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Everything posted by i1976

  1. i1976

    Law and Order

    I like it very much. But I know better first series (I don't remember actors names).
  2. The one with Coy is very funny. :lol:
  3. Computers sometimes are so annoying Expecially when internet doesn't work. I hate when it happens and I'd like to destroy the PC. Anyway, see you (I hope as soon as possible)
  4. i1976

    Italian movies

    Massimo Troisi was a great actor. Unfortunately he died several years ago, even if he was a young man. "Il Postino" was his last film. Me too I don't like very much Roberto Benigni. In particular, I don't like Benigni as a "actor", but I love him when he reads Dante's "The divine Comedy" (he's so serious and passionate; very touching); moreover, listening to "The divine Comedy" from a voice with a florentine accent (Dante's language) is very moving. He makes me shiver.
  5. Mhhh, Sorry for some grammar errors (I noticed something wrong in the last post..... but I'm not able to correct it... so the correct version (or at least I hope that it's the correct version) is on fanfiction.net.
  6. So I've finished this sotry. I hope you've enjoyed it. Next time I'll try to write something funny....
  7. Epilogue “Come on, boys. Come with me in the kitchen and help me to cook something for Enos and Daisy. When they’ll wake up, they’ll be hungryâ€. So Bo, Luke and uncle Jesse left Enos and Daisy in the living room. Before leaving, uncle Jesse stared at Daisy hugging Enos while she was sleeping. He smiled “Care for him, Daisy, as he’s cared for you in the barn†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enos was walking on a white blanket made of snow. Everything around him was so silent, he could only hear snow’s crackling under his steps and under Daisy steps. He was 16 years old and Daisy 13, and they were walking holding their hands. As usual, he was taking Daisy to her home. It was evening, but it wasn’t snowing anymore and the moonlight let them see their way. Next week he had to left Hazzard to reach Police Academy. “Enos†she called him, stopping. He stopped, looking at her. She looked at her feet, “Will you miss me when you’ll be away?†Enos smiled, blushing a bit, “Of course I’ll miss you†Daisy kept looking at her feet. “Hey, Dais†Enos called her. Tears fell from Daisy’s eyes. “Hey, Dais†Enos called her again “I’ll write you letters, so you won’t miss me so much†She smiled, nodding. Suddenly she raised her head and she kissed him. It was his first kiss. At that moment he felt as he wanted to stay with her for all his whole life. After the kiss, she hugged him. “I… I’ll write you and…. I….. I’ll call you when I’ll be away. I promise you, Dais†he said, thinking that all he wanted at that time was the strength to protect her. She looked at him, smiling and blushing, “When you’ll come back home, I’ll be your wife†He nodded, blushing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisy woke up near Enos, looking at him. Was it normal he was still sleeping? She touched him and she felt he wasn’t cold, so she relaxed. At that moment, Enos stirred near her, saying “I’ll miss you, Daisâ€. He slowly opened his eyes, wondering where he was. He wasn’t in his apartment nor in the barn, but he recognized Dukes farm. “Enos†Daisy’s voice called him, “Oh Enos, finally you are awake†She stood up, running to the kitchen “Uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke, he’s awake†Immediately everyone was around him in the living room. They were smiling; Bo and Luke slapped on his back. “Hey, buddy roe. You scared us. How do you feel?†Enos smiled “I think I’m fine. I’m able to move everything, so I think it’s a good thing†“And now, Enos, my food will wake you up for good†said uncle Jesse, smiling “Come on, boys†Uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke left Enos and Daisy alone. Daisy looked at him, “Thank you, Enos. You saved me from freezing†Enos shook his head, smiling, “Oh Dais. I’m alive ‘cause you were with me in that barnâ€, then he looked at the fireplace, and she didn’t understand if the red on his cheeks was because of the fire or because of her. She smiled, then she sat on the sofa, looking down at him. She was thinking about her dreams in that day, and in particular about her last dream. “I had a dream…†He kept looking at the fire-place, lost in his thoughts “I was 16 and Daisy was 13…†She looked at the floor “we were walking in streets completely covered of snow†He sighed “the moonlight … a dazzling sight… like her†She looked again at him “We walked on the thick carpet of snow, only hearing snow’s crackling under our steps†He turned over, looking at her and smiling “she asked me to marry her†She smiled back “I asked him to marry me†They heard uncle Jesse’s voice from the kitchen “Enos, Daisy, dinner is ready†They stood up, answering “We are coming†He looked again at her “Would you marry me even now you’re such a beautiful woman, Dais?†She took his hand, smiling, and they reached the kitchen.
