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Everything posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo looked up at him, frowning deeply. "What?" He then realized what his enterance must have been making Luke think and he sighed, shaking his head. "No..No Luke I'm not mad at you...I'm mad at that dang doctor that treated me..obnoxious jerk..."
  2. The doctor nodded with a smile to him and headed out the room, making some notes on her clipboard. Luke however was to be given no peace as Bo stormed into the room, a face on him that could rival the darkest storm clouds, his shoulder and arm imoblizied.
  3. The doctor nodded with a small chuckle. "I've had that done since you mentioned your daughter. And I can't wait to meet Jaime, she sounds very nice. I'll have the anethatist come up and talk with you as well as the surgeon to explain a few things a little later. Meantime, just give those painkillers time to work."
  4. The doctor nodded in understanding as Luke explained. "Oh I see...okay then...well your all done...I assume i'll be meeting with your daughter sometime later today?"
  5. The doctor nodded, looking to him. "And how about her mother? I'll bet she's just as pretty..."
  6. But, as is true with Duke timing, just then Joe ran past them and vaulted onto his own horse, swinging the reins up into his hands and taking off without a second glance back to his cousin....soon followed by the sherriff on his own horse, calling out to Joe. "You get back here! I'm gonna throw you in the jail!"
  7. The doctor nodded "Well that's a pretty name...come on I want details....age, looks, brains..."
  8. The nurse looked up at him, smiling. "Oh you have a daughter? What's her name?"
  9. The Doctor noticed the movement and knew that no matter how hard he looked at the pictures, he'd still feel the needle go in. He needed properly distracting...he needed to think about something else. "So what do you like to do in your spare time...apart from dance with mules?"
  10. The nurse nodded and crossed to a cabinet, pulling out an IV bag and a syringe, carrying them over. She gently took Luke's hand in hers and swabbed the back of it.
  11. The nurse chuckled and nodded with a smile. "Alright..meantime, would you like some painkillers to help ease the pain? These will have to be done via injection..."
  12. "Well we want to do it as soon as possible...so we're aiming for this afternoon if that's ok with you?" She asked, knowing the operation had been booked already but also knowing that patients were the most scared when they felt they had no control.
  13. The doctor nodded, crossing over to him and smiling gently. "You have nothing to worry about...its a very simple operation that can be done in under an hour...you'll be just fine..."
  14. The doctor chuckled a little and nodded, looking up at the x-rays. "Well I'd say the same thing looking at these x-rays...there are a few bones in your foot that have been fractured..I'm afraid we're going to have to operate in order to fix the bones and then cast the foot once the swelling's gone down..."
  15. It was then that Luke's doctor stepped into the room, a pretty young woman around Luke's age. "Well hello there Mr Duke...so I hear a mule stepped on your foot?" She asked gently, hanging up the x-rays for Luke to see.
  16. Bo snapped and before he knew what had happened, had sent his fist cracking along the Doctor's jaw, sending him sprawling to the floor and standing over him, pointing. "You suggest one thing to anyone about me or Luke and I swear you'll be regretting it faster than you can count to 3! Don't you come near him or me again!" He roared before storming out the room and slamming the door behind him to go and find Luke.
  17. Bo scowled deeply and completly lost his temper, yelling at him. "You can suggest all you like, but I know for a fact it ain't gonna happen because I ain't gonna let it. All he did was squeeze a bit too hard, so what? It's not like he grabbed me in a rage and did this on purpose and he never will so you can take your dang accusations, suggestions and crackpot evaluations and stick them where the sun don't shine!" He was beyond all reason now, his defences falired instantly. He knew how sensitive Luke was about his time in 'Nam and he would be damned before he let some stupid doctor ruin the confidence it had taken years for Luke to rebuild in himself.
  18. Bo stayed on his feet and ready to dodge the doctor, shaking his head. "Your not sticking me with a needle, I don't care what it's for. Just gimme some tablets and leave me alone..."
  19. Bo struggled a little as the Doc put his arm in the immobilizer and near leapt of the bed when he saw what the Doc was going for. "Oh no you don't...no thank you..."
  20. The doctor was really starting to get on Bo's nerves now and his well known, easy to flare temper was starting to creep into his sense. "Yes Luke was trained to...he was a Marine and fought in Nam but he didn't do it on purpose and if that's what your insinuatin' I think you better get a different doctor to take care o'me or me an' you are gonna fall out right quick."
  21. Bo frowned deeper, not seeing what the Doctor was in the x-rays. "Yes i'm dang well sure this was an accident. He hurt his foot and I pressed some ice to it and he squeezed my shoulder...he was a Marine if that helps explain why he's so strong..."
  22. Bo frowned a little, shaking his head. "No...my cousin just squeezed my shoulder a little hard..."
  23. Bo was in another room and this time did not hear the whisper but he could almost feel how scared Luke was. He sighed softly and settled back against the pillows, looking around the exam room as he waited for the Doc to come and give him the all clear he was expecting.
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