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Whoever signs this petition need to grow the f-up! Just cause you can't have the movie your way, you want to ruin it for everyone else who might be interested in seeing the movie. And whoever said that sony isn't releasing the movie or what-ever needs to get it's facts straight. Sony has nothing to do with the movie it's a Warner Bros. joint and they are very excited about the movie as you can tell if you just turn on the t.v. for a second. They're talking about it all the time, from CNN to Entertainment Tonight, to MTV. I see something new about the movie atleast once a week. Sometimes two or three times in one week. My advice to all of you is to hold your judgements atleast until you see the freakin' trailer!


Well petitions dont work anyway so it really doesnt matter.

As for there being a lot of information on the tv about the move....ehh ??? I haven't seen anything about the new movie save a little blurp during a DOH speical. And I guess there was something on ET the other night. But has anyone found a lot of info on it around the web?


They don't give-up any info on the script if that's what you mean but there's a lot of stuff that I see. Everytime the talk about Jessica simpson they show her filming a scene for the movie, my girlfriend loves her show on MTV so everytime I watch it with her they show her getting ready to film a scene. MTV did a thing for MTV news that I saw last week where they had some Jamacian lookin' guy interviewing pretty much everyone. There was a "little" blurb about in on the DOH Inside Fame. That's just some of the stuff I seen in the past week or so. And I don't watch much tv except for NASCAR and Dukes re-runs on CMT. My point is that a petition won't do any good because Warner Bros. has enough buzz out about the movie that not just hardcore Dukes fans want to go see it. My second point being that you shouldn't put something down that you haven't even seen anything of yet. I think if people could just pipe down until atleast the trailer comes out they might be pleasantly surprised.


Problem is everyone has their own vision. Love em or hate em. Thats what fanboys/girls are. And honestly they can make or break movies....scary but true. However I think this is more the case now that the we have the internet.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the majority of us here dont watch Jessica Simpson's show because we dont like her. If that is where you are getting most of scenes then thats fine. And you're right I dont expect them to give out info about the script..well we kinda have a general outline of it to date. However, time is ticking its the end of March and I think a good portion of us have yet to see anything on this movie. Have any shots been "leaked" to the net? I've only see one or two with JS in her shorts.

A lot of people have a bad taste in their mouth over the cast. And if they want to let that be the deciding factor on if they are gonna see the movie or not so be it. Nothing you can say or do will change that.


Well, I'm a big dukes of hazzard fan too but, we should just go see the movie....i mean if we don't like it, we don't like it...i mean...come on it doesn't do any good to complain. I mean sure it's degrating to the real show but...you know how that goes :)


A bad movie to me would be, like, "Ishtar". Total bomb. I think we've all seen a movie that we didn't like in our lives. I've even walked out of a movie a time ot two. As far as boycotting a movie before it even comes out? Or signing a petition? C'mon...What good has that EVER done? Give it a chance.

I apologize in advance for this loooong message, but I found these on some website and, as I read them, I found many (if not all) apply to the DOH series! Check 'em out.

Movie characters driving in the city will get to park wherever they like when they get to their destination.

Sudden acceleration of a car (be it forwards, backwards, stopping, skidding, sliding, or whatever) causes a loud skid, even on dirt or wet roads.

Hollywood cars are also special: when you take off quickly, you always leave a skid mark for each drive wheel, regardless of whether you have a limited slip differential or not.

Pedestrians in Hollywood have the world's best reactions, so don't worry if you have to drive down a sidewalk. Mr Pappodopolus is quite used to having his fruit cart smashed, and despite his gesticulations and curses, he always manages to get out of the way in time.

There are always people carrying around large sheets of glass on the street during a car chase.

The person behind the wheel is talking to and looking at their passenger for the entire journey without actually looking at the road, changing gear, signalling etc. (ex. "When Harry Met Sally").

Cars chasing each other in the middle of a city will not suffer enough damage to stop the chase.

A car will always explode when shot at, unless the hero is driving it.

When you drive a car, you can always recognize all the persons you know that pass you in the opposite direction.

Cars often end up on cliff-edges with 2 wheels in the open air. The good guys are saved just before the car falls over, the bad guys join the car in the free fall, often caused by a bird setting down on the part of the car hanging over the edge.

When speeding cars hit a parked car, they fly up into the air while the parked car doesn't even wiggle

After a car crash, no movie character ever sits and shakes for five minutes, or becomes incoherent with shock.

