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Everything posted by DukesFan82

  1. Geez, I remember all episodes that year 1983-84 means I was a baby at 1 to 2 years old.
  2. Here's mine: http://www.myspace.com/alicehoch82
  3. I have met 3 cast from Dukes: JS, James Best, Sonny Shroyer. Look on their forum on my threads.
  4. I watched too much Dukes because I loved seeing the General jumps up to the sky till from the sky then I said, "YEEE-HAAA!!!!!" from John's and Tom's ride when I was little, LOL! I wasn't understand that copying because I was too young, lol!
  5. I am a 1st generation of Dukes fan, I remember I was a kid, I tried to get in my parent's car like John and Tom did get in the General Lee, It was hard to get in because I was copying how to do that back in the late 1980's. I loved watching dukes on living room at my house where I spent my childhood years. My parents know that I'm a huge fan of John's and the show, cast for years because I was crazy to watch, lol.
  6. Are you sure that it will be out in May?
  7. Wow, awful. my thoughts are with your friend!
  8. 1) Collecting Dukes DVD 2) Hanging out with friends 3) Online 4) playing basketball 5) Celebs and JS!
  9. I really like all epoisdes without coy and vance.
  10. Here is my website about John: http://hometown.aol.com/alicehoc/MyJohnSchneiderpage.html
  11. I saw him on "Walker" before! I remember that someone told me that he/she was a extra on the epiosde as a class trip to the firefighters' place when she/he was a kid that he/she met him on the set on imdb message board few years ago.
  12. Me, too since I was a baby and thanks to my parents let me watch the show during my childhood years!
  13. Night of the twisters Dukes reunion movies Christmas at Willow creek
  14. I think the same thing! He was over protective but that was a good thing! LOL!!! Yep, I agree.
  15. I love John because he's my all time favorite "Dukes" actor!
  16. John says in the general, "YEEE-HAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!!!!!!!!" when the car jumps down from the sky!
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