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Everything posted by TXZ045

  1. Where did I get more 'graphic' in my last post? If your talking about the white shirt with no bra, and water in all the right places.... then you missed a previous post where that was already mentioned by myself, so technically speaking it would have occurred before my 'last' post and yet, in a 'previous' post. Either way, its not like that language is prohibited around here, and if it is then somebody should be enforcing the 'rules'. And for the record I dont think my 'right' to express what you falsely refer to as 'perverted opinions' is more 'important' than your right to 'point it out' they are both equaly valuable rights. And I am here because of the same reason you are here. I am a Life Long Dukes of Hazzard Fan. You can either accept it, or deny it. Tiz of no concern to me. Have a nice new year good sir.
  2. A friend of mine is in this band called The Clarences. The have some really really catchy tunes. I just thought I would share them with the HazzardNet Community. If your interested in finding some new catchy tunes, please do take the time to check out their power-pop-rock tunes on their official myspace page located at: myspacedotcom/theclarences (since we are not allowed to post links without permission, I figured I would just do it that way)
  3. Monster Truck Sized Howdy & Welcome to you my friend.
  4. No sir, I've been friends with them since late 1993 early 1994, somewhere around there. My first band had the pleasure of sharing some stage with them at local gigs. My 2nd band did as well, and another band I was in last year did the same. I was a co-host for a period of time on a radio show with Thurber as the Host...(lead singer, guitarist)... the radio show we did was a metal radio show, two hours long called 'Over The Edge' out of Midland / Odessa on 95.1 KQRX (95X). Me and Thurber both have alot in common so we became friends and one of the things we have in common is our love for The Dukes of Hazzard.... I know the rest of the guys in the band too, and they are all Dukes of Hazzard fans of course. Maybe you also recall the side-band Thurber did with Dimebag Darrell (R.I.P.) of Pantera, a band called GASOLINE.... they recorded some good songs and played some select shows from time to time over the years... but it was strictly a side-band thing for fun. I seen Pumpjack last Saturday night in Lubbock,TX ... and they are playing Odessa,TX on January 25th @ Dos Amigos... should be fun as always. I will have to upload some more footage from my Pumpjack concerts Ive filmed over the years to my youtube channel for you to check out. You should also check into getting their official DVD, its really good. Thanks for the reply. PUMPJACK ROCKS!!!!!!!
  5. I dont consider it 'perverted', more like 'human'. I guess I need to be more like a robot. And for the record, I noticed the 'malfunctions' at full speed, not slow motion. And this is a public forum, so if I choose to 'tell' others what I do with my DVD's, then I will, and I did, and Im not ashamed of it all. The amount of 'respect' I do or dont get around here is of no concern to me. If I am to become, or have been the 'outcast' then so be it, Ill be the member of Hazzard County that lives in the hills and comes to town on occassion. Its actualy hilarious to see how much some of you are overreacting about next to nothing... pushing your 'personal' belief systems on others in an attempt to change their way of thinking about one particular thing or another. It is what it is.... paint whatever color you want... it is still human nature and every human is different. I refuse to deny that I am a human being with a right, and will of my own to do and or say, anything/everything I please. If it 'upsets' others... then so be it.... if your offended then maybe you needed to be offended... thats healthy sometimes ya know. Thanks for all the replies.... afterall, never hurts to stir up some dirt from time to time... if ya didn't wanna read it, ya didnt have too... same goes for anyone else who stumbles apon this forum. If your afraid those ppl who are new to the place will read it... then I guess that means your afraid that humans are visiting this forum instead of robots... although there are google bots and other such spiders and stuff that do roam the net collecting information for search results... so technically speaking both humans and bots are visiting this forum. Seems some of you are just playing a 'role'/'characters' here on the HazzardNet-Forums. Like an online actor of sorts. Chances are some of those same cats have prolly checked out some of the 'malfunctions' themselves, then got online and continued to play the 'role'/'character' they feel they have to play on here. If I am the bad guy in the mask.... then so be it... I can handle ppl wrongly viewing my online personality that way.... its all good. It takes one to know one. And if I get falsely dubbed as 'one' then again so be it. For the record I received numerous personal/private messages here on this forum from other members asking me 'can you send me the screen-shots'. All from different ppl... its not like Im the 'Only' person who is taking notice of the things the show wanted us to notice about Daisy. Like I think it was in the 'Hazzard Hustle' episode in Season 5 when Vance or Coy told Daisy after she got all dressed up like a old-lady to go into Boss and Roscoe's illegal bookie joint where everyone was betting on horse races and such.... Daisy said "do you think boss will recognize me now?" and Coy or Vance said " I think you covered up all the reasons they know ya for" or something to that effect.... that right there blatantly points out exactly what Im talking about. If I was not meant to 'look' at Daisy's many good features then why is the window open for passers by? Why did she pose for that photo wearing only a thin white shirt, no bra, and with water in all the right places? Why did she take part in the 'Nicole' movie? even if it was a year before the Dukes... LOL! @ people saying she would be 'upset' by people noticing her 'extras' on the Dukes.... sheesh.... get real. And as for the idea about a LIVE Chat to discuss all of this.... I dont see the point.... especialy if Im expected to change my human brain wave patterns (individual thought patterns) at the end of the chat, thats just plain flat out not going to happen. And I suspect the 'role' players here would refuse to change their 'online' characters 'individual thought patterns' either. I have not one single problem with agree'ing to 'disagree' on this topic. Thats life... Thanks again for the replies.... keep it tween the ditches and Im gone, over and out.
