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Everything posted by DixieRose_00
What was the biggest jump the General ever made on the show? Does anyone know?
Quiz site--Which Dukes character are you?
DixieRose_00 replied to inga's topic in General Discussion
I rated as Bo...go figure....my crazy ways....oh well...Bo ain't bad -
sure can....Enos returns in the beginning of the fifth season and is on for the rest of the series
I like him in the Dukes reunion movies and also Night Of The Twisters....he's just a great actor
it was actually supposed to be a second season show since Enos is in it but they shuffled some of the shows around probably cause they knew Sonny was leaving to go on his own series and they thought the fans would like it if he made one last appearance.
Who's y'all's favorite DOH character?
DixieRose_00 replied to Kristy_DUke's topic in Dukes of Hazzard General Discussion
I'd have to say Bo General Lee Daisy Luke Dixie Uncle Jesse Rosco Enos Flash Cletus and then Boss -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Jess caught up to Bo outside where he stood next to the General Lee with his face buried in his hands and his shoulders shaking with muffled sobs. She slowed to a walk and stopped in front of him, reaching out and gently taking his hands, pulling them away from his face. Bo tried not to meet her concerned gaze, but her wide blue eyes staring into his made him want to turn and run, but all he did was pull her into his arms and hold her. Jess wished she could somehow make it all go away for him, but she didn't have that power. She just held him and allowed him to cry on her shoulder as they stood next to the General. That evening after the Duke's and Jess had left for the night, the doc was in Luke's room checking on him during his rounds when Luke started coughing in his sleep. "Nurse." He yelled, just as one of the nurses came through the door. "What's going on doc?" She asked. "It's gotta be the effects of the Chloform that is causing this, let's move em to the ICU and run some more tests." He said. The nurse nodded and hurried from the room to make the arrangements to move Luke. Then he ordered some tests to be done. "Let's get an MRI done on his chest and a CAT Scan on his head to make sure that his head injury is healing okay." He said, and wondered how the Duke family was going to take the news when they showed up in the morning. When Jesse, Bo, Jess and Daisy got to the hospital the following morning and heard the news, Bo was the most upset but he wanted to see Luke. "Doc, can I see Luke?"He asked. The doctor nodded and led Bo to Luke's room, leaving Jess and Daisy with Uncle Jesse in the waiting room. When Bo stepped into the room and saw Luke he bit back a cry of alarm. Luke looked so pale and weak. He was hooked up to an oxygen machine and an IV was pumping fluids into his body. "Luke you gotta pull through this." He murmured. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Bo sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room waiting for Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Jess to get there. He was upset and worried about his cousin and also angry because them baddies hadn't been caught yet. He looked up when he heard boot heels clicking on the clean tile floor and a moment later Jess swept through the door, her long blond hair flowing behind her as she moved. She walked over and sat down next to him, reaching over and taking his hand. "Any word?" She asked. Bo shook his head and sqeezed her hand just as Uncle Jesse and Daisy walked through the door. "No word." Jess said just as the doctor appeared from down the hall. Bo squeezed Jess' hand harder as they all got to their feet. "How is he doc?" Uncle Jesse asked. The doctor looked from Uncle Jesse to Bo and Jess to Daisy and then back to Uncle Jesse again. "Well he's sick from the effects of the Chloform them people gave him to keep him knocked out after they grabbed him." He said. "I would just like to know what them people have against Luke." Bo muttered angrily. Jesse turned and gave Bo a stern look and then turned back to the doctor. "How bad is he?" He asked. "Well I lsitened to his lungs and they aren't clear, there must be some of that there drug in his lungs." He said. Bo gasped and then pulled away from Jess and turned walking down the hall. Jess looked at Uncle Jesse who nodded and then she ran after Bo. -
That quote I believe is from the season 2 episode Officer Daisy Duke where Daisy goes after them baddies and Bo and Luke follow her in the jeep and then Uncle Jesse and Cooter follow them
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
