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  1. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in What are you listening to???   
    My wife watches "Dancing with the Stars". She called me into the living room last night because "Devil Went down to Georgia" was being sung!
  2. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Least favourite episode?   
    I'll also agree on Robot P Coltrane along with Strange Visitor but I think I heard James Best say that they were his ideas so out of respect to him I watch them without complaint. I've also watched them with grandchildren. That makes them much better. Although I have to admit I don't need the grandchildren around to enjoy the Dukes cartoons. They'd still cool!
  3. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from justinpcoltrane in Moonrunners (film)   
    I can't believe I still haven't seen Moonrunners. I wish I could help you but I'm not good with techno stuff
  4. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Post Christmas Blues   
    Optimism is always a good thing MM. I suspect my post Christmas blues will start to kick in Monday but I've been fine lately. I'm still listening to Christmas music. In fact Dean Martin is singing as I type this. Happy New Year!
  5. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in You Know You've Been Watching Dukes of Hazzard Too Much When...   
    You know you've been watching Dukes too much when you post the above sentence.
  6. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!   
    We love you and miss you Rosco.
    You'll always be in our hearts.
    Happy Birthday. (July 26)
  7. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Uncle Jessie579 in Arrest Meadowmufn again!   
    Gotta admit I made the same mistake when I first rolled into town.
    After spending a few days in solitary confinement I never made that mistake again.
  8. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Arrest Meadowmufn again!   
    Gotta admit I made the same mistake when I first rolled into town.
    After spending a few days in solitary confinement I never made that mistake again.
  9. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from JHDuke in Bubba Watson to Replace the Flag on LEE1 with the American Flag   
    If he thinks he's going to take the flag off to make everybody happy he's sadly mistaken.
    I know I'm not happy.
    If he replaces it with the American flag he's going to offend a lot of people with anti-American feelings. He must be a hateful person if he doesn't consider their feelings.
    Pardon my sarcasm but this is what we're degenerating into.
  10. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Ray Kohn's Dukes Show   
    Thanks Hoss! I've said it a million times...you're awesome!
  11. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from K-Duke15 in The Dukes of Hazzard is on TVLand   
    I hope they stay on TV. With all the Confederate Flag controversy the last two days I suspect the Dukes days are numbered.
    It angers me that millions of people are being punished and vilified because of what one madman did. I'm just as angry as anybody else over the massacre. Why should I be punished?
  12. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Forum Migration   
    When I'm on the HazzardNet money doesn't flow out of my computer like it's a one armed bandit. Is this a technical glitch?
  13. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Lucas_Duke95 in Howdy good folks!   
    Welcome to Hazzard County Lucas! We're happy to meet a new friend!
  14. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in More Computer Problems   
    Thanks MM. It's come on fine twice in a row now. But with this thing I don't expect that to last. I don't know enough about computers to know who to blame. All these things like routers, modems and connections with funny names make my redneck head spin. I do know that I always blame the computer itself and from what I'm learning it's not very often the computers fault.
  15. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Hey Everyone.....   
    Good point.
    I always put my seat belt on before logging into the HazzardNet.
    Even if I'm not driving too fast here, there's always some other leadfoot who is.
  16. Downvote
    RogerDuke got a reaction from coronet440 in Rural Hazzard landmarks for our Ranch ??   
    If you go to the "Hobbies" thread and scroll down to "map of Hazzard" you'll find a lot of information there. It has 75 replies and 7,490 views so it's been a pretty active thread. As I recall, you're familiar with it.
    I've thought in the past about posting my notebook and it was something I was considering before your request so please don't think you're being a bother. Even if you didn't use it at all, it it would be a pleasure for me to put the time into it.
    Unfortunately, it would be a multi-month project since I'm such a slow typer so you might not get the results you wanted right away. If you're looking for something in particular, I could look it up quickly.
    For example, if you wanted to use the word "pine" in something on your property, it would only take a couple minutes for me to scan my notebook and get everything with the word pine in it.