  6. Judging from the replies here, looks like nobody wants to help. Or they have all done it through it 'private' messaging instead of 'public' posts. Hope the situation has been resolved?
  7. What you view as 'continue'ing' to 'push' an 'obsession' with 'pornographic' Daisy translates to me replying to a topic? .... interesting. And as for this 'question' you have for me. It would be humanly impossible for me to care any less than I already do about how much 'respect' you do, and or don't have for me. However, to answer your question I feel its important to focus on Daisy as as 'whole' not a partial. If I see her as a 'whole' and part of that 'whole' is the sexuality side included... why should I have to stop just because some other human being feels different..... And if Daisy would be so up set about ppl seeing her extra stuff why would she pose for a bra-less photo wearing a thin white shirt with water on it in all the right places?.... if she was so overly-concerned about how her Dukes Fans viewed her back in the day why would she risk 'upsetting' them by posing for said photograph? I'm sure most of you have seen the photo I speak of, I would attach it to my reply, but it will prolly just 'upset' somebody so I'll leave it off however it can be found through a google search using the terms: catherine-bach should be the 3rd or so site that comes up. Respect me or not, tiz of no concern to me. I am not one of these 'try to please all the people all the time' types. If somebody is disrespectful to me, I simply view it as their 'personal' opinion. We all have one, some of us have many. Just because you are of one particular 'personal' opinion does not mean that everyone else is, or should have to 'agree' with yours. And the show was 'toned down' but there was still plenty of T&A through out the rest of the shows run. If you wish to deny that, then like Maryanne said, what show have you been watching all these years? Thank you for your time, and good day.
  8. The topic was posted in in August of 2006. The first 'oppositional' reply was posted on December 2nd, of 2007. If that is considered starting my 'stay' here causing 'trouble' then what is the definition of starting my 'stay' here not causing 'trouble'? I attached the 'poll' to the top of the thread because I am obviously well aware it is a 'Democracy'. As for your desire to 'debate' I see no need. Nor will I take part in it. If your 'upset' about the topic... thanks for taking over a year to finaly admit it. I've stated numerous times if the mod(s) see fit to move/remove/delete the topic, then so be it,... it will be whatever it will be. One mod has already stated the topic was ok. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the mod or mods. Thank you for your time and have a nice day good sir.
  9. Theres a good chance you have seen some of the same 'malfunctions' of her wardrobe that I have seen if you've been taking all these 'caps'/screen-shots. You should start a whole website just devoted to screen-shots of Daisy Duke. Screen-shots from every season, every episode....
  10. shes runs good, hardly any maintainance and shes got me to and from work for a good 3+yrs now, as well as to quite a few out of town locations, a trust worthy vehicle indeed. so far anyway.
