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  1. Monday morning BL got up nice and slow to avoid another dizzy/fainting spell. ‘Morning darlin, how do you feel?” Bo asked. “I’m better, told you it was probably just water in my ears,” BL replied. Dixie, Luke, Scrapie and Trixie had gotten up, out and on their way to their jobs on schedule for a change. At the garage, Cooter was moving a bit slower than Luther liked but he was at work and moving. He might be burning the candle at both ends but he was doing his part. So far BL’s day had been uneventful, she hadn’t been dizzy even once but that was likely due to her careful movements. Truth be told she was a mite afraid of fainting again and noone there but Sadie to know it. Bo had gone out to the farm as usual to do the morning chores but hadn’t stayed for breakfast, he had to be at work to unload a truck early this morning. Ellen Sue reported to work right on time, taking her pink helmet off as she came in the back door, bending down to pet Sadie and give the dog a treat,”here ya go sweetheart.” “Howdy boss, how was your weekend?” Ellen Sue asked, grinning at BL who kept telling the slightly older woman that she wasn’t the boss, just a coworker. BL replied “Afternoon Ellen Sue, the weekend was busy and a little eventful.” “Oh?What’d you do?” Ellen Sue asked. ”Me, Bo, Luke and Dixie spent the day at the lake on Saturday, then grilled hamburgers and hotdogs that evening.Then Sunday we all went out to the Duke farm for breakfast before going to church then having lunch there,” BL replied. “That was a busy weekend, I don’t know how you had time for anything else sounds pretty eventful to me.” Ellen Sue said. “Well all that wasn’t what I meant by eventful. Sunday I had a couple dizzy spells and fainted once.” BL replied. “Oh my, are you alright, should you be at work? I could have filled in all you had to do was call,” Ellen Sue said, eyeing the younger woman closely looking for signs BL was sick. “I’m fine, must have just been water in my ears from swimming Saturday but would you deliver the mail, might not be a good idea to drive all over the county,” BL replied. Ellen Sue replied, "Right. I'll get it. You can stay here or head home to rest." “Thanks, think I’ll head home. I’m exhausted for some reason, I slept good though,” Ellen Sue replied, "Alright. I'll make the deliveries quick and be back to close. Sadie take good care of her." Sadie wagged her tail as her and BL headed out for home. Once home BL let Sadie out back a few minutes, “How about a nap, Sadie girl?” BL asked and got a ‘woof’ and Sadie making a beeline upstairs. BL stopped off at the bathroom, she had to pee for what felt like the 100th time today. Finished in the bathroom she went to hers and Bo’s bedroom, taking off her shoes before laying down beside Sadie, falling asleep within seconds. Dixie had a free minute and decided to call the Hazzard Post Office. Placing the call to the Hazzard switchboard she was transferred to the post office. Ellen Sue was just unlocking the door from the mail deliveries when she heard the phone ringing. She hurried to the phone, "Hazzard Post Office." "Ellen Sue? This is Dixie. Is BL there?" “No, she said she was going home to rest that she was exhausted,” Ellen Sue replied. Dixie replied. "Alright. I won't bother her then. I was just calling to check on her." “She told me about her dizzy spells and fainting yesterday. Asked me to deliver the mail, she didn’t think driving all over the county a good idea even though she feels better.” Ellen Sue said. "Alright. I'll go right home after work and check on her. Thanks." Dixie said as she hung up to get back to work. BL was sleeping good when the need to pee woke her up, at first she thought she could ignore it but nope that wasn’t happening. Getting up as easy as possible so she didn’t set off a wave of dizziness, BL went to the bathroom. The dizziness was strange but BL thought with needing to pee so much today, she must have a kidney infection. “How about you girl, need to go out?” BL asked Sadie, while she was up. Sadie woofed and headed downstairs. While Sadie was in the backyard, BL fixed herself a glass of ice water, she’d have to go to the bathroom again but her mouth felt like cotton. Letting Sadie back inside, BL took her ice water and went back to bed until she had to pee again anyway. When Dixie got off work, she didn't bother to change clothes. She was heading straight home so she didn’t waste time changing. Once across the county line, Dixie passed the Boar's Nest, noting that only Daisy’s vehicle and a few workers from the mill were there. Luke was coming from the other direction but also would pass the Boar's Nest. He noted that no one else was there. "Lost Sheep One to Little Shotgun or Lost Sheep Two." "Little Shotgun here." Dixie answered. "I'm coming by the Boar's Nest. Where