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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "You'll see..." answered Luke running out in the direction he saw Jaime run.
  2. "I know...I was just teasin...comeon...we gotta get Jaime."
  3. Luke untied his legs and turned undoing Bo. "Ya came right close."
  4. Luke smirked. "One is quite enough thank ya...don't want you passin' out from the blood again."
  5. "Don't miss..." said Luke half joking half serious.
  6. Luke grabbed the knife with his hands and backed up to Bo's hands.
  7. "Why is it that whenever he looked at me with those big blue baby eyes of his and gives me that stupid kicked puppy dog look, all my resolve melts away and I find myself going along with whatever he wants..." asks Luke out loud to himself.
  8. "I gotta go help Jaime...I'll come back for ya...maybe...smirked Luke still struggling with his ropes.
  9. "Why bother...I hafta go after Jaime...it'd be better if you stayed here...stayed outta trouble..." answered Luke fumbling with his own ropes.
  10. "Well this sure ain't workin" said Luke in disgust.
  11. Luke grabbed the knife that Harve had dropped and maeuvered it, sawing through his ropes on his hands, praying with every move that he didnt miss.
  12. Luke nodded, squirming as he tried to get closer to Bo.
  13. "You little...!" yelled Harve dropping Luke and chasing Jaime out the door.
  14. Not to be outdone by a kid, Harve smirked, "who said anythng about bullets?" With that he took the gun and hit Luke hard in the temple with it, causing him to slump to the floor.
  15. Harve pulled a gun out of his belt and held it to Luke's head. "Now little girl...you don't want him to die do ya...so you just run along and play with your dollies and forget all this ever happened."
  16. Harve dropped the knife and looked up again shaking his wrist. "I think we have a guest. Take care of her" he ordered the other guy, after seeing a glimpse of Jaime's hair.
  17. The other guy looked frightened. "You you don't think...it...it's a ghost do ya?" Harve smirked. "Don't be stupid! Sides people need t die t become ghosts and these two ain't dead...yet." With that he pushed the point into Luke's throat just enough to draw blood. Luke hissed and grit his teeth.
  18. "Ow!" exclaimed Harve looking up in the rafters. "Must be rats in here...well...they can have what's left over." Luke looked at Bo, for once not knowing what to do.
  19. Luke swallowed hard as the car pulled up to a deserted cabin in the middle of nowhere, hours later. Harve and the other guy forced the boys out tying Bo to a beam in the cabin. Luke Harve stood in front of Bo, holding a knife to his throat. "Just think Bo...you could have stopped this."
  20. "Enjoy the view" said Harve watching them look out the windows. "It'll be your last."
  21. Luke looked back at Bo, unable to say anything, but knowing there was no need. He and Bo could almost talk without words and right now he knew what Bo was thinking...and Luke was thinking the same thing: we're in trouble.
  22. Daisy looked at Luke hanging on to Bo for dear life. It scared her but she only nodded and went to the CB. "Cooter..this here's Daisy...Luke...he ain't in no shape to talk to anyone right now.." she said looking toward the bedroom. Luke meanwhile just stayed in Bo's comforting hold.
  23. ok. Here's one... From Play it again Luke... "I can think of smarter things to do than chase Luke Duke and try to take his woman away from him...like eating a grenade."
  24. Luke didn't say anything. Truth was he was almost ashamed at his own weakness...the fact that he needed a hug from someone...but he didn't pull out of it, just used Bo's shoulder to hide the tears that threatened to fall, Candy still being an open wound in his heart.
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