  8. Enjoy your holiday in France. Even if..... Italy would be better. OK, sorry, I'm joking.
  9. Chapter 6 Uncle Jesse took Daisy in his arms “Come on, honey. You need our fireplace’s heatâ€. Daisy nodded, but she couldn’t help looking at Bo and Luke who were taking Enos in their arms, and she couldn’t help searching for any Enos’s motion, but he was motionless. In the General Lee she hugged him, calling his name, even if she felt very weak. Sometimes he shivered and he opened his eyes, but he didn’t move nor answered. “Hurry up, Bo. He’s cold and his lips are blueâ€. Finally they arrived at the farm. Bo and Luke carried Enos near the fireplace, whereas Uncle Jesse was helping Daisy. “Uncle Jesse, let me help Enos, please†Uncle Jesse shook his head, caressing her cheek. “Daisy, Bo and Luke are caring for him now. You too need help. So, please, take a hot bath, drink something hot, and then you’ll be able to help Enos†“But…†Daisy tried to talk back, but uncle Jesse stopped her. “Daisy, sometimes you’re very stubbornâ€. Daisy remembered Enos’s words when they were at the Boar’s Nest “You’re very stubborn, Daisy†and she felt her eyes full of tears. “Daisy? Do you understand what I’m saying?†uncle Jesse asked, so she nodded and she entered the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She took off the blanket uncle Jesse used to wrap her and she realized she was still wearing Enos’s jacket. She sat on the floor while hot water was filling the bathtub, looking at Enos’s jacket as she was hypnotized: its shoulder straps, its flag patch, its shoulder patch, its metal badge and its buttons. She smelled Enos’s scent. Uncle Jesse knocked at the door. “Are you ok, Daisy?†Daisy suddenly woke up. “Yes, I’m entering the bathtubâ€. “How’s Enos?â€, she thought, without having the courage to say those few words. She got undress, and, when her skin touched the hot water for the first time, she shivered. Slowly she felt water’s warmth and she relaxed. As usual uncle Jesse was right; she needed to get warm. She looked at the ceiling and at the water vapour that was filling the bathroom. She shivered again and finally she felt better, so she stood up, wrapping herself in a towel and heading toward her bedroom. She dressed with blue jeans and a jumper. She heard knocking at the door. When she opened the door uncle Jesse entered with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands and he sat on her bad. Daisy looked at him, smiling. He was always so caring. She sat near her uncle, she took the cup from his hands and she drank all the chocolate, grateful for her uncle’s help. Uncle Jesse hugged her, “Do you feel better, Daisy?â€. Daisy nodded, “How’s Enos?†but again she didn’t say anything. Uncle Jesse looked at her, reading her mind. “Enos is OK. Bo and Luke phoned to Doc Appleby, telling him everything. Because of the snow he can’t come here, but he explained what to do and what not to do in this situation. He’ll come as soon as possible; meanwhile we are caring for Enos. Do you want to help us?â€. Uncle Jesse and Daisy entered the living room. Enos laid on the floor near the fireplace, wrapped in a blanket, and he was sleeping. Daisy sat near him, caressing his head. She noticed that his lips weren’t blue anymore, and she sighed with relief. “What we have to do now?†she asked her cousins. Bo knelt near her, putting an arm around her shoulder. “We have only to wait he wakes up. And let the warmth cares for him, slowly, ‘cause Doc Appleby said it’s dangerous to warm him up too quickly. Now, tell us what’s happened†Daisy nodded and told her family everything about that day, then uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke told her how they found them. Later they kept silent, thinking about what they had risked that day, and thanking God they were at the farm, all together, alive. Daisy cuddled up under the blanket near Enos, falling asleep. Uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke looked at them, remembering them in that barn and realizing that Enos and Daisy belonged to each other.
