Well then I'm happy to be Cousin Annie! Or whatever you guys decide to call me. I was halfway through my sophomore year when I dropped out, so that would put me at winter break of my junior year right now. I wish I could've been around then, most of my favorite things started and stopped before I was even thought of, I can only imagine getting to enjoy all the extra things without having to pay $50 for things or hunting for hours for video clips and photos. That's actually how I found this forum! I was looking for photos to use in a collage and I found the "Rare and Behind the Scenes pictures" topic. I've had this website in my bookmarks for about two months just looking through the galleries and photos people have posted!
It's great to have you Ma'am! We're a tight knit, close, family in here and everybody knows everybody in here as " Cousin". Cousin Roger, cousin Hoss etc. We answer each other's questions etc. so if you wonder about anything, don't hesitate to post it! One of us will answer it! Are you in high school? I was in 9th grade when TDOH ( The Dukes of Hazzard) first started! Tell us about what you like best about the show and the web site!
"A couple of arrows ain't gonna do much good against KING KONG out there."
Coy when Vance suggested using exploding arrows against the Mean Green Machine.