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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. B.L. blows out a deep breath whispering on a sigh "Yeah...." Luke rolls to his knees quick as lightening his jaw dropping to the floor almost just sitting there in disbelieving silence not knowing what to say for a few minutes. "Holy smoke......... is that why Jesse lit out just sayin he would be back by supper?"
  2. Luke looked at Bo as he rolled over and caught the wince finally his curiosity getting the better of him. "So you gonna tell me what happened after Jesse and you came in here or not?" B.L. smiles at Daisy as she stretches out her legs slouching in the chair "Nothing really just can't get Bo and Uncle Jesse off my mind I'm dyin to know what happened that Uncle Jesse just up and left without even comin in the house to tell us."
  3. Luke nods understandingly "Just say the word anytime you change your mind and we're outta here" B.L. drops the magazine she'd been trying to read back on the table with a sigh the boys hae been outside a really long time. She and Daisy still don't know what's going on and it's starting to get to her.
  4. Sitting the glass out of the way so it won't be broken Luke mirrors Bo's positiong reguarding the General himself "Yeah he's sure kept us from gettin our tails caught in a crack lots of times." A sudden thought occurs to Luke as he looks at Bo from the corner of his eye. "Hey Bo you wanna go for a drive? We's can just ride around for a while if ya want not goin nowhere in particular or even seein nobody else just you,me and the General."
  5. Luke smiles tenderly at Daisy "I'm just as lucky if not more so to have all ya'll" Walking out the door and back to the barn Luke climbs the ladder carefully so as not to spill the water. Seeing Bo looking at the General Lee, Luke walks over carefully sitting down indian style. Sitting the water down in front of himself and taking the pill bottle from his pocket shaking one out and holding it out to Bo smiling with a questioning eyebrow raised. "Here cousin, what's on your mind now it's working overtime"
  6. Luke shakes his head uncertainly "Don't know Bo ain't said and I ain't askin if he wants to tell me he will." Turning back toward the door opening it as he looks back at the two friends. "I gotta get his antibiotics back out there too 'im we'll be in when he's ready." B.L. is just as relieved as Daisy hearing that at least Bo isn't angry.
  7. Luke shrugs as he leans on the doorframe leading into the livingroom with the glass of water in hand. "Bo's just up in the loft thinkin',he's not had his antibiotics so I told him I'd bring 'em. He don't seem angry though so that's gotta be a good sign."
  8. Luke stands stretching his long frame after sitting still for a while before heading to the ladder figuring Bo's done enough moving around for the morning. "Sit tight I'll bring 'em to ya" B.L. looks back out the window,Uncle Jesse had left without even coming inside and Luke seems to have been in the barn an awful long time although it's only been minutes. Sees Luke sprinting across the yard to the house. "Wonder where he's going in such a hurry" This said Luke climbs down the ladder jogging back to the door,stepping inside alot calmer than he had before. Grabbing the bottle of pills and slipping them into his shirt pocket before retrieving a glass from the cabinet.
  9. Laughs "I can just clobber you if it get's too bad" Luke looks at his watch then back over to the house thinking the girls probably think Jesse's killed Bo. "You ain't took ya antibiotics this mornin have ya?"
  10. "It's ok Bo....I promised to help ya out and I just kept my mouth shut like a coward." Luke returns the smile then chuckles "My legs felt like lead not sure I coulda run even if I'd wanted to."
  11. Luke shakes his head negatively,smiling. "No that's ok I ain't gonna drink so much as a beer knowin' you's can't but want to,that ain't fair to you. This has all been a lot harder on you than me. When ya get off the antibiotics we'll go have a round at the Boar's Nest to celebrate how's that maybe Daisy can get the night off and B.L. will come,we'll go jukin' "
  12. Luke looks almost as glum as Bo at the thought. "Shoot" Luke sighs he'd like some shine and is positive Bo could use some.
  13. Luke releases a sigh of his own he'd forgotten about Bo's antibiotics fully intending on sneaking into the shine Jesse thought they didn't know where it was. Thinking a moment turning to Bo with a conspirital look "How many times a day you gotta take that antibiotics?"
  14. Straightening out his bent knee and pulling up the leg dangling from the loft crossing his ankles. Luke looks at Bo sympathetically as he rubs his temples its been a long day and the stress has worn him out Luke can tell. "You want somethin for it before it gets too bad?"
  15. Welcome hope you enjoy yourself here it's a great site with great people! B.L. Davenport
  16. Luke glances breifly at Bo before turning back to look out over the view. Not asking the one question he's really wanting an answer to,Jesse's leaving after coming from the barn has him puzzled as just to how things went but he isn't going to pry if Bo wants him to know what happened he'll tell in his own time. "Didja get things straightened out?
  17. Luke looked up and out the window at Daisy's nudge spotting Jesse walking across the yard. "I'm gonna go check on Bo that is if he'll talk to me" Not waiting for either Daisy or B.L. to say anything Luke darts out the door meeting Jesse halfway. "Uncle Jesse where's Bo?" Jesse points over his shoulder back at the barn. Answering Luke he continues on toward his pickup leaving as Luke reaches the barn. "I got a few errands to run in town I'll be back before supper" At the barn Luke takes a deep breath before walking inside and looking around only to find there's no Bo in sight,remembering they all used to find refuge in the loft when in trouble Luke climbs the ladder quietly slightly shocked to see Bo lying on his stomach looking out the doors. Climbing the rest of the way up Luke goes and sits down in the opening one leg dangling over the edge while the other is pulled up knee to his chest and his arms wrapped around it. "You ok Bo?"
