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redneck woman

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Status Updates posted by redneck woman

  1. Isn't it awesome that there will be all these little racers around the track. I wonder if they will have playdates or anything? lol I'm pretty sure Carl Edwards' wife is due any day now. I just hope she doesn't go into labor while he's racing. That would be a HUGE distraction! Surely they have some type of backup ready just in case though. Or maybe he would finish the race since this is the superbowl.

  2. Hey Garrett, I don't mind you copying me at all. I'm not sure if it will even work, but it is worth a try. This week has been a huge struggle to stay positive at work. By the time I make it home I feel so drained, physically and mentally. My job is not that hard, I should not be having fatigue from it. So to put some pep in my step, I've decided to take a day of vacation next week and just spend it with my nephew. He always lightens up my day. Hopefully an extra day off will help a little anyway.

  3. The shootout, in my opinion, was great. I thought there was a lot of excitement and it made me that much more excited for this Sunday's race. I didn't care for the ending either, but was kind of expecting something to happen since it was a green, white, checker race to the finish. Carl finished somewhere around 21st I think, he was caught up in that big pin ball wreck between Gordon and Biffle. That made me really sad since he had ran out front pretty much the whole race and was really doing good. At least it isn't for points I guess. I was happy to see Jamie MacMurry doing such a good job this year. He's a better driver than it always looked when he was at Roush. As far as the accident goes, I really don't think it can be blamed completely on anyone. It's just racing. Biffle had old tires since he didn't pit, so when Gordon did a bump draft or whatever on him, it just spun him. Oh, and I have to ask, what did you think of Dale Jr's beard? lol yuck!

  4. Isn't it cool with all the new babies coming into Nascar. It's like some sort of drivers baby boom or something. lol Jeff Gordan, Jimmie Johnson, Carl Edwards, and Elliot Sadler all will have new babies this year. I think it is great. I love babies too!

  5. This in no way will clear up the issues I'm having, but getting rid of the negativity should help. Unfortunately, the way things are looking I will be out of a job sometime this summer or early fall. That is one issue. It is not for sure yet, but I'm not holding my breath that I will still be here next year this time. It's okay, I wanted a new job anyway and I will be happier when I can move back closer to my family. (See, I had to follow the negative with two positives. lol)

  6. Hey Garrett! Sorry, didn't mean to worry you with my absense. I just didn't want to bring anyone else down with my bad attitude. I have figured out that the old saying "negativity breeds negativity" is in fact true. (I'm not actually sure it goes like that, but surely it is close. lol) I have someone close to me that only has negative feelings it seems, and I picked up some of that. I'm working on putting the positive back into my life now though. Every negative thought I have or hear, I'm going to follow up immediately with two positive thoughts. Maybe that way sooner or later only the positive will stick. It's worth a try anyway.

  7. Hey, did you hear the new about Jeff Gordon yet? Pretty cool!

  8. So did you watch the All Star race or whatever it was last Saturday night on Speed? I don't get the Speed channell so I missed it. I was snowed in for the day, so I didn't get to go to my brother's house either. I pouted of course. lol But my brother said the only two names he recognized were David Reutiman and Joey Logano. The rest were drivers in the Nascar East and Nascar West leagues. Still, I bet it was fun to watch.

    So how are things going for you? Things good?

  9. So anyway, I heard about Kyle Busch's contract signing too, but I never did hear how many years it was for. Did you? When it first came out they wouldn't tell, just said it was for mulitple years or some such. That's frustrating. Then I heard how a lot of people were picking Denny Hamlin as their favorite to win the whole shabang this year (like they did with Carl last year), but I don't agree with that at all. How many races has he won total? That's my point anyway. And then I heard how Hamlin hurts himself playing basketball, but decided not to have the surgery until the end of this season. Good grief. I did hear about some of the rule changes, but besides the spoiler (which you mentioned) I can't remember anything off the top of my head. I guess I'd better refresh myself before next Sunday. Yeah!!!

