S1E9 Luke: DO you know why you have them hiccups? Bo: No (hiccup) Luke: It's cause you scarf down food like tomorrow is the first day of a six month famine. Bo: Cute!
From the episode Swamp molly S1E6 Jesse: Now who in the world would blow up an outhouse? Bo: Well... When I went to get the duds I must've mistken them for the ones with the detenator caps (Luke notices car magazines were in the now falling debris) Luke: MY CAR MAGAZINES! Jesse: Now you boys have exactly one week to have a new one standin' ( car horn beeps) Jesse: We got company comin' Luke: 5 Years of car magazines all blown to- (groans and walks away)
The one thing I learned is..... That family and friends are the most important and richest thing you will ever have in your entire life so don't take it for granted.
hahahahah I knew it. The public agrees with me! They made the movie so wrong that they ended up making fools of themselves which only goes to prove that originals are better than the new.
I have seasons 2,3,4,5. Are there any above the average shows I should watch? I just got seasons 2 and 5 for christmas. I've had 3 and 4 for a while longer than I've had 2 and 5 but 3 is my oldest set. I can't wait for season 6 to come out, it has alot of the episodes I want to see.
I don't or have not seen the movie and I know for a fact that the film was a big pile of crud that no one likes with the exception of people who like to look at Jessica Simpson's legs! The making of this film was a complete waste of time, money and energy, I'd rather see a movie about puff the magic dragon than this.
I just stood up because I thought he was making fun of it. People think about the midwest as a whole bunch of farmers and not all of us are. What I mean by that is when people open bottles ( excluding baby bottles) with their teeth people tend to think that their rednecks from either the south or the midwest. Although I may not live anywhere like Newyork or LA, I still enjoy time in Minnesota or Wisconsin. But while other places have earthquakes and Hurricanes, we have tornadoes and blizzards ( neither are fun) and even though I haven't seen a tornadoe or haven't been through one ( thank god) I still see alot of stuff I haven't seen anywhere else. So if I offended you or anybody else, I'm