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Mosey Duke

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  1. why cant Dodge just "re-make" some 69 chargers? of course they would be made in modern day, but they could make a like 100 or so and call them them like a heritage series car or something. I'm sure they would make alot of money doing that.
  2. I agree with both of you, needed more General scenes. on a side note cowee, I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now..........Doom doom doom...
  3. I just got the unrated version and it is alright. I wouldn't watch this one with my nephew though. Bad words and nudity aren't something a 10 year old should be watching.
  4. I liked it, def better than the 2005 movie. There were times when the actor playing Bo made faces that I could swear, John was his father or something. There could be a few things changed up, IE Lulu.........The guy playing Boss did a good job, but I just can't imagine a 6'3" Boss with a full head of hair.
  5. Umm I don't think so. I'm almost 43 probably older than most everyone on here. Let's see I'm member number 36 your 445 hmm. Do some research before you make that kind of statement. I've had a 69 Charger since 1981 and it's been a General since 89. You say you'll only buy stuff with real Dukes.So, since you are member 36, and you have a 69 Charger. Great. I just dont see what that has to do with the conversation. Seems like you want to flaunt your stuff, in other words, you want attention. Well guess what? I dont care that you are member number 36, that you have a GL, and that you are almost 43. What does all that have to do with being a Dukes fan? besides owning a GL? Nothing. I know a guy who is almost 43. I know a guy who has a GL, he's had it since '75. And he is probably member # >36 somewhere. I am just getting tired of coming on here and trying to read news about the Dukes and it seems like you are always arguing with somebody. Grow up, we all have different opinions on things. I like to have haircuts. Some people dont. Do i go around and trash people who have different tastes then me? no, cause I respect their opinion. I respect yours to a certain degree. Arguing about it is never going to change anybody's opinion on the new movie coming out. I for one, having grown up during the Dukes original run, am looking forward to the new movie. Times change. If they were to make the movie exactly like the series, people would know it was fake, or should I say, not buy into it that a teenager would say, Gosh darn it instead of the other thing. Anyways, I've rambled on longer than I should have, and you're probably going to jump down my throat next, so, blast away my friend, blast away.
  6. I see the flag!!!! sweet.
  7. eh, looks like crap. :x
  8. I refuse to watch this if it comes out. Why cant Hollywood understand that we dont want sex, drugs and stupid scripts in our Dukes movies. Maybe they are trying to bring in the new generation of teens who only watch a movie because of said things, but thats NOT what the Dukes Of Hazzard was about. I'm pissed off they would even consider going this route. Yes, i liked the 05 movie only because of the General and the stunts, I bought the DVD and only watched it like 2 times and now it sits on my shelf collecting dust. If they want to stand out and make this movie worthwhile, get rid of the vulgar, nude scenes and drugs and make it like the show. I love the Dukes but I HATE HATE HATE HATE what is happening to the franchise that I belove so much and was raised up watching and learning so much from. alright, Im going to stop ranting now... Mosey out.
  9. As far as i know, William Daniels is still alive and doing voice overs. so, its a possibility. and yes, being a movie buff, I would go see it in the theatre.
  10. Jonthan Kent died tonight on Smallville. So, I don't know what that means for John. will he still be in the show somehow or what?
  11. thats a sweet looking car! Much better than the new Charger IMHO.
  12. Name - Jonathan HNet name - Mosey Duke Age - 26 Location - Hillsborough, NC Occupation - Photographer/student Married or Single - Single Children - none that I know of (j/k, none) Favorite Movie - really dont have one, i like alot of movies Favorite group - Right now its the Beatles, System of a Down, Green Day and Black Eyed Peas Favorite TV show - DOH, The King of Queens, Dog the Bounty Hunter, My name is Earl and Family Guy
  13. i want a sequel only if its done proper like most of the people above me have said. Better director, and sinse the cast is pretty much under contract for another Dukes movie at least fix their characters the proper way (ie. Rosco actually being Rosco, no moonshining or drugs, and sexual innuendos). I was born in 79 so I didnt see the first few seasons, but when i was growing up, the show came on Saturday mornings and every Sat morning you would catch me sitting in front of my tv wacthing the Dukes and Boss and Rosco. I have been a dukes fan all my life, well, since I could watch tv atleast, and it was a very successful show without drugs and sex. The movie was ok IMHO but it could have been WAY better and hopefully if there is a sequel, it will be done the right way and not the SuperTrooper way.
  14. If Jay C cant direct the sequel, if there is one, then it can only get better. With the right storyline between movies and the movie itself, a little tweeking with the characters and you got yourself a better movie than the first. Uncle Jesse is the first character who needs upgrading. Willie just didnt do it any justice, but most of that can be placed on Jay C's shoulders.
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