  18. Wrapping his arms around Daisy Luke sniffs although still not letting the tears fall. "But Dais I had him convinced that it wouldn't go this far if he just stayed calm and explained what he was feelin. He did real good too and then things went bad. I just sat there shakin in ma boots" B.L. comes to stand at Daisy's shoulder adding her own words of wisdom "Luke any man or woman that don't shake in their boots when Jesse Duke's temper is directed at them is just a half bubble off plum they gotta be." Luke stands straight looking at the two young ladies before him and smiles at their attempts to make him feel better although it didn't help much. Jesse watches Bo for a full minute before going over to the door and assissting him further the boy looks ready to collapse and that makes Jesse's decision to follow through all the harder.
  19. Wrapping his arms around Daisy Luke sniffs although still not letting the tears fall. "But Dais I had him convinced that it wouldn't go this far if he just stayed calm and explained what he was feelin. He did real good too and then things went bad. I just sat there shakin in ma boots" B.L. comes to stand at Daisy's shoulder adding her own words of wisdom "Luke any man or woman that don't shake in their boots when Jesse Duke's temper is directed at them is just a half bubble off plum they gotta be." Luke stands straight looking at the two young ladies before him and smiles at their attempts to make him feel better although it didn't help much. Jesse watches Bo for a full minute before going over to the door and assissting him further the boy looks ready to collapse and that makes Jesse's decision to follow through all the harder.
  20. B.L. had been sitting in Daisy's vanity chair facing the bed. When the door slams and Daisy bolts from the bed it takes less than a split second for B.L. to be hot on her heels tipping the chair over,coming to a skidding halt upon seeing Luke's expression. Luke gulps eyes brimming with tears that he stubbornly tries to keep at bay, but isn't quite able to steady his voice. "D.....Daisy Uncle Jesse's gonna switch him. I promised to be supportive and all I did was sit there too scared of crossin Uncle Jesse and getting his wrath myself ta say anythin'. I couldn't even read his thinkin he just looked at me and said *thanks alot for my support* before goin on to the barn and that's when I came in here." By the time Luke has finished his explanation B.L.'s hand has flew to her mouth shocked. Jesse looks over to the door as Bo comes inside.
  21. Luke looks up with hurt shining in his eyes he wanted to say something to stop this but didn't know what he didn't want to end up in the barn alongside of Bo that wouldn't do Bo any good. Luke watches Bo make the walk to the barn feeling lower than a snake's belly he'd promised Bo to support him when talkin to Uncle Jesse but he'd just sat there too intimidated himself to tangle with Jesse. Once Bo had made it safely to the barn Luke angrily got to his feet kicking the woodchopping block before going inside slamming the kitchen door hard enough to rattle the glass in it. B.L. looks up at Daisy as the door slams they had retreated to Daisy's room after finishing the chores staying clear of what was going on outside.
  22. Jesse stands towering over Bo and Luke as he glares down at Bo hands on hips and a look that's so heated it'd make a flower wilt. "Them's all things to be right proud of accomplishin BUT what ya should feel guilty about is sassin me and yellin at ya cousin when all's we's tried to do is help ya. I think we'd best finish this in private" With that Jesse stalks off toward the barn,cutting a switch on the way." Luke puts his face in his hands sighing silently
  23. Jesse lets his hand drop back to his own thigh when Bo jerks his chin from his fingers. "For someone who felt downright guilty abotu it ya sure didn't act like it. It's ok ta let off steam when ya get these feelin's,it's better for ya to do that than keep 'em bottled up inside. *points a finger at Bo* I won't have ya lookin me in the eye and tellin me ya ain't gonna do what I say,I'll try to remember not to tell demand but to ask instead that might help ya feel more in control."
  24. Luke tightens his hold on Bo just a little wishing he could just take his younger cousin camping for a few days and let him just get away from it all but that isn't likely to happen. Jesse smiles fondly careful not to let Bo see as he remembers all the times, Bo as a kid not looking at him when asked that particular question after some sort of trouble he'd gotten into. Lifting Bo's chin with his index finger Jesse reads the blue eyes looking back at him as if they were an open book. "I know what ya thinking Bo ya thinking why don't I understand that ya can't control these impulses right? Well I think upto a point ya can you've just proven it to me. I've seen the look in ya eyes when I'd say somethin that didn't set well and I saw ya clench ya hands into fists to keep control. I know ya know better than that cos I've taught ya better."
  25. Luke took one elbow off the table to wrap an arm around Bo's waist as he felt his younger cousin lean further into him. Jesse nods a worry line creasing his forehead as a new thought occurs to him. "That's assuming J.D. would let me post bail." Taking a deep breath Jesse lets it out slowly preparing for the rest of this conversation,asking calmly hoping to forestall an argument by not giving orders or making demands. "About your behavior yesterday what do you think is the best course of action?"
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