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Everything posted by DixieRose_00

  1. I saw the video for the first time on CMT awhile ago and I thought it was so cool that John Schneider was in it! It's a good video too!! I have the song on one of my cd's
  2. These are my favorite quotes from Season One of the Dukes!! If y'all have any to add feel free to do so if your favorite season one quotes ain't on here.. One Armed Bandits Bo: Grab that sign. Luke: You grab it! Bo: Well, I can't!! I'm driving!! Luke: Oh is that what you call it? Luke: (showing Bo poster with Rosco's picture on it) Collecting these! Bo: What for? Luke: Lining the Rabbit cage...face up!! Luke: Burt Reynold's never seemed to get lost Bo: But he's got a mustache Bo: Now I live here. I choose this life. Not because I don't know no better, but because I beleive it is better, and I'm gonna fight anything or anybody that pollutes the well where I drink. Saving this orphanage is just part of it. Daisy's Song Daisy: You know what? Y'all are about as handy as a left handed anvil. While I'm up there gettin' attacked by this lecherous midget, you two are orgying all over that pool. Bo: Did he go for it? Luke: Did he take the bait? Daisy: He's gonna make me queen of the pirates.. Bo: Fantastic. Daisy: And thanks for asking about my virtue. Which you didn't! Being intact. Which it is. Luke: Do you understand that? Bo: No. Balladeer:Everybody was following everybody and nobody knew anybody. Enos: Oh sheriff. I just love a good raid. Mary Kaye's Baby Bo: How'd he know it was us if it ain't even our car? Luke: I bet your dazzlin' drivin' gave us away!! And if you don't step on it he's gonna give us a ticket for illegal parking!! Bo: I'd give a whole nickel to find out why they're chasing us! Luke: Well, there's Enos!! You can ask him!! Bo: Well all right!! Luke: I was kiddin'!! Bo: Well I was gonna let you take that bow over there and shoot his tires out, but you'd probably miss and hit ours!! Luke: Y'all better get outta the way!! There's fixin' to be one heck of an explosion!! Repo Men Luke: If something can go wrong you can be double dang sure it will!! That's Murphy's Law!! Bo: This guy Murphy! Was he a racecar driver? Luke: He must be. Everybody talks about him!! Bo: You know Luke! I think that made them mad!! Bo: Hang loose. Luke: If I was hanging any looser, I'd be hanging off the seat!! Bo: Sure hope you like scrambled eggs. Luke: What has that got to do with this? Bo: Where there's chickens there's eggs (drivin' through a barn). That sure was a funny place to put a barn!! Luke: Try that fool stunt again and I'll find a funnier place to put one!! Cooter: What do you think ole Burt Reynold's would be doin' at a time like this? Luke: Well I ain't sure. But I know he'd be doing it with someone a lot prettier then you!! Cooter: Hey Luke!! Luke: Yeah? Cooter: If you can't make this thing go any faster than this, do you mind if I just jump out and run ahead? Luke: Funny!! High Octane Bo: You think we ought to give her mouth to mouth recreation? Luke: You mean rescuitation? Bo: Oh maybe, but I bet I'm a whole lot closer to the truth then you are!! Luke: Hey it looks like Boss and Rosco in disguise!! Bo: Hey! You reckon they can swim? Luke: Y'all can come down off that wall now!! it's just water!! Swamp Molly Balladeer: Look at that? Ole Sheriff Rosco sure knows how to crawl!! Don't he? Rosco: This is Red Dog... (loses his balance and falls down a bank, landing in the water) Balladeer: Well ain't nobody perfect!! Daisy: I think it's awful risky driving that truck. I think you oughta let me do it!! Luke: Uncle Jesse would never allow it!! Balladeer: Like they always say. The family that plays together, stays together. Enos: You got some double peanut dooley? (recognizes Luke) Tweedledum, you're under arrest now!! Enos: Tweedledum is running peanut dooley's in that naked baby ice cream truck. Rosco: Blue Fox this is Red Dog. I'm under attack!! Rosco: (to Boss) If we crash I'll put your body between us and make an airbag!! Luke's Love Story Rosco: Will you get that messy piece of junk outta here before it starts dripping oil all over the place? Cooter: Don't worry about it Rosco. It's housebroke. Rosco: Enos! Why don't you go watch Daisy and lust in your heart? Enos: All right Sheriff!! But I was trying to taper off!! The Big Heist Bo: Hey Luke! Why didn't you stop for me? Luke: Ask the dude with the gun!! Rosco: You know this is the first time I ever fished this creek and caught anything? Balladeer: Now ain't that some kind if luck? If it had been a month sooner ol' Rosco woulda had to throw em back. Boy: I'll shoot if you don't put up your hands. Luke: Attaboy