  10. i1976

    Got Music?

    I play piano (but only in my house, 'cause I'm shy).
  11. Arthur, Enos, Daisy and uncle Jesse (all four in the same car) listened to everything what's happening. Uncle Jesse was very nervous, "Hurry up, officer. My little niece is in danger". Enos and Daisy nodded. Enos looked at Arthur. "Everything is now more complicated. I don't know what your plan was, but now we are late" Arthur sighed, "Yeah. Those ***** didn't wait for me and they decided to kidnap Julie. Ok, I'll stop them"
  12. Enos kept looking at his hat, silently. Uncle Jesse looked at him, sighing, "Enos, stop joking with your hat" Enos blushed "You know, I can't stop moving my hands when I'm nervous, so I have to grab something" Uncle Jesse sighed, regretting his words "Sorry Enos, I know it. What do you want to talk about? I know what's happened with Daisy, so you don't have to..." Enos nodded "Thanks". He stopped. Uncle Jesse waited for his words. "Uncle Jesse, I'm confused. I like Daisy... and I like Anna too, but it's a different way to like someone. Do you know what I mean?" Uncle Jesse nodded. Enos continued "But... why Daisy..... why is she angry with me?" Uncle Jesse opened his eyes wide, "Enos, but.... you don't... you really don't..." Daisy opened the door. Patience has never been one of her merits. Outside the farm Anna looked at Julie. "Did she tell us to wait? And now? Enos always told me she has a hot temper" Meanwhile Bo and Luke arrived at the farm.
  13. The treasure of Hazzard? Second series? Am I wrong? I don't remember......
  14. Chapter 5 In their shelter made of straw, Enos and Daisy kept talking about their childhood. “Do you remember, Enos? Your granny always worried about you. When you were late she always came at the farm looking for you; I remember her saying to uncle Jesse and aunt Martha: ‘someday I’ll find him dead in some ravine, or under a tree with his neck broken, or drowned in a pond’. And while she was talking, you always popped up limping because of a cut on your knee, or with your nose blooding…..†Enos laughed, “I’ve always been clumsy†“Yes, clumsy but sweetâ€, told Daisy, caressing his cheek. Enos blushed “Thanks Daisy….. I miss nan. I remember her crying when I decided to join the Police Academy; with her usual optimism she was saying to uncle Jesse and aunt Martha: ‘a cop? a gun in his hand? Surely he’ll die†They laughed again, then Daisy felt him shivering and she realized she was still wearing his jacket whereas he was wearing only his uniform shirt. “Enos, put your jacket on, please, I don’t need it anymore†said Daisy, but she shivered too. “Don’t worry Daisy. Under the straw it isn’t cold. I don’t need my jacket†Daisy hugged him, “Are you sure, honey?â€. He nodded, putting his head on her shoulder and hugging her. Now he was resting on her, nearly covering her up. In the dark of their shelter Daisy blushed. It was the first time they were so near. “Enos?†“what are you doing?†she thought. “Am I too much heavy? I don’t want to hurt you, I’m only trying to protect you from the cold†“Ah… OK. Don’t worry, you aren’t hurting me†“Only protect me from the cold?†she shook her head trying to stop thinking of how much Enos was near her, and, in particular, trying to stop thinking of how he liked it. They kept talking about Hazzard, Boss, Rosco, her cousins, Cooter, and so on, but their voices were more and more slurred. Daisy called him “Enos, don’t fall asleep please. Talk to me†Few minutes later they were both sleeping. