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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. BL just stood there watching Bo sweat bullets, if Dixie's marriage wasn't on the line it might be amusing. She hoped Dixie didn't ask anymore questions though it was getting harder to keep her own mouth shut about where Luke and Lori were. Bo looked sideways at BL silently begging for her big mouthed intervention with a look. All he got though was a look of her own at him there was no way she was getting in the middle of this, Bo was on his own because when Dixie found out her conclusions were wrong it was basically the same thing as if Bo had outright lied to her. Bo started to turn green as Dixie stayed where she was his mind all but screaming what he knew. Dixie.......
  2. Bo was out on the porch pacing like a caged animal he knew what Luke and Lori were upto and it was starting to get to him that's why he was avoiding Dixie at all cost he was afraid he'd tell her and that would only hurt her he didn't want to do that what Luke and Lori were doing would hurt her bad enough when she found out in time. BL stepped out onto the porch seeing Bo pacing back and forth...back and forth "Yer gonna wear a hole in Uncle Jesse's porch." she teased halfheartedly Bo had told her and only her that Luke had left with Lori and Little Luke. Bo looked up at her his eyes showing his distress and then shook his head. "They still ain't back and it couldn't have taken this long to explain things to Little Luke, besides I heard Lori call Cooter to pick him up several hours ago." BL clenching and unclenching her fists looked to Bo and said through gritted teeth. "When I get my hands on that cousin of mine I'm gonna slap her silly, I know Lori's alotta things but I never thought she'd stoop this low." Dixie came out just then...........
  3. Luke caught upto Lori and called out to her...."Lori wait what the hell was all that back there? Do you always throw hissy fits in front of our son like that?" BL in the meantime had driven back to the Duke farm to see what she could find out about what was going on from impartial parties plus she wanted to hear Dixie's side of things too. "Boy howdy this is turnin' out to be an excitin' mornin' this story's gonna be good."
  4. BL almost laughed at the look on Lori's face when Rosco told her it'd be a month before court. She may not have laughed but she was smirking at her cousin but then her attention was caught by the little boy that looked exactly like a miniture Luke and could have been Jesse Luke's twin, squatting down in front of the child she stuck out her hand. "Hi I'm BL your Mommy's and Dixie's cousin." Little Luke looked at Lori and then back at BL and back at Lori he was amazed at the size of his family.
  5. Picking up the phone BL answered "BL it's Lori can ya come get me at the jail I need a ride." BL groaned rubbing a hand down her face it was too early in the morning to fight with Lori and that would probably happen but she couldn't just leave her at the jail either. BL sighed before saying "Sure Lor I'll be there in two shakes of a lambs tail" Going out to the Judge BL got in the silver GTO and headed for town once she arrived she saw Luke's truck there too and wondered why Lori had called Cooter's if Luke was there she knew Luke would give Lori a ride without question. Climbing out of the car she walked up the courthouse steps and into the courthouse to see just exactly what was going on......
  6. After Luke and Dixie came in it wasn't long till BL and Konrad came into the kitchen BL practically bouncing there had been some moans,giggles and other sounds coming from their room which was right next to Lori's last night after they got home from the boar's nest. "Mornin" B.L. chirped and poured herself and Konrad a cup of coffee handing him one before taking a sip of hers.
  7. Lori nodded in acceptance to Dixie's apology. "Apology accepted...I don't want to fight either just want to have a good time with my family." Next it was BL's turn somewhat reluctantly she approached Lori apologies weren't always easy for her. "I'm sorry" mumbled through the hankerchief still on her nose. Just as the girls were burying the hatchet a dark yellow mustang with a black hood came pulling upto the garage. A man with dark brown hair that came almost to his chin and dark brown eyes to match stepped out. Seeing the three women one of them with a cloth on her nose he rushed over and put his arm around her waist and asked in a loving concerned tone. "B you alright?" BL nodded and took the cloth away from her nose as he turned her head up by her chin to have a look. "I'm fine Konrad cousin Lori decided to reach out and touch someone with her fist and it was me she touched." Konrad raised an eyebrow at his wife then looked at the other two women. BL sighed and then looked at her husband then the rest of the family that had congregated around the four young adults. "Time ta meet the family....that's Dixie,Lori,BB,Uncle Luther,Uncle and Uncle Bobbie Lee you know Cooter and LB." Konrad looked at all of them as BL pointed to each one in turn and then said "Hi I'm Konrad Duke, Luke's cousin." BL chuckled at him and said "Better watch it dear being kin to Luke around here could still get ya lynched." Konrad chuckled and headed back for his car BL getting in hers following him heading for the boar's nest for their usual drinks and singing it was sort of a Davenport tradition.
  8. LB still had BL who had her arms folded and about the meanest look any of them had ever seen thrown over his shoulder. "LB put me down and I'll go get Lori" she said calmly but her face said she was anything but calm as she wiped the blood dripping from her nose. "OH NO you defenitly ain't gonna be the one to go after her" Luther put his foot down he'd had enough of this bickering between the two girls. LB put his sister down but he didn't move his arm out from around her waist he intended to keep her from going anywhere. He took out his hankerchief and moved her hand from her bleeding nose cupping the cloth over it and pinching to lessen the bloodflow.