partner. Keep em covered. You got that money hid in a safe place where nobody'll find it? Boy: Yeah. I put it where nobody'll find it!! Rosco: You..You... Luke: Don't turn around Rosco!! He means it!! Rosco: You mean to tell me that little brat's got a pistol? Luke: Now don't rile em Rosco. Now he means buisness!! Rosco: Now that's just like you Duke boy's!! Leading a little boy into a life of crime!! Does your Uncle Jesse know about this? Bo: He ain't a little boy Rosco!! Rosco: Ain't? Bo: No! He's a midget!! Rosco: Midget? Bo: And boy is he ever mean!! Rosco: Mean? Bo: Mean!!! Luke: We'll meet you at the hideout for the split...three ways!! Boy: Right! Rosco: I swear Enos. If I catch you I'm gonna tie you up an' hang you on the wall like a side of beef. Boss: You'd think at a police station you'd find at least one cop hangin' around!! Rosco: How'd they do that? I could do that if I didn't wanna scuff my hubcaps. Rosco: You oughtn't have parked there in the first place. I'll give him a 603. Probably a drunk parker. Rosco: What are you doin' up there on my hood? Bet that smarted, didn't it? You look like a little fat hood ornament!! Limo One Is Missing Luke: You know why you got those hiccups? Bo: Why? Luke: Cause you scarf food like tomorrow was the first day of a six month famine. That's why!! Bo: Cute!! Luke: Now what are you doing Bo? Bo: Well I don't know, but everything's working so far!! Bo: There wasn't much more than a gallon in that can. Luke: In a one gallon can? No kiddin' Bo: I can't believe I said that!! Bo: You know somethin'? I think Rosco done scared away my hiccups!! Rosco: You dumb dipstick!! What are you trying to do? Give me bodily injury? Rosco: Hush. Hush. Don't talk back to me while I'm yelling at you!! Boss: You Dukes!! You low down danged dirty Dukes!!! Deptuty Dukes Luke: Well I shoulda known better!! Rosco can't hardly go night night without Boss burps him!! Enos: Possum on a gumbush. Them boys escaped convicts impersonating police officers. Bo: Luke! I sure hope you got a pilot's license!! Bo: Ain't no way Marlowe!! We're country boys!! We barter our way through life!! Jesse: You...You dressed up marshmallow you!!! Bo: Well I ain't perfect...just pretty!!! Bo: I just love it when people get outta the way for me!! Rosco: Enos! Will you hush? They've been wrong so many times they know their rights!! Daisy: I'm drivin' Mary Beth back to Springville!!! Luke: I guess we can go Boar hunting!! Bo: YAA-HOO!!!!! Daisy: That's Bo talk for You Bet!!! Money to Burn Rosco: Oh! Oh! I'm sorry Miss Daisy! I thought you were that no account Bo Duke!! Daisy:Well if you can't tell the difference between me and Bo, either you're losing your eyesight or I'm losing my figure!! Enos: Shoot Daisy!! You ain't losing nothin'!! I got 20-20, 20-20, 20-20 vision!! Ain't I Sheriff? Rosco: Hey Enos!! Enos: Sir? Rosco: Hush!! Enos: Yes Sir!! Rosco: Just hush!! Rosco: Boss! How high you want me to stack these bills? Boss: How high? Well how high are those gallon jugs we use to run shine in? Rosco: (measuring with his hands) Oh aboth this high!! Boss: Then that's how high we can go under the false bottom. Jackass!! Rosco: That's Sheriff Jackass!! Rosco: You mean to tell me I don't get to arrest nobody? Bo: Nope!!! Rosco: Somedays it don't even pay to get outta bed!! Route 7-11 Daisy: Luke's got that look in his eye again!! Bo: And right after he gets that look he goes (snaps his finger) I got it!! Let's go Bo!! And I get in trouble!! Luke: (snaps finger) I got it! Let's go Bo!! Bo: See what I mean? Bo: Oh, as long as it's simple. For a minute there I thought we were gonna have to do somethin' illegal. Rosco: Enos! How did you beat me here? Enos: Huh? Rosco: Will you stop makin' those dumb sounds and talk regular English? Enos: Uh-huh!! Jesse: Looks like I've been shucked and jived into some shuckin'... Bo: And Jivin'!! Luke: Climb on it Cooter!! We only got a few minutes!! Cooter: Right!! Give or take a few minutes!! Luke: Well there you are Rosco. I'm as clean as you and Boss are dirty!! But you can look in the glove compartment if you want!! Rosco: You criminally attack my car!! Boss: Rosco!! How dare you leave you car where I'm going!!! Double Sting Luke: Well that's showin' em Bo!! Bo: You know! I knew you were gonna say that!! Rosco: Enos!! They'll be out on bail before you finish with that! Now just get em outta here!! Boss: Rosco! I got claustophobia!! Enos: Is that catchin' Sheriff? Luke: All hope abandon ye who enter here!! Where'd you get that piece of sunshine Rosco? Stanley: Maybe we oughta sink the RV before something else crawls outta there!!! That's all I got for Season One!! Stick around for Season 2 quotes comin' soon!!!
