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Everything posted by Bo_Duke_girl

  1. Did ya think it would feel good?
  2. No, I don't think anyone would release it to the public
  3. I finally have the sixth season, got it for my B-Day
  4. If that had happened to me, my jaw would be and I'd be hiding my face in my dad's shirt, but then again I would be too ashamed to look him in the eyes afterwards
  5. Did anyone else see that? He played a trick on Karis! The look on her face was so funny, of course if I was in her position I'd probably be speechless too
  6. maybe he had a speech disorder or something
  7. that doesn't apply if you're a super hero
  8. You might be a redneck if..... You wear your underwear inside out and don’t really care
  9. Heck I can't even name my congressman, although I can name the president of the united states and my governor
  10. okay I made these 2 general lee's out of play doh and modeling clay. I can't give you pictures cause my dumb computer wont let me but if you PM me I might be able to give you a picture to you
  11. I thought the chickens were the funnniest,burning KFC signs, ha
  12. the dukes are back with a vengance. ABC family 11:00 PM CT, YEEEHAAWW
  13. Owwwwwwww. I did the same thing. I started having a panic attack. Took at least half hour to get the dang thing out of my finger. I am now traumatized by staplers
  14. So what if he's a clutz, I am too. Running into walls, doors, falling out of desks, chairs, scaring the crap out of myself, ect, etc, you get the point.
  15. You heard right. It's sad. He does appear in another episode after he dies. It's a home movie of Clark and Jonathan. Martha was watching their home movies when Clark came in. Clark saw the movie and his eyes started watering up and he just ran over to Martha and hugged her and he started crying. It was so sad but so beautiful at the same time
  16. Okay here goes nothing.... Name: Katy Age: 14 Eye: hazel brown or hazel green Hair:ginger brown/red hair or the same color as Ewan mcGregor Katy has medium long hair in the shape of a mullet. after she let her mother cut her hair on thanksgiving in the kitchen. Occupation: student Grade: 9 hobbies: star wars, telling off Roscoe, giving the dukes the scares of their lifes. Katy is known to be hanging out with Bo and Luke more because she is not up on the girly scene. She enjoys playing sports and rough housing with the boys. She also enjoys being like Bo,Daisy and Luke's little sister. Luke later admits that he cares for her the way an older brother would when Katy is hospitalised after she gets very sick. Luke feels that he needs to protect her from alot of things but Katy makes sure to tell him that she's capable of handling herself.
  17. www.fanfiction.net/~suekosa go to my father's love
  18. Simon cowell from american idol
  19. It seriously is. It's got religion,family,good humor and some really fast cars. I may not have been born in the '70's but I'm pretty sure that the dukes of hazzard was a show that the whole family would just sit down together and have some popcorn and have a good time. It just goes to show that you don't need sexual situations or death or any of that crap to have a good show.
  20. Okay this is just plain out gross but a little embarrassing Okay we all know that when you get the stomach bug there will be vomiting involved. Well I ask to go down to the nurse's office because my head and my ears and throat hurt. The nurse said there was nothing wrong with me so I didn't go and stuck the rest of the day out like a good girl. Later that night I refused to do my homework and went to bed at like 9:00 PM and anyways I had told my mom I felt like throwing up and she left my plastic trashcan next to my bed. Anyways I woke up later just in enough time to sit and projectile vomit all over my bed and in the trashcan. So much puke, so much embarrassment
  21. You might be a redneck if..... - You chew the "ABC" gum from under the table - You think a vase is a modernized spitoon - you have an out house on your front lawn - you go to the nearest fire hydrant to get your drinking water - A vase consists of a beer can - Your shirt is cleaner if you wear it inside out - You use a toilet scrubrush for a back scrubber - You think that fork is either a new tool used for self-defense or picking the food out of your teeth - You use a fly swatter for a spatula (SP?) - If your car engine works by the connection of rubber bands, string and chewing gum - Your child's braces contains of bent paper clips - There is an elective for hunting at your childs middle school MY sister and I thought up these
  22. In the ghost of general lee, John is wearing socks when he goes to steal the clothes off the scarecrow. I had to pause it to help my mom with something and I noticed that. Generally when one goes skinny dipping they take off all their clothes, not take off everything but their socks. No, I have never been skinny dipping.
  23. Uh Yeah, some of us are minors ya know, and I'll say it once and I'll say it again. I CAN'T HAVE ALCOHOL CAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW IT WOULD REACT TO MY LIVER DISEASE.
  24. Oh Brian, Wisconsin and I think a good majority of the midwest has ALOT of pubs, bars, taverns, lounges ect I think it's because we have more accesess to barley. My dad, my sister and myself were driving through Wisconsin, I asked him why there were so many bars and he said something like that Wisconsin has ALOT of bars and accsess to alcohol
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