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Status Updates posted by Meadowmufn

  1. So glad I got the forum migrated! Now, let's see what this puppy can do! :)

  2. Welcome to HazzardNet!

  3. It's either your team or mine this week, Rog. May the best team win... the Seahawks. ;)

  4. Happy New Year, Rog! I hope your 2013 is blessed!

  5. Merry Christmas, buddy! I hope Santa brings you everything you wished for.

  6. Btw, our vet thought he was about 3 years old. He sure acts like a puppy still, though not nearly as energetic (he is part basset after all). LOL.

  7. Thanks. LOL. Unfortunately, I didn't get to watch the game today. My hubby was glad the Jets won today. We're watching it on DVR right now.

  8. We're ecstatic. He's such a sweet, mellow guy. We don't know if he's 2 years old or 5 or anywhere in between, but however old he is, he'll have a happy rest of his life here. That's a strange numeric coincidence, btw.

  9. Thanks! Gonna try to get to Applebee's on Monday night and watch the game there while we eat. :)

  10. I know. Yay! Unfortunately, the Seahawks games are the only ones we can watch, since we get them over the antenna.

  11. That's what I'm here for. LOL.

  12. I'm fine. We all pretty much moved over the HazzardNet and started playing here. Yahoo was making too many changes to groups so we just decided rather than maintaining 2 places, we'd stick with HNet.

  13. I deleted some PMs. Try again.

  14. Thanks. James Best himself gave the nickname to me some 15 years ago.

  15. Yep, I found it on iTunes. Love it.

  16. Welcome to HazzardNet!

  17. I see the Welcome Wagon already visited here, but I'll say "Welcome to HazzardNet" anyway! :)

  18. No problem. Yeah, you see them so much that you feel like you know them like family.

  19. Rest in peace, Dale. You'll be missed.

  20. I did drop off the face of the earth, but I found my way back. LOL. Work has been brutal, 16-20 hour shifts are not uncommon. Hopefully, things will calm down in late September and I'll have more free time to hang around here.

  21. Btw, you're almost to 5,000 posts. A party will be mandatory when you hit the magic number.

  22. Just stopped by to say "You rock!" :)

  23. Gave you some kudos in the newsletter I just sent out. Thanks for all your contributions to HNet!

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