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Everything posted by TRPColtrane95

  1. happy birthday, james,
  2. yeah I see some on as well.. too.. and nice site of sonny's web nice..
  3. yeah I forget that too.. and they need Hazzard Hospital so closer to be.. I wish they add in past.. as well..
  4. hi guys I wonder if any you going watch this movie as well they release next week.. I not going that film but wait until rent or buy myself.. so what about you guys think going there? they looking funny movie as well.. thanks
  5. well I always carefully drive because of watch Nascar and dukes's drive.. but I pretty good drive no police trouble since... and we have some few roundbounds near my home on north and south Ridgeview... be carefully turn without stop and watch out for others cars coming ... I pretty good drive turn it.. on slowing with no stop..
  6. well I still watch it so some episode still pretty good as well they still on 8pm every friday night on Scifi channel..
  7. yeah I remember few not many when I try catch some on tv but I know one Tri County hospital or capital city hospital as well.. that all I seen on..
  8. nice and cool, luke fan07, I never visit this town but perry almost same as my last name nice.. as well..
  9. lol hello Boss Hogg 2, welcome to hazzardnet forum and enjoy stay in hazzard county..
  10. hi guys, what you think about Bo's like most ride? and what about you guys like too? vote that.. thanks.
  11. hi guys, I wonder what you think about him? good or not? so I realize that one thing funny when he did dress in act deputy behind Cletus when Sheriff Rosco injury and what do you think he crazy or what so He real work in vote reg office but he said not comfort with short deputy.. as well.. and he lover to woman.. who later marry.. so he still work vote reg office.. under hazzard county court house... thank what you think about him thanks
  12. hi guys, I wonder did you guys realize that jamie Hogg doing in the Hazzard old Grits barn and when the dukes boys and sheriff with boss hogg behind this tree with kind of green leaf look like fruit or veggie leaf behind them? did you guys seen? I want know what kind of tree is.. thanks
  13. yes I remember that I realize that as well little boy from first episode is: one-armed bandits; yes his name is Rudy and his real name is Jason Lively actor same as one on other episode on "The Boar's Nest Bears" his name is Rod Moffet so same as actor Jason Lively.. same person.. as well.. make you clear I am correct? in the Hazzard book I have it.. thanks
  14. you right Miz tisdale work in Hazzard county Gazzette when she with uncle jesse that I saw in episode now I remember that.. thanks
  15. yeah Bo more lover than luke not know why they does.. each other.. that life for them and I wish Luke need more love as BO is..
  16. yeah I seen in too and also Daisy did ride horse in episode I saw on brown or black horse when bo and luke in general lee in hughie hogg's episode.. as well too.. so I think you correct about Tom 'Luke' better than John 'BO' ride and jump... so not forget sheriff and enos did ride police horse too for short time.. do you remember that? thanks
  17. yes this one I think so as well because look yellow little car what I remember too.. as well.. I think correctly to be..
  18. it was very good series show last friday night it 2 hours from first christmas special and first episode with new girl martha jones wow not bad but I like billie piper 'rose tyler' better but martha jones not bad at all.. nice.. but two new monsters wierd nice.. continued at SCI FI channel at 8pm for central and 9pm for eastern time as well.. thanks
  19. hello welcome to hazzardnet. and enjoy stay with us in hazzard county good luck
  20. hello welcome to hazzardnet. forum hello
  21. I not sure remember I will watch again make sure if it was error or not as well.. yeah I see Luke sometime do that as well.. what I see it.. thanks let me know to realize about Luke or Bo do change wheel.. I know little more about car's thing because since I watch Nascar racing on Pit Road that I almost watch it when they change wheels on lug nuts and etc.. thanks.
  22. well.. I like Nascar's cars and Sheriff's car.. thanks
  23. yes what I see it and I love part where squirt little guy tried jump over dukes boys but wrong time fell in water forget name of box as well lol and also he hit boys's general lee and he mad at them lol almost make me laugh at time.. and one Luke try to bust Bubba by hit and Luke won't hit him.. that part make me laugh at time.. lol thanks
  24. yeah, and I see that show and do you see daisy's car cool? like borrow from Cooter.. thanks
  25. yeah I forget that one too I almost to do that.. and yeah I see some on tv sorry... boss hogg...
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