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Posts posted by countrygirl1986

  1. I am starting to do better, but my tongue is still swollen. My face, hands, ankles, and belly are all swollen too. I didn't even notice my ankles, the nurse did.

    I am now having problems with my blood sugar due to the steriods they have me on. Almost everytime I eat, it spikes. They have been monitering it closely though..

    I just received word they are keeping me for another day. They don't want me to go home with my tongue still swollen.

  2. See, this is why I like Bo better. He can at least appreciate hard work. You're just spoiled. ;) *picks up painting* I know plenty of men who would want this more than a spoiled little boy.

    (on a side note, I kinda figured that is what happened Kris.)

  3. I didn't realize you guys were so far behind or all that was going on! I am so sorry. I guess I posted that because I was cranky, and I hate to say it, but I need to learn not to post when the doctors have me on narcotics. I didn't mean to offend anyone. I know there are lulls in posting and such... now I feel bad. I am so sorry. The doctors have me on dilauded for pain due to the swelling... and the benadryl they are giving me isn't helping any.

    I know I shouldn't have posted that, but when I am on that medication, there aren't as many inhibitions and I just aint thinking straight. I am so so sorry!

    Brian, you and MaryAnne are the best moderator's a person can ask for, and the best form of entertainment. I am so sorry for offending you guys! N Brian, you post the best youtube videos.

    I cannot believe i posted that complaint! It is just what I was feeling at the time but I don't feel that way now, and feel bad about it. If you want to throw me in the hoosgow for a while I understand. :-(

  4. Well Mufn, watching Brian and MaryAnne is better than watching television LOL.

    Although... this place has been a little dead compared to what it used to be. I mean, try to start a ruckus, and hardly anyone pays attention to it. I was after all trying to liven this place up a bit on the wanted thread. You have maybe ten regular users who post?

    Brian is losing his touch as Lord of the Outlaws. MaryAnne isn't really goofing (and is giving Boss's deputies a good name), she is doing too good a job of keeping the peace, and it looks like you were the last one in the hoosgow. The round robin section is about dead (I haven't posted there because what stories seem to be going were actually going when I disappeared three years ago and am not wading through all those posts). I mean... what happened? I still love the site, don't get me wrong, and I have started posting again, but you know what I'm saying? It is doing nothing to alleviate my bordom.

    I don't mean to sound critical. I ain't going anywhere anytime soon, especially if I get another computer, but some of us need to get together and put our heads together to liven this place up a bit. Dukes of Hazzard being shown after midnight probably isn't helping the numbers either. Maybe advertising round robin stories or topics on the hnet page on facebook would help?

  5. I know I haven't been around much in the past few years (computer problems, lack of internet), but I just thought I'd mention, February is the month of my tenth anneversary of being an Hnet member! I believe the exact date is Feb 3 or Feb 4.

    At this time I would like to thank Meadowmufn for having such a wonderful site, and thank MaryAnne and Brian Coltrane for the work they do to keep it up and running. I still remember when Brian joined the crew as a moderator LOL.

    This brings back memories. I remember when at one time, I was the youngest fanfic writer on the site. I was fifteen when I joined. I took the title of youngest from Chet Duke, who is a month and a half older than I am. Boy oh boy those were the days!

    I would also like to appologise for all the social fax paus I have committed over the years, which has resulted in some not so good stuff (sorry Brian, sorry Chet, sorry Bo, and sorry to everyone else. I partly blame it on having a form of autism, but still should have known better).

    I would also like to thank all those I have written and role played with, and all those I talked to, as well as all the members I have had no contact with who provide membership to keep this place running.

    -Hilery Davenport

  6. Thanks TRP.

    Either Garrett's author hasn't gotten on today, or he doesn't know how to react to the painting... Might be looking for his eyes to put them back in his head LOL

    I know I can be entertaining, but I have nothing on MaryAnne and Brian Coltrane... which I don't think they have noticed we've been posting to this thread, or at least.... they haven't read it. I know they would usually have something to say about it.

  7. Well.... They admitted me to the hospital for observation. the swelling of my tongue is not going down as fast as they would like. They are also starving me in case they need to intubate me. My hands are swollen, my face is swollen, my tongue is swollen, my belly is swollen, and my throat may still be a little swollen. I mean, come on! Is it any wonder my depression has been acting up lately?

    This will make the third admittance since mid December for this. Fourth admittance in the last year if you include my bout with appendicitis which resulted in an appendectomy in August.


  8. I am on both facebook and the website LOL. Love them both. Brian posts some pretty good pictures on facebook, and his clips on youtube are excellent.

