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Everything posted by i1976

  1. In the patrol car Enos and Arthur talked a lot. Arthur explained to Enos why he was in Hazzard and how he was trying to arrest those felons (they thought he was a felon too). He explained that he met them and he knew they wanted to kidnap Daisy with his help. Daisy and uncle Jesse were in the car too, 'cause Arthur didn't want to leave them alone at the farm. It was too dangerous. Arthur had a plan to arrest the felons. He smiled and he said "First, we have to find you're cousins and friends. We are going to organize a good show for those felons. Ready to act?"
  2. After Lucy, Anna and Daisy had tried to find Enos at the fishing hole and averywhere, they came back at the farm, disappointed. When the girls arrived at the farm, they saw Enos's patrol car there. They had searched him everywhere, and he was there. Julie wanted to come in the farm to know what Enos was saying to uncle Jesse, but Daisy stopped her, "I think he wants to talk to uncle Jesse alone"
  3. You're right. I always wonder why women, writing fics, injured or nearly killed their favourite characters. (me too I nearly killed Enos a couple of times)
  4. And me, a Fiat Punto. But I'd like to buy the new Fiat 500. Bella, eh?
  5. After his meeting with his "friends" (or not?), Arthur is back again at the Duke's farm, sitting on the sofa, thoughtful. Uncle Jesse and Daisy are looking at him. They don't know where he went nor whom he met. The phone rings again, and this time uncle Jesse notices that the accent of the voice in the phone is foreign (it's the same accent of Arthur), whereas the voice of the first call for Arthur was american. "Officer, another call for you", uncle Jesse says. Arthur stands up, answering the phone and beginning to talk in italian. After that call, uncle Jesse asks to Arthur "Who's he?" Arthur answers "One of my colleagues", then he sits down again.
  6. Chapter 3 Enos was waiting for an answer, but no sign came from the CB. He was thinking how to save Daisy from the blizzard. He wondered why she was there and not at the Boars Nest and he was thinking it was only his fault. Daisy looked at him, worried. He was silent and he wasn’t looking at her, but he was looking at that branch on the patrol car’s bonnet. Daisy tried to reassure him (and herself too), “Don’t worry Enos. Someone heard your call, someone’s coming to help usâ€; but despite her effort to reassure him, Daisy was really worried ‘cause she knew that branch was too heavy to remove and, moreover, she didn’t understand exactly where they were. Near or far away her farm? Enos didn’t answer to her words and he kept looking outside as he was searching for something and Daisy didn’t know what. For few moments the snow stopped falling, so he could see what he was searching for; he knew where they were despite everything outside seemed different than usual. A barn was nearby, and it was surely warmer than the car. The snow became again thick, but now he knew exactly where the barn was. Enos looked at Daisy, “We can’t stay here. It’s too cold and we’d risk to freeze to death. There’s a barn nearby, and we have to reach itâ€. Daisy shook her head. “But Enos… what if someone is coming to help us? They won’t find us and…â€. Enos stopped her “If we wait here, they will find us frozen. Come onâ€. This time Enos didn’t listen to Daisy’s words so they went out the patrol car. A cold blast hit them and the snow in their eyes wasn’t helping them, but Enos knew perfectly where he had to head. He kept Daisy’s hand, walking in front of her, “Come on Daisy, don’t worryâ€. Daisy felt his hand was warmer than she imagined despite that cold, and she felt protected, even if she could only feel his hand’s warmth but she couldn’t see his back because of the snow. She closed her eyes letting him conduct her at the barn. She remembered when they were children. She remembered how many times Enos conducted her at home, holding her hand, ‘cause uncle Jesse didn’t want she walked around alone; her cousins didn’t wait for her after the school, and they ran to home so fast she couldn’t reach them ‘cause she was only a little girl. She remembered Enos was always there, waiting for her. Since then they rarely had walked hand in hand, and she nearly had forgotten how his hand was. Daisy slipped again on the snow, grabbing Enos to avoid to fall down, but this time Enos didn’t lost his balance. He helped her and when she slipped again he carried her on his back. He laughed “Hey Dais, it’s me usually falling, not youâ€. She remembered again when they were children; how many times did he carry her on his back? How many times did she ask him for it ‘cause she didn’t want to stain her shoes after the rain? And he carried her on his back every time she asked him for it. She held him, hiding her face on his shoulder “Thanks Enosâ€. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally they arrived at the barn. Inside it was dry, warmer than outside and, the most important thing, full of straw. Enos sat down, rubbing down his ankle. Daisy knelt near him “Oh Enos, does it hurt? Why did you carry me on your back if your ankle hurts?†He smiled at her as usual. “Don’t worry, Daisy. The most important thing is that we are here now, and not outsideâ€. He looked around, keeping on smiling “Well, straw will warm us up†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, at the farm, uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke managed to call someone with the CB. Rosco told them that Enos was at the Boar’s Nest with Daisy, but now he was reaching Silas farm. After this communication the Dukes looked outside, worried. Silas farm wasn’t far away their farm, but they knew it was very dangerous to try to reach it from the Boar’s Nest; that road was very insidious. And they knew for sure that Daisy wasn’t at the Boar’s Nest but she was with Enos.