  11. I wonder if there is a accessable archive of photos like this.... pics taken 'behind the scenes'.
  12. I whole heartedly disagree with just about everything you said. We are all human. And humans will act like humans. We can all put up a front, or put on our 'family values' face, but in reality, we all know damn well whats up when it comes to a topic such as this. What about Enos looking at Daisy's legs in a 'lustful' way? when she was in jail on her fake birthday and Luke was bringing her some fake presents... Whats the different in that and or any other person on the show or off the show lusting after Daisy. What about the numerous comments Bo and or Luke themselves made about Daisy's curves.... Bo saying something about if Daisy wasn't his cousin, he would marry her and her replying that had never stopped anbody in this family before. There is some clear-cut shiftyness on that show.... and as pointed about by the mod especialy in the early episodes some of the T&A was so blatant it could not go unrecognized.... and it remained persistent through-out the show only it was 'toned-down' as the seasons went on. We can all try to ignore the obvious/reality of the situation, or we can put up a front and claim we don't notice the 'obvious'. I for one have no shame in saying what I think/see and Love about Daisy Duke. It is my 'personal opinion' this thread should not be moved and should remain right where it is at. However, if the mod(s) see fit to remove/move it, I reckon thats what will happen as they obviously call the shots around here. With all due respect General Grant, your opinions are appreciated, however, I disagree with you and or anyone else who would attempt to deny the obviously blatant reality of the Daisy and her physicaly appealing curves.
  13. I may or may not have posted a previous topic about this band. Some friends of mine since 93/94 time period. They are in a band called PUMPJACK (reference to oil related equipment as most of yall prolly know). They have songs that any Dukes of Hazzard fan could dig and groove on. I would highly advise anyone, and everyone please do take a moment and give them a listen. It is a mix of southern-rock with a dash of metal. They do have some acoustic tunes though... they have lyrics that anyone here could prolly get into if they gave it a chance. And again it just so happens that they are all Dukes of Hazzard fans.... me and my friend Kyle (aka Thurber) both have shared some Dukes memories over the years and they have been known to come out onstage to the Dukes of Hazzard theme-song Good Ol' Boys. If your interested in gettin a pull off of theire music you can find it on myspace by simple doing a Search for Pumpjack or if you are already familiar with the way myspace works you can simply put pumpjackrocks after the back slash that comes after the dot com (.com/pumpjackrocks) and of courset they have one of them nifty dot com sites too... that being pumpjackrocks dot com. I would just put the links in this thread, but it seems posting links has been restricted in recent times. 1, 2 BAR-B-Q!!!!!!
  14. I drive a Ford - Aspire (1996 two door) great on gas. Mainly used for getting back and forth from/to work.
  15. sorry, did'nt get the pic to show up the first time.... and we are not allowed to post 'links' so I gotta fix my initial post again.
  16. Found it on somebodys myspace page, they were using it as their main profile photo. I tried to send them a message about it and ask them what was the deal with how the car got turned upside down like that.... it don't appear to be a 'screen-shot' from a episode. Almost seems like a picture somebody took in recent times. Thought maybe somebody here could shine some light on the mystery behind this photo?
  17. Yeah, you would think they would not have went far... somebody associated with the show would have bought them, held onto them.... or something, or WB for that matter since they saw fit to hold onto other vehicles from the show. Boss Hogg's car was a important piece of the show... surely its sitting somewhere right now as we type.... still intact.
  18. Ok, so I see that Cooters Truck, or one of'em is still around.... found those pics on the site. But, what about Bosses car.... still curious where the main one used on the show ended up?.... or any of them for that matter?
  19. The General Lee's... some are still around... Patrol Cars, prolly some originals from the show somewhere surely?.... but what about the Cadi Boss drove/rode in? and Cooters Truck?.... where would these things have gone after all these years? .... of course, the Cadi and the Truck were switched out from time to time, or so it would seem from watching all the seasons. Hopefuly this question either has already been answered elsewhere on this forum.... or there is a answer for it....? I mean, the Sanford & Son Truck is still around.... so surely the Cadi and Cooters Truck are somewhere as I type... just sittin.... some proud owner holding onto them.....
  20. yeah, the mini's for stunts, was annoying.... cool to slow-mo sometimes though. tripped out how they did that, gets ya asking some questions, if those were remote-controlled cars or what....
  21. Anybody ever run across these 'malfunctions' ?
  22. Indeed. I looked on MeetUp dot com for Dukes of Hazzard fans... in my local area to see if there were any 'MeetUp Groups' for Dukes.... but didn't find much..... I will get on over there and read your thread. Thanks for the reply and yeah, I think a traveling version of DukesFest would go over nice and make a good amount of cash to keep it going no doubt.
  23. I rented it yesterday.... watched it last night. And watched every single special feature it offered, including watching the movie again with commentary. I reckon there is one more thing I didnt do, which is watch the movie again with the cast-commentary instead of just John's commentary. Good movie for the whole family to sit and view and learn something from. Shall have to buy it now of course.
  24. I wasn't aware about that lil note on Alaska. You learn something new all the time I reckon. And the Charger Meetup's are prolly cool, but.... a Texas DukesFest sure could'nt hurt. Surely this DukesFest could benefit from coming to Texas once every 5yrs or so.
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