Not only do movie cars always park right in front, but they are never locked. Even convertibles with their tops down, in NYC, are still there hours later.

Movie cars have all excellent brakes and can come to a full stop from 80 MPH (with loud screeches, even on dirt roads) in 20 ft.

There's never an annoying wind disturbing the coiffures of convertible passengers.

There are no stop signs in movie land. Wherever you have to drive, no matter how close or far away it is, you never have to stop before you get there.

Film cars do not have inside rear-view mirrors. Most of them do, however, have an appx 1" gray spot on the inside of the windshield where the mirror would normally mount.

Film cars never start the first time when you're running away from the bad guy.

If there is a large bump in a downhill road, speeding cars will always fly over them and hit the ground in shower of sparks. An interior view will then show the reaction of the passengers at the moment of impact. They will not be injured, even if they are not wearing safety belts. No tire damage, broken axles, or suspension failures will occur as a result of the impact. The car will then execute a sharp left turn at the bottom of the hill. Losing a hubcap at this point will be optional.

Any time you see a really nice, snazzy foreign car or a great old car like a 65 mustang, you know it's going to be smashed into a million pieces.

All too many times a Hollywood car chase will be interupted by the emergence of a semi from a driveway, alley, or street, resulting in the escape of the hunted, or the death of an expendable character.

Police cars involved in chase scenes usually tend to suffer more than any other vehicles- they have head on collisions, smash parked cars, fall into water, and of course, experience the ever popular flying-roll, causing the car to land upside down and crush the lights and siren. Usually, we never get to see the unlucky police force member before or after the inevitable accident.

A car that crashes will always explode in a ball of flames, but not until the hero can pull the important passengers to safety, and yell, "Watch out! She's gonna blow!"

Acid applied by the villain to the hero's brake lines never has any effect unless the car is heading down a steep, winding road. Cars at traffic lights have invulnerable brake lines.

No one ever runs out of gas (even in long car chases). Corollary: every stolen car has a full gas tank and gets great gas mileage.

Vintage cars are always 100% immaculate and freshly polished. They never have any scratches, dents or repairs.

No one fumbles for car keys right before a car chase. they always jump right in and start the car up because they've left the keys in the ignition. Not a great idea in any major city.

Well, no offense but, i hope no one signs the petition. my gosh i love the dukes too, but give it a chance you may really like it, but then again u may hate but give it a chance before you go makin a petition and everything!

Agreed....As Dukes fans I think we , at least I am , need to give this movie a chance. I somehow think we might ne pleasantly surprised. We will all find out in a few months.

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm glad that we can all agree that we all love the original DOH because at least gives us all one common bond. Everyone definitely has there own ideas and opinions of the upcoming movie. In this age of the Internet, we all find out more and more stuff about movies that get leaked out. I admit that I will not go and see the movie. Some say, see the movie and then judge. Why should I spend my money to see something that I already know will be nothing like what I grew up with?

There are different reasons to do a re-make version of an old show/movie/comic book; First, to honor the success of the earlier product and give the die-hard fans something to remember, ie., Batman, Superman, the Star Trek series, etc.; Second, to reinvent the product for a modern audience, ie., Charlie's Angels, Gone in 60 Seconds, the Punisher, etc.; or to just take something for name recognition and make a quick buck, ie., Starsky & Hutch, Mod Squad, etc. I put the DOH movie in the latter category. If you look at the cast and those involved with this production and their track record, you can't see anything, but a farse and a quick buck. The proof:

Jessica Simpson-no talent, is the stereotypical "dumb blonde", and MTV star, which hasn't had anything worth watching for 20 years.

Johnny Knoxville-JackAss-fame & two-headed idiot from MiBII.

Sean William Scott-"Stifler" from American Pie, idiot co-star in The Rundown, and finally "Dude, where's my Car?"

Cletus is being played by another JackAss clown.

The fact that NONE of the original cast want to be associated with the movie should really raise red flags.

Then having the Director of SuperTroopers running everything. Now I enjoyed SuperTroopers' brand of comedy because I expected it, but none of the people that I have mentioned so far can give an ounce of credibility to this movie being anything other than a quick buck farce laughing in the face of the original. If I were to pay to see this, then I would be giving the WB executives exactly what they bet on; "a quick buck."

