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Everything posted by TRPColtrane95

  1. good news about new vehicle for 2013 check out: http://www.nascar.com/news/120124/ford-fusion-2013-cup-series/index.html what you think will be cool new than old one? will get better or what? I hope so. I wonder for Chevy need change from Impala to??? like that. I wish they need it to be. thanks enjoy
  2. yeah look good display looking on and my grandpa who love train lot he had big display in his basement in delavan wisconsin but he die as well. he love train a lot that his hobby.. oh well.. nice job,
  3. I been add new one like that. I will make more like characters from this show. I will make Rosco's then daisy, enos, jesse, boss hogg, bo, luke, like that.. hope you would like it. I find some good pictures for that. hope you like it: hope unlike my old one had exactly is. but it new one for now. I try to match background for orange for dukes of hazzard for color. cool is it huh? thanks enjoy
  4. that cool I will try use that one and I use with LunaPic.com: http://lunapic.com/editor/ for save image then post here like you use here from that and make any kind effect picture you would love that one. hope you like it. thanks enjoy
  5. cool where get that and find huh? I want one.. oh well.
  6. hi guys, I have still my own make wallpapers of hazzard's cast on and general lee and police car and others check out: I never know if I still saving that show you, so what you think of that? I might make more for that someday. hope you like that one. thanks enjoy
  7. yeah and thanks, yeah true about gordon's feeling for that for Daytona and his hendrick's is thing. hope see happening on daytona 500 sooner.
  8. wow, nice cars looking is. hello welcome here and enjoy stay here on hazzardnet as well. good luck
  9. hope more news for Gordon for you, Garrett: http://www.nascar.com/news/120121/jgordon-nascar-beware-technological-forces/index.html and strange about wild west things in Dodge City: http://www.nascar.com/news/120122/dearnhardtjr-western-town/index.html what you think of this story are? thanks enjoy
  10. hi guys, hope not you would love this Darrell Waltrip and Cale Yarborough on hall of fame 2012 check out story: http://www.nascar.com/news/120120/2012-hof-induction-dwaltrip-cyarborough-dinman-gwood-revans/index.html Cale and Darrell pictures: ^right side is Cale and Darrell is. thanks enjoy
  11. Darrell Watrip more: http://www.nascar.com/news/120105/dwaltrip-hof-bio/index.html so that all inform on him as well.. thanks enjoy
  12. hi guys, hope not you would love this both them.. check out this stories from past: http://www.nascar.com/news/120120/maumann-retro-racing-cyarborough-dwaltrip-1977-southern-500/index.html that 1977 after 1 year I born in 76 as well.. what you think about them? thanks enjoy
  13. hi guys, I almost dream about that last night and why Hoggs hate Dukes, Sheriff chase dukes all time that order from boss or what reason for? how hazzard county getting grow up from old classic to new like change vehicles or buidlings? Why we need senior citizen house and sports field for kids do we need it? why not we can see dukes and others that how grow up become be before high school look like we did bit little in film and little episode on field. I wish see more things that we yet seen in episodes and films? ilke that. Why not seniors need retirement like Ms Tisdale, Jesse like that I not seen anyone would have does you? that why how many mysteries in Hazzard County. I like know is Boss Hogg start his own county before his dad or what? unlike you see in past dukes's and hoggs's story in wild west seem bit true or what before become Hazzard County.. so I hate to tell more mysteries stuff going on on Hazzard County's were. What you think of that something seen or not seen before or we had some miss not in episodes or films or etc? Let us know as discussion here. thanks enjoy
  14. wow nice looking vehicle are. nice job.
  15. nice, hello welcome to forum and enjoy stay here hazzardnet as well.
  16. so as you talk about Ragan's team story check out: http://www.nascar.com/news/120116/dragan-signs-front-row-no-34-2012/index.html hope he will doing pretty well in that season. thanks enjoy
  17. yeah and I had new inform from Tony's team: Tony and Danica: http://www.nascar.com/news/120117/gzipadelli-dual-roles-at-daytona/index.html I happy about this Chief Zipadelli join with him again. hope will help lot better for this year than last year with old chief had since he leave at time on end of 2011. what you think of Tony's teammate new Danica's is? cant wait see how she doing well since she doing in Nationwide series are in Dale E. Jr's team owner. thanks enjoy
  18. I found this picture of car what you like see his I found in Facebook I use his: that not find in nascar.com had but Facebook Jeff Gordon: http://www.facebook.com/notes/jeff-gordon/no-more-jg/10150482763858443 www.facebook.com/jeffgordon as well.. thanks enjoy
  19. I cant add more than pictures limit oh well here for Tony Stewart: Tony Stewart looking like right now with new bit scheme paint: what you think better 2011 or 2012 is? thanks enjoy
  20. yeah I have picture of his car with Kahne's new uniform same as Dale E. Jr, Carl Edwards and Clint Bowyer's had new sponsors looking forward this season. here for you this pictures of Gordon looking now: that he going to use for Daytona 500 this car with bit new scheme paint. few new cars I forward see that Carl's, Dale's, Kahne's, Clint's, as well.. hope look good at. Lowes might will wear blue for Daytona 500 I guess so because #48 had two different scheme paint as blue or black as well. hard to tell for on Daytona racing. wait see on Feb. yeah lol, for number countdown to be. thanks enjoy
  21. yeah true about that draft are and I like old style too when I watching since 1989 on Daytona and Talledega but what about small track like bristol or martinville or richmond are? which you like best one? I like bristol track more wreck or spin out into cautions more than big tracks is. Talledega really more wreck than Daytona was.. because bit different size of track is. so on daytona test cars look like what they doing before first day racing: first time danica patrick driving new #10 behind stewart's owner car: so what you think this cars look like before use real car for first day of Daytona 500 are. nice looking is it huh? I cant wait watching in few weeks left to go for Feb... thanks enjoy
  22. yeah funny when I notice that too not know why..oh well you guys what think about Draft's come up on daytona's way? check out story: http://www.nascar.com/news/120112/jlogano-tandem-draft/index.html what you think of draft is? cool or not? that our first time since 2010 to be.. huh? that strange seen so far. that new one. thanks enjoy
  23. good news they had update for daytona's check out: http://www.nascar.com/news/120111/preseason-thunder-advance/index.html http://www.nascar.com/news/120111/dcaraviello-silly-season-offseason-moves/index.html as well.. seem lot change stuff for 2012 ready to be. oh well.. thanks enjoy
  24. yeah I know you feel that about it and I plan watching on Feb 18 on sat night at 8pm ET on Fox for Shootout and on Feb 23 on thurs at 2pm ET and 4pm ET on Speed before Daytona 500 on Feb 26th on sunday on Fox at 1pm ET as well so any you guys going watching before first day of Daytona 500 racing? I plan watching all of daytona on feb. I cant wait to excited to see this racing on feb since so long since nov like break time for them drivers on holiday and weather time. I hope Feb and March will okay for nice weather no rain please....
  25. wow look awesome lot general lees and finally had see daisy's old roadrunner car look good on. nice pictures. lucky you. I wish see that to be. nice.
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