  7. Well, Bo and Luke drive very fast, and... fly very high. But, anyway, sometimes, yes, you're right. I let them get away 'cause I know they are innocent. And I know they know it. We are friends. LOL
  8. While everyone is trying to help Shannon, Arthur Bandini is meeting his "friends". "Hey guys" he says. "Hey Arthur, do Dukes really think you are a cop?" someone says, laughing "A #### like you a cop?" Arthur smiles back "Oh yeah, they trust me like puppets their puppeteer" then he thinks "And you're so stupid you don't realize that I'm really a cop, the same cop who arrested you years ago. And you aren't able either to remember me. Stupid guys" Ballader: I'm a bit confused. Arthur is a good guy or a bad guy? Is it a double cross? Is he trying to help Dukes or to help felons? Or is he playing a game only for his purposes or for someone's else purposes?
  9. Interesting. I'd like to be Enos (as usual). LOL I agree with Bojames: a rp with original characters would be better (when there are too many new characters I have some difficulties. LOL).
  10. Meanwhile Arthur is outside the Dukes farm, smoking another cigarette and looking at all those people coming in and leaving. He feels they don't trust him completly, and he wonders why, 'cause he's really a cop. He's wondering about everything and how to help Dukes and to arrest those felons, when uncle Jesse calls him. Arthur comes in the farm, where there are only uncle Jesse and Daisy (others Dukes and friends are in Hazzard helping Shannon) and uncle Jesse hands him the phone, "There's a call for you, officer"
  11. My middle name is a secret. LOL
  12. I found this vid on YouTube. It's 'bout DOH behind the scenes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XADbrFpvWp8 It's so interesting to see actors (and not characters) during filming. James Best is.... James Best and soon after.... Rosco P. Coltrane with his grin. :D Funny.... and scaring at the same time. And Sonny.... well.... I don't know when he's Sonny and when he's Enos (they seem both shy, and anyway the laugh is the same). Do you know any anecdote 'bout "DOH behind the scenes"? In the forum there are random posts 'bout it, and I'd like to collect everything here.
  13. (blushing) Oh Daisy. Because of your words I could get hives again. Hmmmm... Did you miss me when I was in L.A. And what about you and Jamie Hogg?
  14. So Daisy, Julie and Anna went to Enos's favourite fishing hole, whereas Bo and Luke drove the General Lee in Hazzard strees searching for Enos. But where is he?
  15. Ucle Jesse looks at his young niece "He has no accent 'cause he talks not much and very slowly, with a neutral accent. Of course he hasn't our south accent. But why are you so interested in that man?" Outside Arthur is finally smoking his beloved cigarette. Enos looks at him "Do you know that smoking damages your lungs and not only your lungs?" Arthur looks at him "And what 'bout drinking alcohol? Do you know anything 'bout it?" Enos nods "Yeah. Also drinking alcohol is not a good thing 'cause... " Arthur stops him "Oh shut up, please, Enos. It was a nipping question", then he stops smoking "OK. Sorry. I'm a bit tired. Well, what about those felons? Did you find out something?"
  16. It isn't a easy choice at all. I grew up with Bo and Luke, they are like brothers for me. Cooter and Cletus are good friends. And Sheriff Rosco, well, even if he always calls me "dipstick" I know he cares for me. He's somehow like a father, so, yes, I would pick him for my best man. But the man I trust more in Hazzard, the man I respect more in Hazzard is uncle Jesse.
  17. Hey, boys. You know....I love only Daisy. Everyone knows..... I think Daisy too knows it so well. But nobody knows exactly what she feels for me. I'd like do know it. LOL
  18. Meanwhile Arthur is listening everything, silently. When he hears 'bout cigarettes he remembers he hasn't smoked since he's in Hazzard. He sighs thinking of his pack of cigarettes in his pocket. All that women chat is increasing his wish of smoking. Anyway, it isn't polite to smoke in a stranger house, so he tries to reach the door and to go out. When he sees a patrol car approaching (it's Enos, his excuse to go out), he thinks "Oh my Lord, thanks to let me go out this house of strange americans and to manage to smoke a cigarette" Ballader: Well, Arthur Bandini obviously was thinking in italian, in a colourful italian language, and precisely in a colourful sicilian language, but, folks, it's better to translate in english his thoughts in a soft manner.