  3. Maria felt something inside, maybe it was her sense of something wrong that she'd learned from Bo and Luke, but anyways something told her not to go in the house right away and to go back to her jeep and get the bow and arrows. She silently snuck around and against her better judgement picked up the Cb. "Crazy C, this here's Pretty Rebel are you there?" She asked softly. "This is Crazy Cooter coming at you Miss Maria!! What can I do for y'all?" Cooter's voice said. "Cooter I think something's happened to Bo here at the farm and I'm here alone." She said. "Now you just hang tight there Maria. I'm on my way!!" He said. Maria replaced the Cb and grabbed the Bow and arrows with dynamite and headed for the back of the house. Balladeer: I just hope ol' Cooter gets there soon. Cause Sweet little Maria ain't sittin' tight. Maria peered through one of the windows and released a soft gasp when she saw two men standing over Bo, who was tied and gagged to a chair in the kitchen. She quickly ducked as one man glanced towards the window and as she got a quick glimpse of him her eyes widened. It was one of the same men that had been in Luke's room. She slipped towards the door =, placing an arrow on the bow and aiming it directly at the door, just as one of the men came in. "Hold it right there Sugar!!! You tell your friend in there to release Bo or your gonna be one sorry man!! " She said, grinning when she saw Cooter slip through the shadows and go to a window out of sight of the other man. Cooter shoved the window up softly and climbed through quietly sneaking up behind the Cooper and tapping him on the shoulder. Cooper whirled around to see an angry Cooter. "Jimmy!!" He yelled, as Maria walked through the door, prodding Jimmy along with her arrow. Cooper shoved Cooter back against the wall and then grabbed Jimmy's arm, pulling him away from the startled young woman. "You may have us beat this time Duke!!! But we'll be back!!" Jimmy said as Cooper shoved Maria aside and they ran out the door. Maria ran to untie Bo. "You Okay?" She asked, pulling the gag from his mouth. Bo nodded and pulled her to him, thankful they hadn't hurt her. He looked up at Cooter. "Let's go get the General fixed. Cause I have a feeling we're gonna need him!!" He said. Cue Anyone
  4. Maria walked into Luke's room just as Rebecca Lynn was leaving and gave her a sideways glance, full of curiousity. She didn't remember ever seeing her there before and she knew all the nurses and doctor's because she'd been volunteering there since she was seventeen. Bo smiled at her when he cxaught sight of her though she could tell it was forced. "What's wrong?" She asked. Bo shrugged. "I ain't rightly sure!! That gal that was in here said that she was in the orphanage and I knew her as Becky and that I used to tease her, but I don't remember no Becky." He said. Daisy walked through the door and hugged Maria when she caught sight of her. "How you doing Sugar?" Maria asked as she hugged her best friend. Daisy smiled weakly. "I've been better." She said and looked at Bo. "What are you two planning?" She asked. Maria smiled and looked at Bo. "I promised I'd give Bo a ride to the house to change and then we're gonna go back to Cooter's and see what we can do about fixing up the General." She said. Daisy nodded. "Now you two be careful. Whover caused that accident might still be around." She warned them. Maria hugged her again and joined Bo in the doorway. "Don't worry!! I brought along the extra set of arrows with dynamite and another bow." She said. Daisy sighed and sat down next to Luke's bed. "Get better soon Luke!!" She whispered. cue anybody
