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Everything posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo nodded and rose, following him to the pay phone and leaning on the wall as he dug out some change to use.
  2. There is also a Central City General Hospital in Welcome Back Bo and Luke where they took Pete Willis when he crashed his car.
  3. Bo chuckled, shaking his head "At least you did...I done confused myself..."
  4. Bo sighed and shook his head "I ain't had time to call him...I got here, got checked out, spoke with you, spoke with the police, spoke with you again, spoke to a nurse then here I am speaking with you again..." Bo frowned and looked to the floor "Did that make sense?"
  5. "No one better..." Bo said, before frowning "Come to think o'it we ain't even told him we're safe yet..."
  6. Bo bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "You know Luke...I recon we need the expert in for this one..."
  7. Bo frowned "Well why is that such a problem...ain't like anyone can tell if she can or not...and besides who's gonna believe that without proof? If Jamie doesn't use her powers around those people they ain't gonna believe her mother...they'll think its just an excuse to get her off the child abuse charge..."
  8. Ok here's a few from a load of episodes lol If Sheriff Rosco runs Hazzard County, Boss Hogg runs Rosco. When Daisy found out about her car, well, she took it in her stride (as Daisy chases Bo and Luke with a frying pan.) Well would you look at that. Bo and Luke spend so much time in a car I wasn’t sure they could even walk much less run. See, them sissies need a helicopter to fly. And there’s ol' Rosco...cleverly disguised as a tree. Just in case y'all are wonderin' what's goin' on, so am I "One thing bout a family, though they may get in the way sometimes, when you really need 'em nothing else works as good."
  9. Bo swallowed and sat down next to him. "She ain't gonna come with ya is she?"
  10. Bo Bo of course....when is he not attracted to a female with less than honourable intentions...jumping headfirst into trouble without looking when Luke is around is his way...my way lol. And then trying to make Luke think he was crazy...tut tut
  11. Bo frowned a little, regarding his cousin a little. He seemed very defeated now...like he did when one of his plans didn't quite work out as he had wanted. "What happened..."
  12. I like John's music a lot but I don't like Tom's Jazz. I have to say his country music is brilliant though, there I think the boys are equal. I wish Tom would do some more country stuff
  13. Bo looked up as he came out, standing up. "How is she?"
  14. Jaime settled softly into the rhythmitic movement, soon falling asleep again
  15. Jamie nodded a little, not knowing really what Luke could do. Jamie had to testify really for the whole thing to be proved...but she couldn't...
  16. Jamie bit her quivering bottom lip...she wanted to get away from her mother, now that she had seen who her mother really was...but she couldn't...
  17. "I...I don't know but...I...I don't wanna risk it..." She admitted
  18. Jaime looked to him desperatly. "No! Don't you see! It won't be! If I say she did what she did, then she'll tell everyone my secret!"
  19. Jaime shook her head "She can't be..she...she said if...I tell those social workers anything...and I get taken away...she wont protect me no more...she'll tell everyone..."
  20. Jaime swallowed hard, biting her lip "I can't....I can't escape my mom..."
  21. Jaime nodded gently "You were just tryin' to tell me the truth....make me face up to what's happening outside my little fantasy world...."
  22. Jaime fell quiet again, looking away from Luke and up at the cieling.
  23. Jaime swallowed and shook her head gently. "Just said I came because I wanted to help you find Bo...."
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