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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke propped his elbow on the window ledge,gripping the roof of the General as they go speeding down the back roads. Grinning widelyas they go ripping up the roads and he slides slightly in the seat and the wind blows his dark curls. "Watch out for Rosco I don't know where he's hidin' out today"
  2. Although I leaned toward Bo more as a kid I truly appreciated Tom/Luke even then. Now that I'm older it just wouldn't be the same if Tom/Luke was missing. I really started to appreciate Luke more when the show was airing on TNN in the late 90'e, so it's been somewhere around 20years for me since I first saw that dark haired Duke boy on my tv screen. B.L.
  3. Luke shrugs as he slides into the passenger seat with a chuckle. Leaning down slightly to peer into the car as Bo revs the engine thinking 'always the impatient one' befor looking back up at Cooter. "Depends on how soon Bo here can talk Uncle Jesse inta cuttin the apron strings and lettin him behind the wheel. Just cos I give 'im the keys ta drive home don't mean Jesse's gonna give in so easy." Luke knows though that if their Uncle protests he'll be fighting for Bo's freedom right along side of him. Looking over at Bo nodding "Well are ya waitin on an invitation let's go, hit it!"
  4. Luke watches Bo's reaction holding his breath,whether or not Bo took the keys would be the biggest sign of whether or not the old Bo was coming back to them. As the smile slips from his younger cousin's face Luke feels a pang of saddness he'd been so sure Bo was coming back to them full force. As the smile reappears though Luke just about busts at the seams with happiness Bo was coming back. Returning the smile, he tosses the keys watches as Bo catches them deftly. Sliding in the passenger window to sit on the ledge,Luke clasps Cooter's hand as if they were going to arm wrestle grinning he'd never thought something as simple as Bo being behind the wheel could make him so happy. "We'll catcha later Cooter"
  5. Luke takes hold of Cooter's offered hand pulling himself to his feet,not caring in the least that they'd been being watched by some of the other citizens. "Yeah we'd better B.L. and Daisy'll be home directly I spect." On the spur of the moment Luke looks at Bo dangling the keys to the General one eyebrow raised but, not saying a word,knowing it's probably more temptation than Bo can stand not to take them. It isn't far back to the farm so Luke is confident as long as he's riding shotgun it'll be alright for Bo to drive that short distance if he wants.
  6. Luke just rolled his eyes at the other two laughing like hyenas but eventually his own mirth came bubbling out in hysterics. It really felt great to hear Bo laugh again and it felt just as good to laugh himself. Glancing back at Cooter gasping out sarcastically through his own fit of laughter "Ya sure are sorry Cooter" Luke shakes a mocking fist at Bo as he points and laughs before collapsing on the ground at the General's door to weak from laughing to stand anymore. As Bo's laughs turn into coughs and wheezes Luke gets a concerned look on his face and starts to rise to his feet. Realizing that Bo's ok though he sits back down panting trying to get his own breath back after so much hard laughing.
  7. Luke's eyes open wide in surprise as he feels himself falling. Hitting the ground on his butt with a thud he glares at Cooter and the laughing Bo. Sarcastically he tells Cooter "Thanks fer the warnin Coot" Folding his arms across his chest as he sits there on the pavement for a brief minute before realizing anybody walking by would see him. Luke rolls to his knees and pushes himself to his feet giving Bo the evil eye while biting the inside of his own cheek Bo's laugh is contagious. "Bo you got a real mean streak all the sudden."
  8. Luke laughs wrenching his arm from Bo's grasp and grabbing him into a headlock. "That was not what it was...it was let me go or I'll whup your butt like when we was kids" Still holding Bo in a headlock Luke looks over at Cooter with a scowl although his eyes are laughing. "Cooter who's side you on?"
  9. Luke halfway tries to break Bo's hold on him as he protests laughingly knowing the minute Bo says he's ready to drive again there will be no questions asked Luke will just climb in the passenger seat as usual. "Heeey.....the General's half mine....buddy... so you can't keep me out of the driver's seat" There's no scolding though as he reminds Bo of being sick his breathing had been normal now for quite a while so the exertion wasn't going to cause any ill effects. It's now become his trump card to get Bo to do things his way much like when they were kids and one would keep a secret from Uncle Jeses for the other. Insurance that the one hiding the secret would do anything to have that secret kept quiet. "who gave you a license ta play rough yur sick remember"
  10. Luke laughs at both his friend and Bo. He almost believes Bo will wreck Rosco three times over. Putting his own hand over his heart like Bo he grins at Cooter while pointing at Bo with the opposite hand "On my word as a Duke Bo'll wreck both Rosco and Enos three times over" B.L. pushes away from the bar smiling back at Daisy as she starts to do the last rounds. Coming out from behind the bar now that everyone was gone she starts to help Daisy clean up.
  11. I recently bought the 1:18 scale RC with every intention of 'playing' with it lol still haven't yet my best friend's 2yr old daughter discovered the car was within her reach and turned the car on and when I started to give it a test drive the battery was dead and I haven't replaced it yet. My older cousin is getting her nephew the smaller scale for his birthday I think. He was fascinated with my bigger one but only got to drive inside the house and hasn't been able to find one for himself. The poor kid is deprived cos he don't own an RC General Lee hopefully we can correct that soon. B.L.