  5. There's an idea...we could have both....but I still like Bo better.
  6. I like Bo the best...always have always will
  7. Meanwhile while the Dukes were waiting in the hallway for the man to get done running tests on Luke one of the doors down the hall opened and a pretty young woman, stepped out her eyes falling on the Dukes down the hall. Her eyes widened and she walked towards them. Balladeer: Now this young lady is Maria Johnson. She's Daisy's best friend and lives with the Dukes seeing as how her parents were killed and Jesse couldn't see her going to an orphanage as her parents were good friends of his, she also seems to be dating Bo....ain't she pretty? Bo caught sight of the blond as she approached them. "Ria." He cried, sweeping her into his arms when she reached them. "What;s going on y'all?" She asked, looking frantically from one face to another. "There was an accident and Luke was hurt pretty bad." Daisy cried, wrapping her arms around her friend as Bo released her. Maria nodded. "I know Rosco told me. I wanted to know why you all are standing out here and not in there with him." She said. "The doc came and told us they had to run some tests." Jesse said. Maria shook her head. "I just had myself a look at Luke's chart. He ain't scheduled for no tests." She said, and started for the door to Luke's room. Bo's eyes widened and he followed her. Cooper got ready to pull the trigger just as the door burst open and a tall blond young man entered followed by a pretty blond girl dressed in a candy striper's uniform. "Get away from my cousin." Bo yelled as Jesse and Daisy and Rosco spilled through the door. Cooper and Jimmy looked at each other and then dodged the angry Bo and the others in the room and ran out the door. Maria hurried to Luke's side and checked for his pulse and sighed with relief. "They didn't get a chance to hurt him. But I think we better put a 24 hour watch on him at all times." She said. Bo nodded. "I'll stay." He said. Maria nodded. "I'm gonna go change and then I'll be back." She said and left the room followed by Daisy. Balladeer: Now Cooper's and Jimmy's plans may have been messed up this time but I just know they're gonna try again. I sure hope ol' Luke wakes up soon.
  8. Not a problem...I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of season 7 on CMT and then I will be able to say I have seen all the dukes episodes.
  9. here is mycollection first four seasons of the dukes of hazzard, the tv promo, and the tv's favorite episodes season's 2 and 3 of smallville and soon to be season 4 The fast and the furious Bourne Identity Bourne Supremacy Confessions of a teenage drama queen true women cellular seasons 1 and 2 of roswell first season of MacGyver Love comes Softly Love's Enduring Promise Raise Your Voice that's most of my collection.
  10. A Baby For The Dukes was early in the Sixth Season and Happy Birthday General Lee was the season premeire for Season 7.
  11. I beleivthe episode you are thinking of is the sixth season episode Twin Trouble where Rosco and Enos have to ride around for awhile on three wheeler's. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Twin Trouble is the right episode.
  12. I don't remember exactly either but when Sheriff Little called Rosco Sheriff Coalbrain, Rosco said. "There's no brain in it." and then Sheriff Little said something like, "That's for sure." Something like that anyway. It was really hilarious.
  13. It was definitely an interesting episode and to see everybody trick Enos into letting them out so they could go help Bo and Luke was really great. I loved it.
  14. Season 5 is being released on December 13th. And I will be one of the first in line to get my copy, not because I like Coy and Vance, though they didn't do a half bad job of filling in for Bo and Luke, but because it's the Dukes Of Hazzard.