That evening Jess and Bo sat at the table eating some late dinner when Uncle Jesse came out of the living room. "Bo I want you to sleep on the couch tonight and I'm gonna sleep in your bed in case Luke needs me." He said. Bo looked over at Jess and nodded sliding back his chair. "I'm gonna go an get my pajama's." He said and headed down the hall to his and Luke's room, but a few seconds later he was back out and frantic. "Uncle Jesse, Luke's worse." He cried. Uncle Jesse jumped up and ran down the hall while Jess went to Bo and hugged him. "Call an ambulance." Jesse yelled, sending Bo, Jess and Daisy into action. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Jess was close to tears as she got out of the car and dropped to the ground. Jesse went over to her and hugged her before going to the door and grabbing Luke, gently pulling him out of the car while Jess went around the car to help Bo as he was trying to get up and out of the car. She grabbed Bo's waist and braced him in case he lost his balance though he seemed to manage okay with her help. Jesse watched as Jess wrapped Bo's arm around her shoulder's and walked with him slowly into the farmhouse. Jess was amazingly strong for her size and height. She was feisty and drove well. She'd beaten Luke and Cooter before and he knew that even though she'd never raced Bo she'd give him a run for his money too. He walked in through the kitchen where Daisy stood at the sink filling up two glasses of water and handed one to Jess and followed her Uncle woth the other glass staright to the two boy's bedroom. Jess gently tilted Bo's head back though he was trying to fight her and keep her from doing it. "Bo, please, let me help you?" She cried, her blue eyes filling with tears as she watched Bo. He finally stopped struggling and she managed to pour the glass of water in his eyes though he cried out sharply and pulled back, knocking the glass from her hand and causing it to shatter loudly once it hit the floor. Jess cried out in surprise and jumped back a step. Bo slowly opened his eyes and watched as the kitchen slowly came into focus, along with Jess' frightened face and tear-filled blue eyes. "C'mere." He said, reaching out and pulling her down onto his lap, just as Daisy came back in the kitchen. "How's Luke?"Bo asked. Daisy smiled. "Well, I flushed his eyes out and he's starting to see though things are fuzzy." She said. Jesse Duke tried to keep his older nephew from getting up but he was having a hard time. "I don't wanna sleep Uncle Jesse." Luke mumbled. Jesse groaned. "Now see here Luke you can't be staying up long cause the doc says you have to rest.' He said. -
If anyone could give me any websites with some good Dukes Of Hazzard Pics I would really apperciate it....thanks
does anyone have the Macgyver first season? there are five
DixieRose_00 replied to dukesran1's topic in General Discussion
Yes I have season one of MacGyver and have seen the epsiode you're talking about and noticed the same thing -
John Schneider does a great Jonathan Kent and Smallville is a great show....Smallville is on weekly on ABC Family from Monday to Friday....I never miss an episode.
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Jess was ready to get out of the General and go help Bo. She didn't know if the two baddies had seen her or not. She swung herself around and reached into the backseat and grabbed the set of Bow and Arrows that were resting behind Bo's seat and pulled them out and then sat up and slid out the open window of the General and crept up the steps of the old cabin, trying not to be heard. Bo glared at the two baddies. "You're gonna pay for this." He said angrily, half wishing Jess would come in and not knowing that she was on her way at that very moment. Shawn grinned at the younger Duke boy as he pulled a bottle of pepper spray out of his pocket and aimed it at Luke. "Nooo." Bo yelled and charged forward. The spray hit Bo in the face and he cried out going to his knees and covering his face with his hands. Shawn laughed and then as Luke started to wake up he sprayed him in the face too so he was temporarily blinded. Michelle was starteled when the door burst open and a pretty blond appeared holding a Bow and Arrow. "Where'd you come from and who are you?" Shawn yelled. Jess grinned though she made no movement. "Well that ain't none of your business fella, but I'm telling you right now you went and messed with the wrong family." She said. -
I have this idea for a story about a girl that is under government protection and ends up in Hazzard....She meets the Duke Family and they help her when the person she is supposed to be running from comes after her again....She also falls in love with one of the boys....if anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know what you think.
