Go!" he shouted before he was halfway in the window.
  13. Luke watched him out of the corner of his eye his heart aching inside of him. He didn't want to give the little boy back any more than the child wanted to go. "Zack...if I could convince 'em...would you like to stay here...at the farm...with me?"
  14. Alright..Jesse what's your ETA...Jesse...Jesse what's your ETA copy? *swallows as nothing came back but static* Bo...Bo somethin's wrong...
  15. Jesse! Uncle Jesse!!!! Shepherd you out there come back! *demands*
  16. *picks up the CB at the farm* No sign of it here Jesse...
  17. With that Luke got up, taking a small sack and putting a few cookies in there. "For later," he explained,"case George gets hungry again."
  18. *sighs pacing nervously having a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach*
  19. "I suppose...I oughta get ya back home..." began Luke not sounding too excited about it.
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