For those of you holding out that the movie will be enjoyable, I applaud you for sticking to what you believe and giving it more of a chance than I am willing to do. I have my opinion on the movie and my reasons are out there on the table for all to see. I don't just jump to conclusions, I make informed decisions with the info that I have and so far the info gives me a bad impression of the movie and the more that I here, the worse that it gets.

We'll all know this summer how well it does in the theaters. If it sets records at the box office and is applauded for being the "Summer Smash Hit of the Year", I'll acknowledge it, but I don't think that it will happen.

I'm Gone.


I am a new fan to the original Dukes. But even I wont be seeing this. Because of the entire cast. Its ridiculous to have Johnny Knoxcille as Luke, and that other guy forgot his name, but is just as bad, for Bo.

It makes me sck to think of them playing the parts.

Even some of the original cast does not like this new movie. This movie is making a joke out of the show.

So that is why I wont be seeing it.


I think this movie looks awesome! But if you don't like the trailer you probably won't like the movie. That's not my perogative. Either way this movie is gonna be huge. Every entertainment show on t.v. mentions it atleast once a week for some reason or another, not to mention my friends that aren't big Duke fans like myself but still watch the show occasionally want to go see it. I showed the trailer to a couple of them and they thought it was awesome. I know that it's not a traditional as some of you might want but I'm ok with that as long as there's cool stunts, hot girls and the General looks the same. Hell I go see any movie with cool cars and hot women that's set in the south. August 5th can't come fast enough for me!


I could deal with a modern remake just fine, as long as I think it was casted right. And I dont think it was. I doesnt even bother me that Jessica Simpson is in it. What bothers me is Johnny Knoxville, and that other guy.

THAT is what makes me go UGH!!


Do you really think a few signitures is going to stop the movie


23 MILLION fans tuned into CMT to watch the show

A few signitures will not have any impact on the head guys at WB

  • 2 weeks later...

Jackass himself signed it from the looks. Oh, and by the way; they crash the General in one scene! Stop this movie! They're killing of Dodge Chargers for no reason! It's like making lemonade with the world's last lemons and then spilling it! I hope Stifler and Jackass get killed by a stunt Lee going berserk and running over them!

Jackass himself signed it from the looks. Oh, and by the way; they crash the General in one scene! Stop this movie! They're killing of Dodge Chargers for no reason! It's like making lemonade with the world's last lemons and then spilling it! I hope Stifler and Jackass get killed by a stunt Lee going berserk and running over them!

Do a little research, man.


Umm-no offense-but some of you people just don't get it. Just because an actor or director has played one kind of character or done one style of film does not mean they will play that character or do that style of film everytime. (Spielberg-ET, Shindler's List, Jaws, 1941)

And let's be honest-despite the stupidity of some of their more recent work both Knoxville and Scott are better actors than Wopat and Schnieder. Schnieder is good on Smallville and I love his character (my dad is that kind of upright farmer) but he is one of the weaker acting links in that show (very one dimentional) and his acting has improved since DOH.

I'll even throw in that while Cathrine Bach was a 1000 times better looking than Jessica Simpson could ever hope to be the lines Jessica delivers in the trailer are better done than any delivered by Bach on the origional show. She was the weakest actor in the origional DOH.

The only truely good acters were Soral Booke, James Best and Denver Pyle. Now if those guys (God Rest two of their sweet souls) could be cast in the movie that would be awsome but Wopat and Schnieder are not up to the challenge of the big screen. Cooter and Enos were bit parts heavily typecast so they were always good as well.

As far as the script is concerned bad writing was one of the major complaints of the origional cast. The movie script will probably be better than the origional shows. It would be hard for it not to be.

I grew up on the Dukes. I grew up on a farm with a cousin down the road. I loved the Dukes (still do). In many ways we were the Dukes. What was special about DOH was the fun, slightly irreverent, good ol' boy spirit of the show. The sun always shines in Hazzard County. Even the bad guys were your friends when it came down to it. From what I can see the cast and crew of the new film have captured that spirit and have probably improved upon a poorly written TV show in which half the actors were mediocre at best.

I realize one trailer is not much to go on but I have high hopes from what I have seen so far. I'm sure many of you will hate what I have written but these angry threads are tiresome and a little nieve.


agree i dont know about Johnny Konxville but i thank Seann William Scott if he could git pasted the American pie movie's has wonderful talnet but just hasn't found the right movie to show it this might be the movie he does. I know my cousin keeps saying all he can play is the smartass rolls i dont belive that i thank he play other things.

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