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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2021 in Posts

  1. Hobie Hartkins

    NASCAR news

    You know....that COULD get nasty! That might be the only episode with parental advisory!
    2 points
  2. RogerDuke

    The last 24 hours

    We are certainly heading down a slippery slope and it is quite troubling. I can see a future where even if you try to look up Dukes of Hazzard it won't even come up on any search engines because the ban will be that thorough. It won't happen anytime soon but at the rate culture is being chipped away it will happen. I can't even watch TV anymore. I get it. There should be equal rights for everybody. I'm all for that. Anybody who is not for equal rights for everybody is an idiot. What I'm sick of is constantly being vilified for being a straight white man. I don't want to be treated better than anybody but I'm sick of being treated worse.
    1 point
  3. Spike


    Don't get complacent after you get the vaccine, you still can be a carrier and infect others. One lady I do odd-jobs for recently went out to eat with old co workers since she got both shots if the pfizer vaccine. Turns out one if the co workers had covid and didn't show signs till the day after. Now she and everyone else in the group has to quarantine for the next 7-10 days. Her Dr also told her she might experience mild covid symptoms but should be fine though she does have underlying health conditions so hopefully the vaccine will help her body's immune system kick covid's butt. Be vigilant, wear your masks and social distance at least until everyone who wants the vaccine gets it.
    1 point
  4. Might have been a re-shoot that Denver Pyle wasn't available for so they had a stand in for him and hoped people like eagle eye HossC wouldn't notice.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. A little girl was staring at me before Christmas ( she was with her grandmother, I think), at the bank and I waved my beard at her and said " Ho ho ho , if you're not good, I won't come and see you." Her grandmother leaned over to her ear and while she looked up at me, she pointed and said, " You see there? That's what I've been telling you?" LOL! Even the girls behind the counter laughed!
    1 point
  7. You're a hard act to follow in the mush and sentiments department, Roger.
    1 point
  8. So, Hoss you're still 21 right? Are you ever gonna grow up? No? Good, cuz we'd have ya no other way. Happy Birthday! Hope it was a great one!
    1 point
  9. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    The school has a strict dress code policy. Usually the students wear suit and ties Monday-Thursday. T shirts and hoodies I presume are not allowed on Fridays even though it's casual day. Had a long day...first the oil line going to the turbo on my dad's car sprung a leak. Got too listen to his "woe is me I don't know what to do" schpiel. Then tried to mediate deal with him and the neighbor but that is going swimmingly. This stems back from when my dad's tree fell in the neighbors yard and destroyed one if her arborvitae bushes. She wants it replaced but my cheapskate dad doesn't want to pay for it. Got a pounding headache from dealing with all that BS today.
    0 points
  10. Spike

    The last 24 hours

    Yeah this whole thing is getting out of hand . Hell I read an article last week that stated caucasians getting tanned is "offensive" and now has a name 'blackfishing' . So what are caucasians supposed to cover themselves head to toe while outside now so as to not offend anybody. Its funny extreme liberals used to make a stink about churches banning and burning books, now look who's doing it. On a similar note a local christian school is making headlines for sticking to their dress code and not allowing students wear BLM shirts to school. On Friday's they have casual day but that doesn't mean wear whatever you want. The local news stations have made this the main story for a week now yet never states that the shirts are not allowed because of the dress code, and have nothing to do with racism. I guess some organization is going to show up and protest the school this week.
    0 points
  11. RogerDuke

    The last 24 hours

    I just as heard the news about Dr. Seuss books being banned. This is not political correctness. This is literal insanity. Enjoy the HazzardNet while you can. It won't be long before anything related to The Dukes of Hazzard is banned and labeled as hate speech. Owning a DVD of the Dukes will be a crime, punishable by imprisonment. America, Europe and free speech have been given a death sentence by the politically correct forces who control this world.
    0 points
  12. No, gray and white smiley emojis were on mine last night but they are gone today.
    0 points
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