  15. You must have just missed them because I saw both A Baby For The Dukes and Happy Birthday General Lee.
  16. Story of what really happened to Bo told in Flashbacks from Jessi's and from Bo wondering if anyone found Jessi or if she's been killed. If you have any ideas or want to leave me a message about whether or not you liked it please pm me. Summary: Jason Steele returns to Hazzard and supposedly kills Bo, not realizing he's left behind a witness that knows what really happened, though for the time being she doesn't remember anything. Now as she slowly regains her memory the remaining members of the Duke family work with Boss Hogg and Rosco to keep her safe and find out what really happened to Bo. Can a broken hearted young woman and the missing Duke boy find their way back together and save Hazzard? Stick around folks, this one's gonna be a mite tricky. Chapter One--Live Without You Luke sat next to the bed where Jessi Mae Parker lay, her eyes closed and face pale. He rested his face in his hands, drawing in deep breaths. He wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to her, afraid of how she'd take it. Bo was dead...Bo was dead and he wasn't coming back. he jerked his head up when he heard a groan. "Jess!" He cried, moving closer to her as she slowly brought his face into focus. "Luke! Where's Bo?" She asked. Luke bit back a cry of distress, not looking forward to telling his cousin's pretty girlfriend that Bo was now dead. Jessi looked around the room, confusion on her pretty face. "Why am I in the hospital?" She asked, fear flitting across her face. Luke was surprised. "Jessi! There was an accident! You hit your head and Bo..." He started, but his voice got choked up. Jessi's eyes fell on his face. "Bo, what?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly. Luke looked back up at the young woman. "Jessi! Bo didn't make it! He's dead!" He cried. Jessi's eyes widened in horror, pain flickering in her eyes. "He can't be dead." She screamed. Luke sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms, feeling her body shake. Luke felt her bury her face in his shoulder and reached up stroking her long blond hair. Jessi closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Bo couldn't be dead. He'd been with her the night before and they'd talked about going for a drive the next morning. She pulled away from Luke and looked into his eyes. "Bo ain't dead. We went to bed last night when we got home and in the morning we were gonna go for a ride. He can't be dead!" She cried. Luke stared at her, realization flickering in his eyes. She didn't remember. She remembered up to the night before, but nothing that morning. Jessi suddenly closed her eyes and put a hand to her head as images rushed through her mind. *Flash* I got something I wanna ask you Jessi! Bo Duke said as they drove along towards Hazzard. Jessi looked at Bo in surprise. "What is it?" She asked. *End Flash* Jessi's eyes snapped open and she stared at Luke who was looking back at her, concern on his face. "I wanna go home." She said. Luke smiled weakly at her. "Ok Jessi! Doc Applebee said as soon as you woke up he'd release you." He said. Jessi nodded her eyes following Luke as when he got to his feet as the doctor came in. He smiled at her. "Well Miss Parker! I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feelin'?" He asked. Jessi stared at him. "I...my head hurts." She said. Doc Applebee smiled. "That's normal with a head injury." He said gently as Daisy and Uncle Jesse walked through the door. Daisy ran over to her. "Oh Jessi!" She cried. Jessi saw her best friend and broke into anguished sobs as Daisy engulfed her in her arms. Luke motioned to the Doc and Uncle Jesse, pulling them off to a far corner of the room as Daisy helped Jessi into the bathroom to get changed. "Doc, she don't remember anything." He said worriedly. Doc Applebee stared at the older Duke boy for a moment. '"With the kind of truama she went through, it's normal that she's suffering some memory loss." He said gently. Luke looked over at the two girls as they came back out. "Will she ever get it back?" He asked. The Doc smiled. "She may in time." He said, patting Luke gently on the shoulder and turned leaving the Dukes alone with the only remaining link they had to Bo. Luke walked over to Jessi and Daisy. "Y'all ready to go?" He asked, smiling gently at them. Jessi nodded and gasped in surprise when Luke lifted her into his arms. He carried her down the hall and out to Daisy's jeep. Jessi settled back against the seat with a sigh. Daisy looked at her in concern. "You okay sugar?" She asked, as she climbed in the back next to Uncle Jesse. Jessi nodded and then gasped as more images hit her. *Flash* "Bo! They're gonna hit us!" She screamed. Bo glanced quickly behind them. "Not if I can help it Sugar!" He said. Jessi screamed as they were forced off the road and went into a stand of trees hitting the biggest one. *End Flash* Jessi sat up fast and suddenly realized she was no longer in Dixie but in the bed she shared with Daisy. She looked around and noticed it was dark and Daisy was sleeping soundly next to her. She got to her feet, careful not to wake Daisy and went to the kitchen to get a drink and got into the cupboard, grabbing a glass and filling it. She turned around as more images hit her leaving her dizzy and frightened. *Flash* "If you don't come with me, I'll put a bullet in your pretty girlfriends head." The voice said. Jessi fought to open her eyes but they just felt to heavy. 'That voice. She knew that voice.' "No Mister. Don't do that. I...I'll come with you. Just don't hurt her." Bo cried desperately. "Now get outta that car plowboy." The man said. *End Flash* Jessi's eyes snapped open, her quivering hands losing their grip on the glass of water, sending it crashing to the floor. Luke heard the glass shatter and leaped out of bed, running down the hall to find Jessi standing in the middle of the kitchen her eyes wide and full of terror. "Stay there!" Luke said, moving around so he could get to the frightened young woman. Jessi obeyed but Luke noticed she was shaking violently. He grabbed her, pulling her to him. "He's gonna kill me Luke." She cried. "Who Jessi?" He asked. "Jason Steele! He's come back to Hazzard." She sobbed. Luke gasped as she turned and grabbed his shoulders, fixing him with a wide eyed stare. "Luke! He's got Bo! Balladeer: Now don't that beat all! Bo's alive and Jessi know's who's got em. I sure hope she can convince Luke she's not goin' crazy.