    Now if he would only post the conclusion of that fight between Bo and Luke on Dear Diary. I love the fight, the whole fight. There's something about Luke knocking Bo on his behind that I like. Brian if you're reading this, please do a clip of the second fight between Bo and Luke, well basically the end of the episode.

    Oh, and that clip of knight rider sucked lol. Made me so mad that they could make fun of our beloved Dukes like that. Humph. Dukes of Hazzard should have done a retailitory episode or scene... but I love Dukes so much because they are above that level. But it still would have been nice to see. Hmm... there's an idea, someone should do a Dukes fic and crush Knight Rider as revenge. HAHA. I liked the show as a kid, but I'll be danged if i can remember any of it!

  9. I get creative when I get bored... and i have been very bored. I need to catch up with K and Garrett and start that story lol... and unfortunately right now I am super bored. I got admitted to the hospital for another attack (see prayer list)... and I am about to get knocked out from medication. Hoping it doesn't, but it's for the pain I am in from a migraine and abdominal swelling. I hate dilotted (no idea how to spell it). Makes me fall asleep even when I am trying to eat. The nurse is putting it in my IV as I type and it is already knocking me out so I dunno LOL. and I asked for a very low dose instead of the full dose.

  10. "Good news, good news, my little fat buddy. Khee knee. Oh.. I love it, I love it!"

    I got approved by my insurance for the new medication!

    For those lord of the rings fans out there, cause I am sure that there are a few (I am not, granted I like the movies), the manufacturer is Shire pharmaceuticals. This would only make sense to the die hard fans of the movies and books. I told a good friend who is one and she died laughing cause it made her think of hobbit manufacturing drugs.

    On a side note, they sent me a welcome kit (sharps container for used needles, clutch, alcohol wipes, computer disk, drug info, a bag....) well shire uses a logo that is orange. The bag they sent me is orange... maybe just a little more yellow than the General but still reminds me of it.

  11. Maybe this one would be more your speed. *pulls one from the back of the stack and hands it to Garrett. Depicted on the canvas is the car with the current Miss Tricounty (not daisy) looking like a slinky hood ornament, holding a trophy and a number magnet... never mind the fact it was a second place trophy* is this better? I stole one of Bo's pinups and took a pictures of cobra and crossed them. Call it a very early birthday present. *winks* the other two are for Bo... well the rest are.

  12. I want to participate! D: but I can't use the darn flash chat or any chat for that matter which isn't aim. Stupid phone. It doesn't support Java, flash player, active x, etc.

    I so hate my computer situation right now.

    Have fun y'all.

  13. Me too... but it might take up to a month or more to get it.

    I am feeling better but now I am really drained. Slept all day today. Literally all day. Surprised my cat didn't dig me out of bed like she usually does. Must have known I needed the rest... though she did wake me periodically to check on me.

    Anyway, thanks for the well wishes everyone.

  14. Actually I read about that... but yes I think you said too much lol... not to mention you. Lft it open. ;-) and you might want to rescue Maryanne from that mob.

    Now, I think I shall start mixing the paint to paint the patrol cars, maverick, and Diablo... ah heck, Garrett's vehicles too.

    *few hours later reappears with several canvases displaying a pink maverick, pink patrol cars, orange patrol cars, a pink Diablo, and a Diablo done up like the general lee, a pink motorcycle, and a mustang done up like the general lee.* I know I said I wouldn't but I couldn't help myself. Sides, I never said I would paint the actual cars!

    Now if only I had photo editing software!

  15. *bats eye lashes innocently * didn't you miss me?

    *smirks * Oh I got a cute present for ya. *hands Garrett a ford mustang keychain which is.... PINK*

    Oops that one is mine lol. *takes it back and hands over a blue one*

  16. Well for the motorcycle and his car I was more thinking paint it orange with a rebel flag and big zero one on the doors with the name general lee... the motorcycle would more or less have the whole paint job done on the tank.... though... Diablo would look good in an oranges jumpsuit. I still say they would all look pretty in pastel pink though. Hum.... decisions decisions.

    Nay I'm not really going to paint anyone's cars or motorcycle.

    BUT it would be interesting to see both Maryanne and Brian locked in the jail cell at the same time.

  17. Maryanne, you coltranes are slacking. Looks like you haven't arrested anyone in over a year. Does someone around here have to stir up some mischief to liven this place up?

    To start the ball rolling on mischievous thoughts I pose a question: how many people would it take to restrain Maryanne and Brian to paint maverick and Diablo both pink? I don't mean just any pink, I mean pastel Easter pink... with pastel Easter purple details... hum.... I wonder how many people it would take to restrain Garrett to do the same to his motorcycle.

    Just seeing who is paying attention.

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