By Skipper Duke · Posted
Alf Somewhere Over the Rerun (1987) Alf:"Hey Gilligan. That Mary Ann is kind of cute. How come you never asked her out?" Gilligan:"Where would we go?" Alf:"Ha ha ha! Where would we go? Ha ha ha!" Skipper:"This little fella is easily amused Gilligan!" Gilligan:"Yeah! I like him!" -
By Skipper Duke · Posted
Season 2 Gilligan's Mother-in-law. Professor translating Native Haruki's declaration to Ginger. Professor:"He says he likes you but you're not exactly the kind of girl he'd take home to mother." Ginger:"Well, well, Hmmmph!" -
By Skipper Duke · Posted
Season 1 Swamp Molly Boss Hogg:"Rosco, it looks like you took a correspondence course in brains, and actually passed!" -
I appreciate that HossC! So glad she didn't set off the smoke detector or something. She was always cooking & baking. Please don't get the wrong idea, she was an awesome cook. She never triggered the smoke detector, but if she was ever going to, it would be while I was recording. You know how it goes.
I still haven't found the third plaque, but I did make another observation about Boss' artwork. In his Boar's Nest office he has two or three of the dogs playing pool/poker paintings, but in his office at the courthouse he has a copy of 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' by Emanuel Leutze. I guess it reflects the pleasure and business roles of each office.