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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/2017 in all areas

  1. "Meet" might be an exaggeration. I think I only got there half an hour early, but got lucky with the site I picked. With about 10 minutes to go, the stewards unexpectedly opened a barrier which took us to the edge of the area they were going to be walking around. After that it was just a case of sticking out your arm and hoping they'd shake your hand when the time came. After the walkabout, Charles got to try his hand at hurling with one of our local champions who's known as King Henry. The newspapers liked that in their captions.
    2 points
  2. Meadowmufn


    Thanks. Went to the doctor today and looks like I'm in for 3 months of physical therapy. Ah well, as long as it gets me feeling better!
    1 point
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