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisy was looking outside the window. In his bed Enos was still sleeping. The snow slowly stopped falling. The town was covered of that white blanket, and there was a strange silence; only the snow falling by trees made a dull thud. The sky was clear, and the sunlight was shining on the snow, and everything seemed brighter than usual. Daisy was trying to remember how they had left that barn reaching Enos’s apartment, when Enos stirred, slowly opening his eyes. “Hey Enos. Finally you are awake. Do you want a cup of coffee, honey?†He nodded, yawning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blizzard stopped, so Bo, Luke and uncle Jesse decided to look for Enos and Daisy. On the road finally they saw Enos’s patrol car. When they approached it, it seemed empty. There was a branch on the bonnet, and another branch on the windscreen. Luke looked inside the car. “Thankfully they aren’t inside. That branch broke the windscreen†Bo and uncle Jesse reached Luke. The young cousin looked at the broken windscreen and at the branch inside the car, and he looked at Luke, worried “Do you think they are injured?†Luke shook his head “There’s no blood in the car, so I think they left it before this branch broke the windscreen†Uncle Jesse looked around. “Ok, the branch didn’t hit them, but… where are they?†Luke pointed at the barn. “There. It’s the only place where they could go.†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Enos’s apartment Daisy was trying to remember everything, again and again, but her mind was confused. “Enos? What’s happened in that barn?â€. He didn’t answer so she turned over and she saw him in front of her. He kissed her lips softly, and his touch made her shivered. Suddenly the window opened and a cold blast hit her. When she opened her eyes the apartment was empty. “Enos?†she called, but he didn’t answer. “ENOS?†-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Daisy opened her eyes she saw uncle Jesse near her. “Daisy, wake up honey†She looked at him, in confusion, and she realized she was still in the barn. “Uncle Jesse, what’s happening? Where’s Enos?†She looked around and she saw her cousins trying to wake Enos up and wrapping him in a blanket. All that thing in Enos’s apartment… so was it only a dream?
  15. *looking at General Lee jumping and stopping his patrol car* At least I can tell Boss Hogg they lose me at usual *shrugs again, driving his patrol car away*
  16. *he shrugs* Maybe you're right Bo, but now you are goin over the limit speed
  17. *picks up the CB* I know we are friends Bo, but I know too you were speeding. General Lee's roar woke me up guys, and it was a roar of car that was speedin'
  18. *keeps on chasing the Dukes, enjoying the race and singing softly a tune*
  19. *mumbling* Rosco's pills? *shakes his head* Are you teasing me, Bo? Do you know I don't drink nor take pills?
  20. * laughs* Are you sure Bo? Do you want to fish? Well, me too I'm going to fish *laughs again*
  21. *smiling* would you run away, boys? But this time I'll catch you *takes the CB* Hey boys, why are you always so in a hurry?