  19. Arthur looks at that big family, smiling. He noticed that Lori likes Luke, and previously that Enos likes Daisy (and maybe Daisy likes Enos). And now he's noting that Julie likes him; in effect that young girl is looking at him continuously. What a mess. He's trying not to burst laughing in front of that strange family. He looks at Julie, answering to her previuos question "No, in Italy we drive like you, on the right side of the road. In England it's the contrary. Anyway, I live in Italy. I'm here and I was here years ago only for work, 'cause there's a police investigation that involves both italian and american police. When everything will be OK, I'll return in Italy"
  20. Chapter 2 Daisy and Enos went out the Boar’s Nest, in the blizzard. The wind was very cold and high, and the snow was very thick, so it was very hard to see around. Approaching the patrol car Daisy slipped on the snow, grabbing Enos to avoid to fall down. Enos was walking in front of her, and surprised by her weight on his back he lost his balance and fell down, hitting the patrol car with his face. “Sorry Enos†Daisy said, standing up and looking at him who was still on his knees, pressing his right hand on his face. “Enos?†she called him “Are you OK?â€. She knelt to him, saying again “Enos? Are you OK?â€. He nodded “Yeah. Don’t worry, Dais. It’s only a little cutâ€. She took his hand removing it from his face “Let me see, honeyâ€. He had a little cut on his left cheek, but it was bleeding. She helped him to stand up, “Come on, Enos. In the Boar’s Nest there’s a medicine chestâ€. They entered again in the Boar’s Nest, and Daisy realized Enos was limping. Enos noted she was looking at him, so he anticipated her question, smiling “Only a ankle sprain. Nothing to worry about†then he laughed “You know I’m a bit clumsy. My favourite cartoon character is Will Coyoteâ€. Daisy laughed; Enos knew how make her laugh. “Sit down, Enosâ€. Daisy took the medicine chest and she disinfected his cut, then she covered it with a band-aid. “Thanks Daisy†he said blushing when she caressed his cheek. Daisy sighed “You were right, Enos. It’s better to stay here until the blizzard stops. We didn’t even reach the patrol car and you came to grief because of me, sorry†They sat silently whereas outside the wind continued to whistle. Then Daisy stood up “Hey Enos, did you lunch today?â€. He shrugged “No, I had no time to have lunch, but now I’m hungryâ€. Daisy smiled at him, “Well, so it’s time to eat something. I’m going to prepare some sandwichesâ€. Enos nodded “Can I help you, Dais?â€. But when he tried to stand up, Daisy stopped him “No. Stay here and have a restâ€. They were eating sandwiches and they were drinking hot chocolate when they heard Rosco’s voice from the CB. “Enos Strate. This is sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane†Enos stood up, reaching the CB “This is Deputy Enos Strate. I’m at the Boar’s Nest, sheriffâ€. “At the Boar’s Nest? Why are you at the Boar’s Nest, you dipstick. I’m at Boss house, with Boss Hogg and Lulu, and we are snowbound here. You have to go at Silas farm. Silas called me for help. His farm is not far away from the Boar’s Nest, so hurry up, dipstickâ€. Enos nodded “Yes sir. I’m going†Enos took his hat and he wore his jacket, ready to go. “Hey Enos. Are you leaving me here alone? I want to come with you and to help youâ€. Enos shook his head “But Daisy, it’s dangerous. You’ve seen how the blizzard is. You said it’s better to stay here waiting the blizzard stops. So wait for me here, please Daisy. I’ll come back to bring you home later.†Daisy stopped him grabbing his arm. “Enos, it’s my fault if you’re limping. So let me help you. Moreover, Silas farm is near mineâ€. Enos sighed “You’re very stubborn, Daisyâ€. Daisy smiled “Uncle Jesse too always says soâ€. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Boar’s Nest’s door closed after they left, the CB buzzed again. “This is Luke Duke calling Daisy Duke. Daisy, are you at the Boar’s Nest? Are you listening me? Don’t go out. Outside it’s like hell†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the patrol car Enos and Daisy were looking carefully at the road. “It’s hard to see with this snow†whispered Enos, driving slowly. Suddenly they heard a deep sound when a branch fell down ‘cause the snow’s weight, hitting the patrol car’s bonnet. The car stopped. “Oh no†said Enos, worried. It wasn’t a good thing. He went out the car, trying to remove the branch, but it was too heavy. When he came back in the car he was covered of snow and he was trembling. He took the CB, “This is Enos Strate calling for helpâ€, he waited a bit, then he repeated “This is Enos Strate calling for helpâ€, but nobody answered.
  21. Arthur Bandini smiles "Yes, sir. You're right. It's better don't trust strangers" then he shows his badge to the Dukes. It's an italian badge, but it is clear that Arthur Bandini is really a cop. Looking at the picture on the badge, Daisy shouts "Hey, now I remember where I saw you before. When those felons who took us hostage years ago were arrested, you were there. You were one of the cops who arrested them. At that time you had a goatee beard, whereas now you have no beard" Ballader: So the mistery has been revealed. The Dukes was feeling they knew Bandini before 'cause they really met him, but they didn't recognize him immediatly because of his previous goatee beard.
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