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Status Updates posted by RogerDuke

  1. I'm pretty bad with technology so it will take me awhile to figure this thing out. Let me test it here to see if I'm working this thing right. 

  2. *in Rosco voice* Good news Good news. My heart valve isn't getting any worse. They suspect the test in January might have been inaccurate so they'll test it again in December to see if it was a false alarm. Thanks for asking.

  3. *in Rosco voice* Good News!! Good News!!

    Garrett has the place of honor on MayAnne's collage..top in the middle. But there's bad news too. Garrett got stuck between Cowboy and Alex...LOL

  4. 4,999 posts!!!! Come on Daisy, just one more!!!!!

  5. Another birthday come and gone. I hope it was a good one cousin.

  6. Are you sure? When I go to yours, I can see what other people have sent you.

  7. Arggghhh!! I can't get in again. The hourglass just sits there and doesn't do anything. I tried that F5 thing like you suggested. Any other ideas?

  8. Back here? Were you on with a different name? Welcome back!!

  9. Because I won't give you a clue to the trivia question? LOL I told you not for 24 hours. I'll go check it out now.

  10. Belated Happy Birthday! I can't believe I didn't notice K-Duke's post the last time I was here. I guess I was just driving too fast. I hope you had a great day. You deserve it.

  11. Belated happy birthday! I hope it was a good one.

  12. Belated Happy Birthday!

  13. BO!! I see you're logged in. You're up pretty late. It must be 3 in the morning across the big Hazzard Pond.

  14. Check out the fun fact I just posted about Ben Jones on the "Townsfolks" thread titled "New Discovery"

  15. Check out the Sonny thread. Tim posted it.

  16. Check out the trivia thread. We're talking about the movie Cars.

  17. Congratulations Daisy!!!!!

  18. Congratulations Garrett on 2000 posts!!!

    And every one has been awesome...

    (except the ones where you made fun of me)

  19. Congratulations Garrett on post number 1000!!!

  20. Congratulations Julie on post number 20,000 !!!!!!!

    That's an amazing accomplishment!!

  21. Congratulations on 1000 posts Hoss. I just went back and reviewed all of them. I only understood 3 of them. The other 997 made absolutely no sense at all.

    (LOL) (sorry buddy, I couldn't resist)

    (By the way, that mushroom joke on "word association" was very clever)

  22. Congratulations on 30,000!!!! I see you just went over earlier today.

  23. Congratulations on getting your degree!!! I'm so proud of you!!

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