i just love everything that rosco says like: "Kew Kew Kew, I luv it I luv it" "shame shame everybody knows your name" "Cuff em and stuff em" "you see there, that's naughty naughty" "say "Hello" from rosco" "freeeeeeeeze" "enos, you dipstick" "awwwwwwright you dukes" "oh tiddly tuddly" "that's a big ten four little fat buddy" "what a horendous crash" "ya dun scuffed my ve-hicle" "hot persuit" "good news, good news" "arrrrrrre you kiddin meeeeee" "enos (cletus), this is your superior officer Roscoooooooooo P. Coltrane" "ohhhh good grief" and many others..LOL LOL LOL!!!!