  9. LB had dropped his hands from BL's mouth as they all waited for a reaction which was a biiig mistake it gave BL and opportunity and she couldn't help but take it. "HER condition...Ya make it sound like she's gonna die Cooter she's just gonna get fat!" BB's mouth at this point fell open along with Luther's BL was really asking for a fight if she kept this sort of thing up.
  10. LB put a hand on BL's back as Lori and Mylinda drove by hearing what Lori yelled out the window "Sis you'd better stay away from her or watch yer back she's after a piece of yer hide." BL looked at him confidently and boasted. "She can just bring it on I ain't afraid of her one iota!"
  11. BB,LB and Cooter looked up from under the car they were working on hearing the commotion coming from the courthouse. "Lori's at it again" BB said with a distressed sigh he just wished his female cousins would all calm down. BL went to the garage door leaning against it so she could hear Lori better and when she heard the comment about her ranting on Lori she grinned wickedly and nodded slightly. "you can count on it cousin dear you can count on it" she said quietly to herself. Rosco looked up the stairs listening to Lori screaming her head off then looked back at Luke and shook his head. "N...no that's ok Luke I'll do it let Little handle her." Upstairs Little folded his arms feet shoulder width apart as he looked at Lori ranting in the holding cell. "DAVENPORT! IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP I'M GONNA HAVE COLTRANE THROW YOU UNDER THE JAIL!" he bellowed above Lori's rants. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. "Dix I ain't seen you since ya was 16 and I wasn't back yet from Nashville when you got here and things have been just a might excitin' around here fer me ta notice such things. BL said still looking at the ring her head snapped up though just in time to see Doc come out of the courthouse also hearing Lori's voice raised again. "Anybody wanna guess what Doc was over t'the jail for?" she asked the others with an ironic look on her face. LB frowned at her and pointed his finger. "Don't you start today!" BL looked at LB and the others and said sweetly "If he had kept his barn door closed and she'd kept her clothes on they wouldn't be in this mess......" Luke swallowed hard before looking to her and saying "Lori I'm sorry if I had kept my pants zipped ya wouldn't be going through this."
  13. It was when she took the top off the small diamond caught BL's attention for the first time. BL then took hold of Dixie's hand examining the ring closely it looked familiar at first glance. "You still wearing Luke's ring I see...I would have thought after all that's happened it'd be swimming at the bottom of hounddog lake by now." BL wasn't dumb she knew just by the fact that after all this Dixie hadn't give the ring a fling into the houndog lake that she had still believed somewhere deep down Luke loved her and she still loved him even if she had been madder than an old wet hen. She opened her own beer taking a long swig trying to relax it had been one heckuva day that was for sure and it wasn't even time for the reunion yet or for Lori to get out of jail so she figured the excitement wasn't over yet, she knew Lori'd be gunning for her hide the minute that cell door was opened but she wasn't scared.
  14. Luke sighed frustrated these dang Davenport women could be the stubbornest, orneriest women on earth and he didn't know how his cousin Konrad had managed to live out at Cooter's farm under the same roof as one then went and married her. Dixie walked over to the garage and everyone looked to her as BL spoke up after regaining her balance in the desk chair, she'd fallen asleep sitting there her elbow propped on the desk and her head in her hand and when Dixie had let out her YEEHAW. "Well what's got you so giddy all the sudden cousin?" Dixie looked at them all looking at her waiting for an answer. Smiling she simply answerd. "Oh nothin' things just are looking better that's all." fact was if Lori was pregnant it was Luke's child but he loved her and only her not Lori. He still hoped they'd get married someday too. She had the same hope she'd seen how happy a good marriage could be in BL's marriage since she'd been home and had been living under the same roof truth was until now she hadn't been too thrilled though about going home and having what seemed like a perfect marriage rubbed under her nose. Enos continued on with his patrol when Dixie changed her mind about the ride home and had went to the jail then back over to the garage. He had heard her yell and grinned his goofy grin.
  15. BL grabbed the phone being the closest one to it when it rang "Hazzard Garage BL speaking." "Miss Lori Davenport would like to speak with Miss Dixie Davenport immediately." Little replied in his gruff way. "I'll give her the message BL said and hung up the phone then got up and went to look for Dixie. "Hey Dix, Lori wants you over at the jail again to talk about somethin"....
  16. Luke looked over at Lori when she layed down he had expected her to tear into him again once her family was gone. She wasn't going to it seemed so he put his arm over his eyes and closed them with a heavy sigh he wished this would all be over soon but it wouldn't be even close to over until they knew for sure whether Lori was pregnant or not. Luther and Bobbie lee strolled back over to the garage where the others were waiting BL still in the chair with BB standing guard. The others scattered around the garage in various places.
  17. Luther nodded he would indeed make good on that promise to Luke Back at the garage the 'boys' were keeping an eye on BL Jeeter and LB had deposited her in the chair at the desk LB giving her a look that dared her to move. B.B. had been appointed head body guard and he was sitting part way on the corner of the desk to make sure his younger cousin stayed put. Jeeter was leaning against the front of a car that was parked in the garage still processing everything that had been said over at the jail.