  17. Rosco ran outside when he heard the General leave the yard. "Those dang Duke boys don't have an ounce of sense." he muttered to himself and then looked back over his shoulder at his deptuty. "Come on dipstick. We gotta find out where they're goin' before they get themselves killed." He said. Enos ran down the steps to his patrol car. "You dipstick. Your car not mine." Rosco hollered, starting his engine and heading after the General Lee. Enos turned back around and ran to his patrol car and jumped in starting the engine and following the old Sheriff. Bo glanced back over his shoulder when he heard sirens and saw Rosco and Enos behind them and closing fast. "Don't look now Luke but here comes Rosco and Enos." He said. Luke looked in the rearview mirror and then back at his youngest cousin. "Not for long! Hang on." He said, and sped up. Jessi tried to run as soon as her feet hit the floor of the garage but a burly arm around her waist hauled her back around. "I don't know where you're going sugar but the Boss has got other plans for you." Joe said with a nasty grin, as he hauled her out to the car in the parking lot. Jessi's eyes roamed the street and lit up when she caught sight of Lulu Hogg across the street. "Now let me go you dirty sidewinder. You're not gonna get away with this, just wait till Bo and Luke get ahold of you." She screamed and grinned when she saw Lulu's eyes fall on the men and the girls. She heard Lulu gasp and then watched as she turned and ran into the police station, no doubt to call for help. "Bo and Luke Duke are y'all out there?" Bo jumped when he heard Lulu's voice over the Cb. "This is Bo here Miss Lulu. What's wrong?" He asked. "I just saw two men forcing Jessi Mae and Daisy into a car and it looks like they're headed for the Boars Nest!" She cried. "We're on it Lulu. Thanks." Bo said and turned to his cousin who was already turning around. "Let's go." He said. Balladeer: Now ain't nobody knows what's in store for them gals when they get there. I just know it ain't good.
  18. hhhmmm....Gotta love him in those pants...I love it, I love it..
  19. Bo looked at Luke who was leaning on Cooter for support, and seemed to be crying. "Why'd you let him take her?" Rosco asked, staring at Luke in horror. Luke looked up at the Sheriff and stared hard at the older man. "I had no choice." He said dully, no emotion in his voice at all. Bo stared hard at his cousin. "What do you mean you had no choice?" He asked. "Bo. Hatcher had Jessi and Daisy and he threatened to kill them if Mabel didn't go wih him." He cried. Bo's eyes widened in horror. "What?" He yelled. Luke shrugged and walked towards the house. "They won Bo." He said dully. He was about to go into the house but found his path blocked by Rosco. "Shame Shame on you Luke Duke. You can't give up on them gals. Not while they're still alive. Cause you know if that was you an Bo in their place they wouldn't give up on you." He said. Luke sighed and met Rosco's gaze, knowing the old Sheriff was right. "All right. We need to think of a plan." He said. "Get up that Ladder." Hatcher's men yelled at Daisy and Jessica, shoving them roughly towards the ladder. As Daisy started up the ladder Jessi turned back to glare at the two men. "You ain't gonna get away with this." She snapped. The two men only laughed and shoved her towards the ladder. She climbed up and stood with Daisy as the two men climbed up and yanked the girls hands roughly behind their backs and tied them up, then put gags in their mouths, pushing them into a far corner. "No one's gonna think to look here for you gals. We'll be back as soon as Hatcher decides what to do with you," they said and then left. Balladeer: Now friends why is it whenever there's trouble Jessi and Daisy are right smack dab in the middle of it. I sure hope somebody finds em.
  20. Please read and tell me what you think by posting it here....and if you have any ideas feel free to post them as well cause I do get writer's block on occaision. Thanks.