  10. Hey Garrett, long time no see... and it's all my fault. Thanks for being concerned for me, that gives a warm feeling inside and I appreciate it. As for the reason I was away for almost a month... well, it ain't simple. I had some issues I was trying to work through and I was super busy on top of that. I'm not going to spell it all out here though, I don't won't to bore anyone to death. lol I'll just say I've worked through some of them and pushed the others to the side for now. I'm very good at pushing stuff to the side. lol

    Anyway, So Daytona's just a few days away now. Sorry I wasn't here to talk shop with you. I bet you were having Nascar withdrawals. lol I have heard some news, but not a lot. I keep meaning to check out some headlines on Nascar.com, but most of the time I just don't get around to it. What a lousy excuse huh? lol

  11. Well, I'm back to work now. Too bad. I sure could use more days off, especially since the dreaded four letter word is making itself known again in my area. I had a pretty scary drive back to my apartment from my parents house yesterday. I've driven thru worse, but at the time I couldn't think of anything worse. We're supposed to get more on Wednesday and Thursday so I'm going to the grocery store tonight and stocking up. This is just craziness. Wasn't this stuff supposed to stop at Christmas? lol Have a great day and I'll talk to you soon!

  12. Do you watch CMT any at all? I know you like country music, but some people don't like that channel. Anyway, I was watching Toby Keith's Broken Bridges movie on CMT last night and saw a preview for CMT Cribs. Unless my eyes were deceiving me, it looks like John Schneider is going to be on that show. I need to look it up to make sure, but I haven't taken the time yet. Do you know anything about it? I know they have shown quite a few Nascar drivers in the past too. It would be cool to see Bo Duke's house. lol

  13. That sucks about the cable company. What in the world are they thinking. Those are probably two of the most watched channels too. Surely they are getting some complaints. I guess it's good that your dad is checking into a different cable company. If that happens to me I think I will just be out of luck. The cable company I have is contracted through the apartment complex. I will keep my fingers crossed for you though.

    Ha, ha, ha! That Sesame Street sounds like it would have been funny. Wormdega, lol I love it! Sorry I missed that. I am such a bad auntie. But maybe I can redeem myself.

  14. Hey Garrett! Happy New Year! And congrats on being Fan of the Month. You so deserve it buddy! So here's the big question that has been going around and I'm curious as to what you think. Do you pronounce the year as twenty ten or two thousand ten? Just curious. They had a whole segment about it on the news and it intrigued me. I like twenty ten myself. But that's just me. lol So how did your New Years go? Mine was good. We got to leave work a little early and I drove the hour and a half to my brothers house to ring in the new year. They had friends come up from the bootheel to visit and my other brother and cousins also came. Plus my nephew and my sister in laws mother who is still visiting from California state. It was a good bunch. I talked a lot about Nascar and what races I'd like to go to. We played some games and played with the kids. It was a lot of fun.

  15. So how was your Christmas? Mine was pretty good. My nephew didn't even open all of his presents though because he wasn't feeling well. He had fun though and everyone was happy with the gifts they recieved. Did you get what you wanted for Christmas? I was just happy to have the whole family together. That was the best part for me.

    So do you have any big new year's plans? Well, whatever they are, I hope you have a great one! I'll talk with you next year! lol

  16. Well I'm glad to hear that you'll still be getting the Fox channel anyway. I would be so mad if I lost Fox. Actually, I think I'd be mad that I lost CBS too. That is my Thursday night channel, got to watch Survivor and CSI: Las Vegas.

    So how was Jeff Gordon on Sesame Street? I didn't see it and my nephew was out of town. I probably should have recorded it, but I totally forgot about it truthfully. Bad aunt. lol

  17. Hey Garrett! Long time no post on my part. Christmas was so crazy this year, and yet it was so much fun. I was kept pretty busy running here and there and doing this and that. It was great. I was really bummed about having to come back to work, but that's life. lol I haven't heard or read anything about Nascar in about two weeks. I really need to fix that and find out what's going on. Have there been any rule changes yet? I received my Nascar Illustrated magazine last week, but I haven't even taken the time to read it yet. Maybe this weekend. lol

  18. Well, in case I don't get back on here before... Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one.

  19. That is weird about your parents cable company. I can't believe they are completely getting rid of those channels. That doesn't make any sense to me. Unless they are making it where you have to buy them or something. Maybe they are just switching them to a different channel? That's what my cable company did to me a few months ago. I lost some channels and didn't know what was going on. I was so mad because one of them was the Discovery channel. I finally called them and found out that they had just moved channels on me. They went from 25 to 70. A pretty big jump. The thing that got me though was that they didn't tell anyone that I know of. That happened when I lost my HBO too. One day it was there and the next it was gone. It hadn't moved though, they just took it off the basic cable line-up. Some of the things these cable companies do is just mean.