are ya'll?" Luke asked. "I'm almost home. I'll explain in a bit." Dixie said. Luke replied. "Behind you." Bo was just getting back from making deliveries in Choctaw, unloading a truck this morning had put him getting started a little late. He hadn’t heard Dixie’s call on the CB but noted as he passed the backside of the post office BL’s car wasn’t there but Ellen Sue’s pink moped was. So he was a mite worried about BL. “Lost Sheep 2 looking for Sweet Talker, I just passed the post office and you ain’t there, what’s your 20? BL you out there come back,” Bo tried calling on the CB as he headed General Lee toward the Boar’s Nest. Dixie went in the front door, expecting BL to be in the living room. When she wasn't, Dixie called out, "BL?" Nothing from BL, but she heard a small woof from upstairs. At the bedroom door, Dixie knocked lightly, "BL?" The knock set Sadie off barking, the normal reaction except usually BL was wide awake and expecting it but not today and she nearly jumped out of her skin. “SADIE HUSH! You nearly gave me a heart attack just now.” BL fussed, not happy at being so rudely awakened. "Sadie, it's me. BL are you alright? Can I come in." “I’m fine Dix, yes you can come in,” BL replied. Dixie looked confused as she came into the bedroom, "If you are alright why are you home in bed?" “Taking a nap. I don’t know why but I felt drained and exhausted when Ellen Sue came to work at noon. I took a nap yesterday afternoon when we got home from the farm,” BL replied, a puzzled expression on her face. "Yeah, we all took a nap yesterday afternoon, so?" “Boy do we all sound old taking a Sunday afternoon nap,” BL said grinning then shrugged her shoulders adding, “maybe I’m coming down with something.” Dixie replied, " Maybe you are. We were all up with the dogs and storm Saturday night too. Well, alright Luke was up with the pups and Bo was up because Sadie took his bed." Dixie grinned as she petted Sadie. Luke pulled in the drive and cut the pups loose in the backyard. Dixie opened the bedroom door for Sadie who wanted to play. Luke opened the back door to a bouncing Sadie as she ran out to join the others. "Hey? Where are ya’ll at?" "Up here." Dixie said. Luke came upstairs to find Dixie sitting on BL and Bo's bed. “Why are ya’ll here instead of the Boar’s Nest? How come you’re still wearing your uniform Dixie?” BL looked from Dixie to Luke curiously. When Bo got no response from BL and noone but Daisy was at the Boar’s Nest he headed home, hoping BL wasn’t worse, she acted fine this morning. Bo saw all the vehicles home. He hurriedly got out of the General and took the front steps two at a time? Inside, he yelled, "BL?" Luke hadn't gotten any answers yet but called to Bo, "Up here." Bo again took the stairs two at a time, "What's wrong?" He asked as his pulse raced thinking something was seriously wrong. “Nothing’s wrong, ya’ll got your knickers in a knot for no reason,” BL said but that was as far as she got. Cooter was coming back from a job but didn’t see the other vehicles at the Boar’s Nest so turned off to go by the house to see what was up, he figured one or both girls were changing before they all met up. Seeing everybody home Cooter parked in front of the house and went to the door and knocked but when not even the dogs came to the door, he let himself in, “hey where is everybody?” Cooler called out. Bo answered “we’re upstairs.” Cooter had joined the ‘party’ a second later, “what’s everybody doing up here?” Cooter asked. BL wondered when hers and Bo’s bedroom had become Hazzard Central. “Let’s go have this discussion in the livingroom,” BL said,picking up her water off the nightstand. Downstairs Luke and Dixie sat on the couch, Bo and BL settled on the loveseat and BL set her water on the end table, Bo’s arm automatically went around his wife, like Luke’s had Dixie. Cooter didn’t want to get grease on the furniture and got himself a dining chair. BL started, “I asked Ellen Sue to deliver the mail today when she came in to work, I didn’t think it was the smart thing for me to go driving all over the county after fainting yesterday,” Cooter interrupted “you fainted yesterday?” BL replied “yes I had a couple dizzy spells yesterday and fainted once. Anyway Ellen Sue told me to come home and rest if I wanted to, so I came home and took a nap.” Cooter replied unconcerned after hearing the explanation, "Oh, ok. So are ya'll coming out tonight since BL is alright? " “Cooter, coming home at noon and sleeping all afternoon ain’t exactly alright,” Bo replied. “Is that a no then?” Cooter asked. “Yes!” Bo exclaimed. “We’ll take a rain check too.” Dixie said. After a hearty supper the 4 newlyweds settled in with a movie then went to bed. BALLADEER: Well for a few days everything was normal, as normal as things ever get in Hazzard.
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