  12. Luke laughs it being a running joke with alot of truth to it that he and Bo were Cooter's main source of income. Either wrecking the General or causing Hazzard's police force to need towing and a good deal of the time fixing which always resulted in Boss Hogg nearly getting a vapor lock when he got the bill for the county. "We'll try to do better now that Bo's up and around" B.L. sighed working here at the Boar's Nest had been as much fun as it always was when she came with the Duke boys or Cooter who was more apt to loosen the reins than her older brother L.B. She'd not even had much chance to think about Daisy's asking her if she'd like to ask Boss Hogg for a job. But thinking about it now she was defenitely game as soon as Daisy's shift was over before they started back to the Duke farm.
  13. Luke grins as Cooter disappears,he knew that Cooter wouldn't let parts meant for the General go to anyone else. "See Bo I tole ya Cooter wouldn't let nobody else have the parts for General Lee" Seeing Cooter come back with a box,Luke takes it from him and sticks it in the window of the General on the backseat. "Thanks Cooter...How's business,without us findin ya jobs?" B.L. slumps against the bar as things slow down for a minute. It'd been a busy day but a profitable one for her. Not being a regular employee so not having to give Boss a portion, she'd been sticking the tips folks gave her in her pocket.
  14. Luke smiles as he watches Cooter's obvious delight at seeing Bo out and about again. "Hey Coot ya still got those parts for the General? I think it's about time me 'n Bo got him fixed up for the next upcoming race."
  15. Luke looked over at Bo grinning at the return of the carefree wide grin on Bo's face and the first totally at ease look in his eyes that hadn't been there in forever it seemed. Sliding around the curves toward the garage feeling at ease again himself. As they go through the town Luke slides the General Lee to a stop in front of the garage. "Hey Cooter ya here?"
  16. Luke wraps a protective arm around Bo's waist guiding him across the room,flipping off the light switch and out the door. Outside in the bright sunlight Luke squints his eyes waiting for them to adjust to the change in light. Stopping at the passenger side of the General Lee,Luke gently helps Bo slide in the window before scrambling across the hood to climb in the driver's window cranking the powerful motor and pulling out heading for Cooter's. Slinging some dirt and sending the General airborne again. Not saying anything just letting Bo think things over and really come to terms with the fact that an end to his torment was indeed true.
  17. Seeing the trust in Bo's eyes Luke swears to himself to keep that promise at all cost. He'd not be letting Bo out of his sight until Bo himself had decided he was ready to do things on his own again. Luke smiles one more time at Bo before putting an arm around his shoulders with a chuckle "Let's go see Cooter and get them parts this place gives me the creeps."
  18. Bo's need for reassurance that he is safe makes luke smile.Kind of reminding Luke of when Bo was a kid and had nightmares. Always needing Luke's reassurance that the monsters in the night wouldn't get him. Giving Bo a squeeze Luke shakes his head against the side of Bo's head. Then pulling Bo back slightly so that his younger cousin can see into his intent baby blue eyes and read the depth of the words there. "Nope they ain't nobody gonna get ya nomore, my word as a Duke! Your safe now Bo I ain't gonna let nobody ever do this kind of thing to you ever again."
  19. Luke pulls Bo into a tight hug his hand cupping the back of Bo's head. Closing his eyes and releasing a deep breath. "Yeah Bo it's all over.....everything's ok now"
  20. Sighing relieved when Bo's eyes clear and he speaks,Luke smiles reassuringly at Bo still keeping hold of his hand not willing to break the connection as much as for himself as Bo. "Yeah Bo?....I'm here,you ok?"
  21. Luke feels the tight girp on his hand but this time he can't even begin to imagine the things that are running through Bo's head. God only knows what the vamits did to him while he was here,this thought causing a rage in Luke like no other he'd ever felt before. Luke's mind is made up as he pulls a little more firmly on Bo's hand trying to get him to move,he's going to talk to Mr. Flatt about destroying this old dilapidated cabin. Certain that the owner will gladly get rid of the building that has caused so much pain for the Dukes especially Bo. "Bo we need ta get home Uncle Jesse'll be out lookin for us. We been gone too long already."
  22. Getting no response from Bo just the blank look still,Luke waves a hand in front of Bo's eyes. When this fails to snap Bo from the trance like state he takes Bo by the hand to lead the younger man from the cabin as if he were a small child. Tugging gently "c'mon Bo let's go"
  23. Examining the syringe a second longer,Luke then wraps it in his handkerchief before placing it in his shirt pocket. Looking back at the blank look in Bo's eyes,suddenly feeling that this isn't where Bo needs to be right now. It's as if Bo isn't even in the same room anymore. Tapping Bo's arm "C'mon Bo we'd better get home before Uncle Jesse starts ta worry."
  24. Luke releases a shocked gasp as Bo pulls the syringe out of the stove,the guys who had held him hostage sure didn't worry about getting rid of evidence. Luke stares at the syringe in Bo's hand for a moment before reaching over to take it,intending to take it home with them so he can send it off to Atlanta to be analyzed to hopefully find out just what sort of drugs the goons had given Bo.
  25. Luke follows Bo to the stove kneeling down next to his cousin. Watching Bo as he fingers the ropes already knowing that Bo is recalling his captivity here. Not saying anything but already having decided that at the first signs on distress he was taking Bo home whether he wanted to go or not.
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