    Again, please don't think you're being a bother.....it's just the opposite, I love doing anything related to the Dukes of Hazzard.
  17. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from DaisyMaeDuke in Dukes Superfan Challenge   
    Stay tuned tonight for the Dukes Superfan Challenge. It will be posted on this thread. It's a 20 question quiz to see how big of a Dukes of Hazzard fan you are. Good luck everybody!!
  18. Downvote
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Julieduke in A Day in the Life of a Duke   
    Jesse had seen that hollow expression on Luke's face many times. He knew it was because of Viet Nam. Of course it might have been easy for someone like Jesse to recognize that look since he had experienced the horrors of WWII and knew, all too well, the afterthoughts.
    Jesse got up, went over to the stove, grabbed the coffee pot and poured two fresh cups for himself and his troubled nephew.
  19. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from General Grant in Movie with Jessica Simpson   
    Well Captain, if you could have resisted you wouldn't have clicked on the thread.
    If you could have resisted, you wouldn't have posted.
    By saying the you can't resist I was NOT being critical....(since I can relate to clicking on the thread even though something inside me questions that decision.)
    I'll make you a deal. Let's see who can resist posting on this thread longest, you or me. If you accept, please post "I ACCEPT" and nothing else on your next post. As soon as I see you have typed that in, I won't post on this thread anymore. Maybe we can slow down the momentum of hard feelings that seems to be building.
    This would set an example to everyone else that this thread has been overdone and should be put to rest. However, the bottom line is that the nature of a thread like this is to voice an opinion and if you and I boycott it with a personal contest, we'll have to accept that we can't change other people if they want to participate
  20. Downvote
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Julieduke in dukes of hazzard reunion   
    Sorry I can't help you racjane but I did want to take a moment to welcome you to the HazzardNet. It's always nice to see a new face in Hazzard County. We hope you stay awhile.
  21. Downvote
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Jami Lee Hogg in Boar's Nest Bears   
    Season six
    episode five
  22. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Brian Coltrane in My Posts!   
    What are you talking about Brian, you're a good moderator.
    (By the way, we are still doing that challenge where we post stuff that is untrue and meaningless, right?)
  23. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in My Posts!   
    No MaryAnne, it's my fault. I challenged him to write a quality post. Of course I'm still trying to write my first quality post too. Both of us are pretty competitive so the race is on.
    *Dueling Banjos begin playing*
    I suspect before this is all over we'll both have more posts than JulieDuke does and we'll still be a long way from the finish line.
    *sits back, folds hands and dreams of what it would be like to write a meaningful post*
    Woops, I needed the edit button on this one. The challenge was to write posts of NO quality. (I guess I succeeded again.)
  24. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Laura Duke in What do the Dukes mean to you?   
    Before I discovered Hazzardnet I didn't really know anybody else who shared my intense love of the Dukes. That why everybody here means so much to me. I truly feel like a part of a large family with a strong common bond. Things like Lori's school paper simply make that bond even stronger.
    Thanks for the offer of the Kleenex General but I think I'm okay. I think my tears were just allergies. For some amazing coincidence, my allergies seem to always act up whenever I read posts like that.
  25. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Dukes Reality Show   
    For a long time now I've tried to convince my family and friends that the Dukes of Hazzard is not a ficticious television show with actors. It's reality. There really is a Hazzard County and all them folks you see on it were just being themselves while they were being filmed....just like on modern reality shows.
    After all these years I finally heard a quote that proves it.
    (I've heard this quote before but I guess it didn't sink in)
    It comes from Luke and it's when a Hollywood producer was trying to get the Dukes to come to California to be in a film.
    Luke's response was "Well, that's real flattering of y'all but we ain't done no acting."
    See, there it is....proof that the Dukes are real. But don't take my word for it. Go to "The Dukes in Hollywood" to hear it for yourself. It can be found in the season 7 DVD of our favorite reality show.
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