  21. When Jessi and Bo arrived back at the farm Jesse was waiting for them and he did not look happy. "Where in blazes have you two been?" He yelled, causing Bo and Jessi to exchange glances. Before either one could say anything Luke stepped out on the porch and sent a reassuring look at his cousin and the pretty girl with him. "Uncle Jesse. I'm sure they have a good explanation as to why they're late." Luke said gently. Jesse turned and glared at his older nephew. "They'd better have. I was worried." He said, his look softening as his gaze fell on Jessi. "We're sorry Uncle Jesse but Rosco decided he was gonna try to follow us home." Jessi explained. Jesse rolled his eyes and then grinned. "Where'd you leave ol' Rosco at this time?" He asked. Jessi laughed. "Out near the pond. He's probably still drivin' around searching for us." She said, walking towards the house as Daisy stepped out on the porch behind Luke. Daisy wrapped an arm around her friends waist and pulled her inside. "Are you okay sugar?" She asked. Jessi laughed and glanced back over her shoulder to catch Bo watching her. She turned her attention back to Daisy. "I'm fine." She said reassuringly. The girls walked into the house together and Jessi started helping Daisy finish up supper. Jesse, Bo, and Luke walked out to the barn to look at the engine again. "I sure hope we can find a car to put it into." Bo said. Jesse patted his youngest nephew affectionately on the shoulder. "Give it some time boys and I beleive it'll happen." He said, turning back to the house, leaving Bo and Luke alone in the barn doorway. 2 Weeks Later Bo and Luke were returning from Capitol City with a truck of Cooter's they'd borrowed when Boss and Rosco pulled out behine them. "Step on it cousin. We don't have the money for bail." Luke said. Bo nodded and pressed his foot harder on the gas but sighed when Rosco went aaround them and blocked the road. "We're confiscating this here vehicle." Rosco giggled as he got out of the car followed by Boss. "Now wait a minute. You'e not just gonna leave us out here without a ride? Are you?" Luke asked. Boss smiled sweetly at the two boys. "Of course not! I'm gonna call your Uncle Jesse and have him come out here and get you." He said, as he got in the truck and Rosco got back in the patrol car. Bo and Luke sighed as they watched the two men drive away. "Guess we may as well start walking." Luke said. heading off towards the farm and was followed by Bo a moment later. About 45 minutes to an hour later they heard a vehicle appraoching and turned to see Jesse's white pick-up approaching. They were releived to see their Uncle, cousin and Jessi. Jessi got out of the cab as Bo got in back and then reached down to give her a hand up. Luke took her place next to Daisy and told Jesse everything. "I think it's time we had a talk with JD." He said. Balladeer: I have a feeling them Dukes are headed for trouble. Don't you?
  22. Rosco looked from one face to the other. "I ain't never knowed you Dukes to lie before." He said, half to himself. "And we're not lying now either Rosco." Jessi said, desperation on her face. Enos looked over at Daisy. "I beleive em Sheriff." He said, smiling at Daisy. Rosco muttered. "All right. I ain't gonna turn you in. If it's gonna end in someone getting killed, I'm not having no part of that." Mabel laughd and threw her arms around Rosco's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Oh thank you Sheriff." She cried. Everyone laughed as Rosco's face turned a bright shade of pink. Jessi motioned towards her and Daisy's room and walked down the hall with Daisy close behind her. "I think we should go to the Boars Nest and see if we can find anything out." She said. Daisy nodded and reached into the closet pulling out a clean pair of shorts and a tank top. Jessi followed suit and got a change of clothes out too. They quickly changed and rushed back out to the living room and told the others what they were planning to do. Luke shook his head. "You two be careful." He said, as they headed out the door to Daisy's roadrunner and got in. Mabel watched them go, fear in her eyes. "Are they crazy? He's there at the Boars Nest."She cried. Bo grinned and walked towards the door. "Don't worry about them Mabel. They know what they're doing." He said. "What are we gonna do Luke?" Enos asked. Luke thought for a moment. "We're gonna go hideout at Cooter's Farm. We'll radio the girls later and let them know where we are." He said as they walked out to the cars. Rosco and Enos followed the General Lee to Cooter's farm. Bo was hiding it from everyone but inside he was worried about Jessi and Daisy. He knew they were good at what they did but they'd never gone up against someone like Hatcher before and if either one of them got hurt or killed he'd never forgive himself for letting them go in the first place. When Daisy and Jessi reached the Boars Nest they walked in and started setting up for the evening. Jessi walked around and gathered salt shaker's to fill. She watched as Daisy sidled up to the door and placed an ear against it, hoping to hear what was going on in the other room. Jessi started filling the salt shakers while keeping an eye on the door in case someone decided to walk in. She finally tired of the salt shaker's and walked over to join her friend, who placed a finger to her lips. Jessi placed her ear against the door. I don't care what you say JD. You're irresponsible Sheriff let that gal get away." Hatcher yelled. "Well she's about as tricky as them Dukes." Boss whined. Jessica rolled her eyes, causing Daisy to smile. "Hey!" A voice said. They whirled around to see two men with gun's standing in the doorway. Jessica and Daisy moved away from the door and slowly raised their hands. The two men walked towards them. Jessica looked over at Daisy who gave a slight nod. Jessica nodded back and then kicked out with her foot, knocking the gun from one of the men's grasps, sending it flying across the room as Daisy kicked the other. The two girls ran out the door and jumped in the roadrunner, firing up the engine and tearing out of the parking lot. The two men took off after them and aimed the recovered gun at the car. A sharp retort caused the car to swerve and go off the road, going into the brush on the edge. Balladeer: I just hate to see Jessi and Daisy in trouble. And ain't nobody knows about it neither.