  22. Enos *looks at the General Lee racing and shakes his head, then he turns on his patrol car's siren and begins to chase his friends*
  23. Chapter 4 In the barn there was a lot of straw, and Enos and Daisy were sitting side by side, leaning on the straw. Enos was looking around. Daisy looked at him, “Is your ankle hurting? Enos shook his head, â€Only a bit†Daisy smiled “Do you know, Enos? I was remembering when we were children†Enos stared at her “Children? Why?†Daisy shrugged “I don’t know why. Only a thought.†She laughed “Do you remember when you carried me on your back ‘cause I didn’t want to make my new shoes dirty?â€, then she sighed “I was a selfish child, and even now I’m a selfish woman.†Enos smiled, “I don’t think so. You weren’t a selfish child, and you aren’t a selfish woman†Daisy shook her head. “Oh Enos, you are always so kind, but sometimes I don’t deserve your sweetness†Enos shook again his head. “Why are you saying something so strange?†Daisy took a deep breath “’Cause I know you’ve always loved me, and I …. “, then she stopped, embarrassed. Why did she say something like that? Enos blushed “You know, don’t you? Since I saw you for the first time. I was eight years old, and you was five years old. I remember you with pigtails and that yellow dress, and I remember your red shoes, your favourite ones. You worried when there were puddles in the streets ‘cause you didn’t want to soil your favourite shoes, but you didn’t mind ’bout it when you kicked your cousins after they joked in those puddles and they tried to dirty you and me too†They both burst laughing. “Oh my God, I was a tomboy†said Daisy, laughing. “And sometimes you are a tomboy even now. You drive like a man, you kick, you fight… and… did you try to beat Bo and Luke with a fry pan?†Daisy covered her face with her hands, laughing “Oh, no. Did Bo and Luke tell you something like that? I hope they don’t tell you everything is going on at the farm.†They kept on laughing. “Hey Dais, do you remember when you cropped your hair ‘cause you wanted to look like Bo and Luke? You were ten years old. Do you rememeber?†Daisy blushed “Oh Enos, don’t let me remember it. My hair was so cute, and I decided to crop it with my own hands. I looked like a monster, with that sort of ……. disaster on my head. And, besides, at that time I was wearing braces. I was… awful†Enos smiled, whispering “You have never been awful Daisy. Even at that time you were beautiful†Daisy looked sweetly at him “You are so sweet, Enos. You’ve always been sweet. At that time, when I had short hair and I wore braces, I fell in love with boys who didn’t even consider me. How many times did I cry because of those stupid guys? But you always made me laugh. I always told you everything about my crushes ‘cause I knew you listened to me, whereas Bo and Luke would have teased me. At that time I only wanted to become a beautiful woman†Enos nodded “And you became a beautiful woman. When I left Hazzard and I went to the Police Academy, you were only a child, but when I came back few years later, well, I almost didn’t recognize you.†“When you came back†Daisy kept quiet a bit “our relationship changed. You seemed scared every time I approached you. And me too, I wasn’t anymore the old Daisy you knew before leaving. I knew that every man was looking at me, at that tomboy nobody looked at before, so I took my revenge. I liked tease men using my charm, and even now I’m using my charm to tease men. Sometimes I’m ashamed ‘cause I teased you too, even if you’ve been the only man who liked me not only for my body.†Daisy shivered, and Enos took off his jacket and put it on her shoulders. “It’s better to try to warm us up now. Even if we are indoors, the barn is cold†Enos stood up and he began to create a sort of cubby in the straw. Daisy looked at him “Enos, what are you doing?â€. He smiled “I’m trying to make a bed where we can lie downâ€. Daisy stared at him “Both?†He nodded “Yeah, we have to use our bodies warmth†Daisy laid down in that cubby and Enos laid down near her. He used a blanket he took from the patrol car when they left it to smother them, then he used the straw to smother the blanket. So they were completely covered by both the blanket and the straw. Daisy whispered “Hey Enos. Are we risking to suffocate?†Under the blanket it was dark and Daisy couldn’t see him but she was feeling his arms and his warmth around her chest. Enos answered “ Don’t worry. It’s only a blanket, and straw won’t kill us but it will protect us against the cold…. But… why are you whispering?†Daisy laughed “Sorry, I’ve remembered when we were children and we concealed in my farm’s barnâ€. They both burst laughing.
  24. I'm waiting for BoJamesDuke's start. Anyway, every rp is good for me, but not several rp together.... 'cause I don't have too much time to stay in front of the screen.
  25. Sexist pig? Well, I'm a woman too, despite my avatar. And I like fic involving some injuries and so on (angst, drama). I only wonder why women are more inclined than men to write something 'bout angst or to hurt someone they like in their fic. I like it too, and sometimes I wonder why. Oh my God.... it's a psychological speech. Sorry. Btw.... What does it mean "bologna"? The only Bologna I knwo is the city of Bologna. Or do you mean that kind of bologna people eat?
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