  20. Well, I've basically gotten all of my christmas shopping done. How 'bout you? I hope it is all going well. Now they are predicting snow for tomorrow. NOT YET! That's what I keep thinking anyway. A few more days and then it will be christmas and it can snow. Then it can melt the day after. lol Does that make me a scrooge? lol

  21. Two weeks 'til Christmas?! Arrrggghhhh!!!! lol Just kidding. Actually I'm pretty close to being done with everything. I've even got most of it wrapped. Which for me, I'm ahead of the game. lol I just have to get my sister in laws gift which I'm pretty sure I know what I'm getting her. And I also have my dad left, but I think the boys are picking him something up and we all are going to split the cost. Supposedly it's kind of expensive. Hopefully that comes through, otherwise I have no idea. I'm ready for it though. I took vacation for all of Christmas week, so I won't be on here at all. I'll be going to my parents and staying all week. It's going to be a good week! I'm looking forward to some time off. How about you? Do you have any extra days off for Christmas?

  22. I have never even heard of the Stewie awards. Huh, learn something new everyday. Even though you've found your answer, as I was reading I was thinking that it was about Gordon and the chair he sat in. I'm pretty sure the Stewart actually took the chair too. It seemed kind of juvenille to me at the time, but hey it's Stewart. He acts that way sometimes. Not as much now that he's an owner, but old habits die hard. lol I don't know if Gordon ever made a comment about all of the hoopla that Stewart created. He probably kept silent and let Stewart make himself look silly. Which he did I think. And apparently he hasn't let it go yet. You think he has low self confidence so the comment about Gordon sitting there ate at him or what?

  23. Hey Garrett! We haven't had that much snow. Brrr! We had a little, but nothing spectacular. Around here it seems the ice likes to hit us. Last Sunday night I drove through the gamut from my parents house to my apartment. It was sleeting at my parents, then I hit rain about halfway home, then here at home it was snowing. That was a crazy drive. Wednesday was a crazy day here too. We had rain Tuesday, and snow Tuesday night, Wednesday morning. A lot of people were sliding off the roads because of the black ice. I never slipped once thank goodness, even when I was coming down off the mountain of a hill I live on. Then it's been sooo cold here. I'm not used to this kind of cold. It was 2 here on Wednesday I think. 2, that's just crazy! I'm happy for Christmas to be here, but do you think if I ask Santa for the gift of Spring he will get mad at me? lol

  24. I haven't seen the article about Dega yet. I will have to look for it. I did see where they officially announced that Danica will be driving for Jr's team first in the Arca series and then moving up to the Nationwide series part time. I really think that will be interesting to watch.

    Dega was boring though. Out of all the races, Dega is the one I always know is going to be exciting and hold my interest. This fall it failed in that respect. What I watched of it anyway. I hope some changes for the better are made in the off season, but I won't hold my breath.

    I am soo ready for the races to start again. I can stay pretty busy on Saturdays, but on Sunday's I'm looking for something to do. Blah. Come on Daytona!!! I'm ready for ya!

  25. I did get to watch the awards last Friday. They were okay I guess. The host comedian was okay, but like you said he was kind of mean. We did get a kick out of the other comedian though. I thought he was really funny. "GET OUT OF THE LINE!" lol My sister in law and I used that at the mall on Saturday and cracked ourselves up. We did it quietly mind you, not loudly. That would be mean and rude. But it was still funny. I thought most of the drivers seemed nervous. There were a few that seemed pretty sure of themselves though. Most of them their voices were trembly. Like Mark Martin and Kasey Kahne. It was interesting though. I loved seeing Hammond again. It's been too long! And the whole who was wearing what was so funny too. That isn't something you expect to hear from Hammond. lol

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