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  1. Thanks. In other news, it was his 7th Gotcha Day yesterday and he got special puppy cake (I ordered cake mix on Amazon, made specifically for dogs). It was a good day.
    1 point
  2. Howdy everybuddy I made this quiz for y'all tonight, hope you enjoy! Be sure to post your results for me! Which Dukes of Hazzard Character are you? Under each character’s section, you will see a list of statements describing that character. If any of them also describe you, put an x in the box next to it. If they are only somewhat true, or partially true, for you, put a / in the box next to it. If they are not true for you at all, leave the box blank. When you are finished with each section, tally up your points by adding one point for each x, half a point for each /, and no points for each blank. At the end of the quiz, when you have filled out each character’s section, check to see which character you scored the most points for. That is who you are most like! Enjoy! Bo Duke: [] You are extremely loyal. [] You can be impulsive at times. [] You have a bit of a temper. [] You’re a hopeless flirt. [] You’re a little immature, but in a lovable way. [] You love cars. [] You tend to be easily swayed by your feelings. [] You are very charming. [] You are a dare-devil. [] You are good at getting yourself out of trouble. Luke Duke: [] You are very clever. [] You have a sarcastic streak. [] You are usually level headed. [] You are a good driver. [] You are usually good at thinking before you act. [] You are fairly mature. [] You are a good problem solver. [] You are very honest. [] You always help a friend in need. Daisy Duke [] You are tougher than you look. [] You are very free spirited and independent. [] You are an excellent sweet-talker. [] You can be flirty at times. [] You are usually upbeat. [] Everyone seems to just love you. [] You have multiple admirers. [] You wear very eye-catching outfits. [] You have zero tolerance for unwanted advances. [] You don’t hate anyone. Uncle Jesse [] You are a bit old-fashioned. [] You are very wise. [] You give excellent advice and often serve as the voice of reason. [] You have been known to quote from the Good Book on occasion. [] You are very family-oriented. [] You believe in wholesome conservative values. [] You maintain your honor no matter what. [] You rarely get angry. [] You are usually an optimist. [] You would do anything for your family. Cooter Davenport [] You are humble. [] You are very handy. [] You don't mind getting dirty. [] You love to help people. [] You are extremely reliable. [] You are usually easy going. [] You do not start fights without good reason. [] But you can certainly finish them when necessary. [] You have a good sense of humor. [] You are a hard worker. Rosco P. Coltrane [] You giggle a lot. [] You have a goofy sense of humor. [] You are extremely childlike and innocent. [] You love rules and laws. [] You tend to have larger than life reactions to things. [] You are very energetic and excitable. [] You have a pet that you love dearly and treat like your own child. [] You like hugs. [] You sometimes get confused easily. [] You have a mischievous streak. Cletus Hogg [] You are easily lovestruck. [] You are usually friendly. [] You are a bit of a ditz. [] You are generally good hearted. [] You can be very oblivious at times. [] You are sometimes prone to moral dilemmas. [] You dislike conflict. [] You are usually happy. [] But you are also sensitive sometimes. [] You don't like to lie. Enos Strate [] You are very polite. [] You are very innocent. [] You are tender hearted. [] You could not lie if your life depended on it. [] You are bashful, especially with the opposite gender. [] You apologize a lot. [] You can be very naive or gullible. [] You are very idealistic. [] You are very trusting. [] You wear your heart on your sleeve. Boss Hogg [] You love money. [] You are often cynical and/or grouchy [] You eat a lot. [] You are a pragmatist. [] You lie a lot. [] In spite of your vices, you do have standards and do not wish to directly harm others. [] You are chubby. [] You frequently raise your voice. [] You do have a sensitive side, you just don't like showing it. [] You can be very devious.
    1 point
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