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    In the garage

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  1. So, I've been a Dukes fan since I was a kid (born 1975) and have always wanted to write fiction.... I'm new to this site, but know my cars, etc... fairly well... Can I just start writing, and post ? I assume you folks will let me know what you think... Or is there some other prerequisite? I'm gone... Cooter 11-X
  2. OK... 10 things... 1. When I was a kid- (born 75) we hardly ever watched tv- there were 3 shows my dad let me watch- Dukes, Grand ole opry, and football. 2. I only got out of my bedtime curfew on monday nites if football was on... 3. Used to dream of being cooter- able to fix anything. 4. Have run my Derby cars painted as the general before- I don't care what kind of car it is. 5. GAVE my 67 Plymouth to my dad as a bitrthday present because it wasn't a 68-70 Charger 6. Bought a tow truck to look like cooter 7. Sold my Snap on rollaway to raise funds to buy a 69 R/T last year, only to roll into the yard and be told that it was no longer for sale... 8. I just bought a metal Dukes lunchbox on e bay to replace the one I had when I was a kid (what got sold @ our yard sale) Mine had all the paint worn off. 9. The waitress ( 6 years ago when i was 24) 86'ed me from the local bar for calling her Daisy too many times... 10. Will have a 69 Charger someday... Crazy , but true.... Yeah, that's me...
  3. Correct... but: #4 although he didn't successfully watch limo one- Cooter can fix anything. Look how many times he's rebuilt the general....
  4. Possum on a gumbush! I can't believe it either...
  5. That site is pretty comprehensive- thanks!
  6. If they only have 100 000 on them , they're probably 90's vics and caprices... Fury and Monaco police cars are getting kind of tough to come by.... Heck, even diplomats are getting harder to find...
  7. Anyone got pics of Cooter's Ford tow truck? This summer I'm going to paint my yard truck like his... Here is what it looks like now- I think it will end up close enough for what it's for... Thanks.
  8. I'd be Cooter of course, He does more on the General in 3 days everytime the boys wreck, than we get done in our shop all summer!
  9. Those guys are @ Hlpag.com Have heard mixed reviews of their work, though....
  10. I used to always like the Roadrunner, but last summer this little hottie moved in up the street from out shop, and she would always pass by in little shorts and wave @ us, etc.... I would always think of Dasiy right away... Maybe I just like Catherine regardless what she's driving...
  11. Good luck. I've wanted one forever. There was a white 69 down the street where I live, the guy had it since 87 (2 owner ca car-383, 727 out) I went there last year to the house with $5000 cash in my pocket- and they laughed and said never... Fast forward to last week, my bro is @ our shop, I'm at work and would be gone for the rest of the day. The guy comes by the shop, saying the car might be for sale- aprrox $2500). I roll there as soon as I hear this directly after work, the car is GONE Nobody has been there for like 3 days either (i've been driving by twice a day) I know it's not the General, but here's a car I just got going, I gave it to my dad for his b-day- 67 Sport Fury 383/727 sorry the pic is all blurry my camera was acting up...
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