  23. While Mabel was trying to make her way to the Duke Farm, Jessica, Bo, Luke and Daisy were just arriving, hoping that maybe Mabel had gone back there to hide from Rosco and Boss. Luke and Daisy went to search the barn while Jess and Bo went to search the house. Jessica stood in the middle of the kitchen with her hands on her hips as Bo reappeared from down the hall. "I don't like this Bo." She said, stating the obvious fear she was feeling. The fear that maybe Hatcher had caught Mabel. Bo reached out and pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Don't worry Jess. We're gonna find her." He said, just as Luke and Daisy came through the door. Bo and Jessica turned to face them and could tell by the looks on their faces that they hadn't had any luck either. Luke looked like he was ready to bite someone's head off. Daisy rested her hand on his arm. "We're gonna find her Luke." She said gently. Luke shook his head. "What's the use? Hatcher's probably got her already!" He said. Jessica glared at him. "Luke Duke! I ain't never knowed you to give up on someone you care about before. So what makes you think you can start now?" She yelled, losing her temper. Luke stared at her for a moment. "I'm sorry y'all. It just seems so hopeless." He said, running his hands down his face. Bo grinned. "Ain't nothin' hopeless when you got a whole family of Dukes behind you." He said, drawing Jessica close and smiling at his cousin. Luke grinned back. "Thanks Jessi. I needed that." He said. Balladeer: They think it ain't hopeless but then again they ain't seen nothin' yet. Have they?
  24. Bo and Jessi stood behind Bo and stared at Rosco. "Hey Luke!" Bo said. Luke looked back at his cousin. "Yeah Bo. What is it?" He asked. "Wasn't Rosco supposed to be takin' Mabel to the Boars Nest?" Bo asked. Luke's eyes widened when he realized what Bo was saying. "Uh-oh." Cooter muttered, getting what Bo was saying. Jessica ran for the General. 'We gotta find her. She could get into trouble if Hatcher is somewhere around here." She said, climbing up and sliding behind the wheel and started up the engine. "I'm going with you." Luke said and ran over, jumping up and sliding through the passenger side window and slid into the back as Bo slid in the front. "I'll follow y'all." Daisy hollered as Jessica pulled away from the garage and roared past Rosco, who shook his fist at them in annoyance. Luke leaned between the seats and grabbed the cb. "Mabel. This here is Luke Duke. Where are you sugar?" He asked. The all waited tensely for an answer, concern lining their faces when there was no response. Jessica raised her eyes to meet Luke's gaze in the rearview mirror. He saw concern in her brown eyes. "Don't worry Luke. We're gonna find her." She said, her voice firm and full of stubborness. Luke nodded though he wasn't really convinced. Bo shifted in his seat so he could get a better view of his older cousin. "Luke. You're a Duke and us Duke's don't give up without a fight." He said. Jessica sent an understanding glance at Bo. She remembered all the times the Dukes fought for what was right. She'd been there, helping hold everyone's heads high, refusing to let them give up. That was one of the many things that Bo loved about her. "I don't think Mabel came this way." Bo finally said. Jessica finally pulled off to the side and slammd her fist into the steering wheel, angry tears filling her eyes. "Dang it. How are we gonna find her if we don't even know which way she went?" She cried. Bo reached out and took her hand. "Jess were gonna find her. You just have to have some faith." He said. Balladeer: I have a feeling it's gonna take a lot more then faith to get the Dukes out of this mess that it looks like they're in. Stick around folks. It's about to get interesting.
  25. It may have actually been during the fourth season episode Goodbye General Lee.
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