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Jess sat alone in the living room of the Duke farmhouse staring out the window, her long legs pulled up to her chest and her chin resting on her knees. Daisy watched her friend in concern. Ever since Bo had refused to let Jess go with him she'd been withdrawn. Jess was usually not like that. She was so strong and never seemed to get mad at Bo. Meanwhile Bo was driving a loaner from Cooter while searching for Luke since he had loaned the General to Jess and Daisy who were going to do some shopping in Atlanta. He was still trying extra hard to get back in Jess' good graces but was having quite the time of it. He suddenly halted the car when he spotted what looked like a deserted old cabin. He got out and started to approach the door but was stopped by the man appearing in the doorway with a gun. Bo stopped and held his hands up, his eyes sparkiling angrily. "Look Mister, You better tell me where Luke is." He snapped. Shawn grinned. "We ain't seen your cousin plowboy, but if you don't get outta here, you're gonna regret it." He said. Bo backed away and got back in his car, knowing he needed some back-up. Shawn looked at Michelle. "I'm gonna follow him and run him off the road to ensure he don't come back." He said. She nodded and watched as he left the cabin. Bo looked in the rearview mirror and saw the baddies car pull out behind him and then hit the back of his car. "Lost Sheep to Shepherd, I got them bad guy's on my tail and they're trying to run me off the road, I need some help." He said. Jess had just pulled the General up in front of the farm house when she heard Bo's distress call. "This here is Jess. What's your 10-20?" She asked. "I'm near Hazzard Pond." He said. "I'm on my way." She said and climbed back in through the window and started up the engine, racing out of the yard. Bo felt the other car strike his again and then lost control, swerving off the road and striking a tree. He shook his head and then watched as the car stopped and the man started to get out. "Is this the end?" He thought to himself, just as he heard Dixie playing and then the General swept into view. The man jumped into his car and spun the wheel heading back the way he'd come. Jess halted the General and jumped out running to Bo as he got out of the car. "I ain't never gonna find Luke now." He said. Jess shook her head and gazed at him. "Jess I need your help." He said, staring into her bright blue eys. Jess smiled. "That's what I've been waiting for, is for you to ask for my help." She said and then held out the General's keys. Bo grinned and grabbed her by the back of the head bringing her forward and kissing her hard on the lips. Shawn drove back to the cabin and stormed onto the porch. Michelle ran out to meet him. "What happened?" She asked. "I almost had him until that orange car came from outta nowhere." He said. They both turned when they heard a groan and then saw Luke try to sit up. Shawn crossed the room and knocked him over the head with his gun, causing Luke to sag back onto the bed. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
"Where are we gonna hide now Shawn, it seems like every time we find a decent hiding spot, that other Duke boy shows up and makes us have to leave an find another one." Michelle said. Shawn rolled his eyes. "We're gonna have to do something about that Duke boy." He said. He hit a pothole and Michelle turned around to look in the backseat where Luke lay and saw he was still sleeping. "He's still asleep Shawn." She said. Shawn smiled at her. "Good I was afriad he was gonna wake up when I hit that pothole." He said. Jessica was feeding the chickens when she heard Dixie playing as Bo pulled into the yard and parked the General in front of the farmhouse and then slid out the open window and dropped to the ground. She could feel his eyes on her from across the yard and turned her back on him and finished feeding the chickens. She then went to the gate and opened it, going out of the pen and caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned away walking towards the barn. "Jess, wait I can explain." Bo cried. Jessica stopped but didn't turn around until he took aholde of her arm and turned her to face him. "Jess, I had to find Luke, I'm worried something has happened to him and Jess I'm scared." He said. Jessica shook her head. "Bo, you put yourself in danger and you know better." She said, starting to turn away again but Bo once again stopped her. "Jess, I didn;t find him, but I did find those two people that we encountered before." He said. Jessica shook her head again and pulled her arm from his grasp and kept going towards the barn. "There's a deserted cabin, let's stop there." Michelle cried. Shawn brought the car to a halt and turned the engine off and then got out and opened the back door, pulling Luke's body out and hauling him into the cabin. They found a bed but no chairs so they put Luke on the bed and then covered him with an old musty smelling blanket they found in a closet. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Bo looked tired and worn out from all the looking and worrying about his lost cousin and where to look for him next. Jess and Daisy were watching him in concern but he just ignored it. "I'm going to take you girl's back to the farm and then I'm gonna go to the swamp an see if maybe they went there." He said. Jessica and Daisy both stared at him. "I'm going with you Bo." Jess protested. Bo shook his head. "Jess that man had a gun, I ain't gonna risk you or Daisy gettin' shot." He said. Jess glared at him. "But you're willing to risk getting yourself shot?" She cried, tears in her blue eyes. Bo opened his mouth to respond but Jess turned and climbed over Daisy, sliding out the window and heading towards the farm on foot. Daisy shook her head at Bo and then climbed out and went after the angry and upset young woman. Bo sighed and turned the General heading towards the swamp to see if he could find Luke and tried to block the hurt and diappointed look on Jess' face out of his mind. When he got to the swamp and into the marsh he spotted a alligator and stared at it for a moment. "I know Luke has got to be around here somewhere." He mumbled and then spotted a small cabin and guided his boat over to where there was some partially dry ground and got out and snuck up to the cabin and slowly went inside. He looked in a mirror and thought he saw something move slightly in the corner but before he could turn and investigate the man appeared in the mirror, holding a gun. Bo spun to face him and glared at him. "Where's my cousin Luke?" What do y'all have against him?" He yelled, his face reddening in anger. Shawn grinned. "We ain't gonna tell you and we ain't seen your cousin today. Have we dear?" He asked, looking over as the girl came out of what appeared to be the bathroom. "That's right dear." She said and then smiled flirtaciously at Bo. "To what do we owe this visit?" She asked sweetly, going to his side. Bo stared at her. "I want you to ttell me where my cousin is." He said in a dangerously low voice. He'd taken his attention off Shawn and while Michelle was flirting with Bo, Shawn was taking Luke out to their car and getting ready to leave their hideout. Bo finally left and Shawn stepped back to the door. "Let's go dear." He said. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Bo leaned forward and grabbed the CB off the radio. "Lost Sheep to Shepherd, Lost Sheep to Shepherd, you there Uncle Jesse?" He asked. Jessica shifted next to him and whispered something to Daisy. "This is Shepherd, come in Bo." Uncle Jesse responed to Bo's message. "Uncle Jesse we found them people that hurt Luke, there's a man and a woman, but they wouldn't tell me what they did to Luke and the man threatened me with a gun." Bo said, looking over at Jess and Daisy were they sat and seemed to be discussing something. Meanwhile Shawn and Michelle were plotting what to do next since the younger duke boy had found their hideout and would probably tell the Sheriff. "What do you say we go an' pick up our guest?" Shawn said with a grin at Michelle. "But Shawn, what if he recognizes us an runs away?" She asked. Shawn grinned and held up a bottle of Chloform. "That's why I'm taking along a little inscurance." He said as they headed out to their car and drove towards the Duke farm. Luke was sneaking out to go find Bo and try to help find the people that hurt him when he came across a slow moving car though he knew it wasn't the General Lee. He stopped as a girl got out the passenger side and smiled at him. "Hi Luke, remember us?" She asked as the driver got out and came towards him too. Luke knew something about those two wasn't right but he couldn't quite place it.He turned to run and at that moment a rag went over his mouth and nose smelling heavily of chloform and he slumped to the ground. Shawn grinned and picked the duke boy up and hauled him over tossing him in the backseat of the car and then got in the front and sped away. Meanwhile back at the farm Bo, Jess and Daisy were once again retelling the story of their encounter with the man and the woman. "Uncle Jesse I got a feelin' them people have something personal against Luke, I just ain't sure what." Bo said, his eyes full of worry. "I'm gonna go check on Luke." Daisy said and got to her feet and headed to the boy's room. "Uncle Jesse, Bo, Jess he's gone Luke is gone." Daisy screamed a moment later. -
Full Moon In Hazzard
DixieRose_00 replied to a topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
Luke slowly ate his lunch though he wasn't too happy cause Bo, Jess and Daisy had gone off and left him at home. He hated missing out on all the action even though he had been hurt. Meanwhile Bo, Jess and Daisy were continuing to follow the tire tracks and soon came upon a car that seemed to be hidden in some bushes and then he spotted a girl sitting on a nearby log and eased the General to halt and slid out the open window. The girl jumped to her feet and started to back away as Bo moved closer, his eyes dark and angry. Jess and Daisy watched silently from the front seat of the General. "What did you do to my cousin Luke?" Bo yelled. The girl continued to back away though from what Jess and Daisy observed she seemed to be waiting for something or someone to appear. "If you move one more step plowboy, you're gonna be a dead man." A male voice rang out. Jess and Daisy turned to see a man standing a few feet from the girl holding a gun at Bo. Both girl's gasped and ducked down in the seat of the General though Jess fought the urge to reach back and grab the bow and arrows resting on the floor behind Bo's seat. "Look mister, I just wanna know what y'all did to my cousin Luke and why he's acting so funny." Bo said, slowly holding up his hands and backing away towards the General. "We ain't tellin' ya hayseed, but y'all better git before I get any angrier." the man said. Bo backed away and then turned and got up on the edge of the door sliding in through the window and starting the engine. As soon as they were out of earshot of the man and woman Bo halted the General and turned to look at Jess and Daisy. "Bo, what are we gonna do now?" Daisy asked. Bo sighed but Jess cut in. "We're gonna radio Uncle Jesse and let em know we found them people but didn't learn nothin." She said. -
I would love to beta read for you....I've written a few stories myself....I would love to help you out
Duke's Story
DixieRose_00 replied to DixieRose_00's topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
ok that's cool....so if you have any ideas for my story please feel free to let me know