  18. Finally tired of pulling BL along LB and Jeeter had just simply picked her up one taking her legs the other her upper body carrying her from the courhouse still ranting. "LET GOA ME YOU TWO BEFORE I KNOCK YA BLOCKS OFF!!" They didn't put her down though just kept right on carrying her across the square back toward the garage. "Cool it BL you've caused enough trouble today." LB told her firmly holding tight. Sheriff Little glared at Enos he'd had just about enough of all this and if anyone of these trouble makers came in here again and started something he had half a mind to lock them up for disturbing the peace.
  19. Cooter nodded answer the question for his father but didn't say anything he just turned and went upstairs he couldn't stand there and look at Luke anymore or he'd do more than throw shoes at him. BB followed leaving LB to bring up the rear and get BL out of there before she got herself into big trouble. "C'mon sis let's go" LB said tugging on BL's arm toward the stairs. BL however wasn't ready to go just yet she wrenched her arm free of LB's hold and said. "Yup you shore did Lucas, boy when you mess up you believe in going whole hog doncha?" Then she looked at Lori and delivered one final blow to her cousin "But then it take TWO to do what ya'll did I should know I'm happily married. And this little country girl know's how to rock her man's world." she smirked a little.
  20. BL once again shot off her mouth refusing to leave as Sheriff Little had requested she was on a roll. "Ya never cared before why wouldja care now?" Bobbie Lee glanced at her and hung his head she was right. Then he looked at Luke and asked the question Luke dreaded most. "Luke what are your intentions toward Lori if there is a child?" Luke swallowed and looked Bobbie Lee in the eye what he was about to say was going to hurt Lori but it was a realization he'd come to when Dixie had peeled out earlier. "I will take care of the child but..." he gave Lori an apologetic look before continuing "....sorry Lor I love Dixie I have for a long time and always will I just lost sight of that when I thought she'd been with Ernie that night and I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing so went and did something stupid." Lori......
  21. BL dodged the first shoe but the second one caught her right square in the stomach, she was tough though and caught it like a football not even winded by the impact. "HA HA ya gotta do better than that cousin." Luke had backed up against the wall in the corner when the other Davenports scattered the last thing he wanted was to be in the line of Lori's fire if she managed to get hold of BL. Lori glared at BL looking around for something else to throw at her spiteful cousin. Dixie looked at BL and stated calmly although she was anything but calm on the inside. "that was a low blow cuz."
  22. BL looked back at them all waiting for some kind of reaction from the rest the only one who had said anything had been Dixie. The look on Dixie's face was one of hurt and shock she had meant for it to be a happy announcement but instead she'd blurted it out to hurt Lori mostly but in doing so she had hurt Dixie too. Lori was turning several shades of red again BL's little announcement had cut her to the quick. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have blurted that out like that." BL apologized. Luther was stunned for a split second then found his tongue forgetting about the situation with Luke and Lori for the moment he hugged BL tightly and kissed the top of her head. "Congratulations cupcake" he said using his pet name for her. Next thing she knew BB had her lifted up off the ground the same way he had when she arrived hugging her for all she was worth.
  23. (Note: I am borrowing the character Konrad Duke thanks to his creator for the loan. I have altered their usual relationship with each other to fit this story.) BL opened her mouth to speak again getting another glare from Luther and LB but she didn't let that stop her and again she said this time loud enough for Lori and Luke both to hear. "Looks like me and Beth was the only ones to find a Duke man that could be loyal." She was speaking of her husband Konrad Duke which was Luke's cousin the same age as herself,Lori and Luke. He was also the brother of Daisy but had been raised in Atlanta by an aunt on their mother's side but had moved to Hazzard two years ago. Bo was already married to Beth and they lived with Daisy and Luke with Uncle Jesse so rather than to add another mouth to feed Konrad had come to the Davenport farm looking for room and board which he'd been given in the guestroom and that had lead to him and BL getting married about 6 months ago.
  24. Lori looked down the back to Bobbie Lee then the other two 'kids' "And they didn't?" she spat vehmently. LB had removed his hand by now from BL's mouth and she mumbled "How's now any different from when she was 5 where getting into trouble is concerned?" BB looked at BL in shock he couldn't believe she was being more spiteful than usual where Lori was concerned. Luther glared at BL and hissed in her ear having been standing close enough to hear her muttering. "That'll be enough outta you young lady." BL bit her lip and.......
  25. Dixie looked to her and asked "Lori ya alright?" They might be at odds right now but she didn't want to see her cousin in physical pain or sick. BL had opened her mouth to say something smart only to have LB's hand clamp over it when Lori spotted Bobby Lee and then his wife. "So where'd you pick HER up?" Lori spat at her father gritting her teeth through the sharp pain. Luke sat on his bunk watching it all take place he wanted to ask Lori was she ok but figured he'd be better off if he kept his mouth shut at the moment considering he was outnumbered by Davenports 7 to one that weren't behind bars.
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