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(Season 4 Citizens Arrest)Gomer:"Stop! Stop! Barney stop! Barney stop! Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest! Citizens arrest!" Barney:"What are you yellin' about!?" Gomer:"Like you said, you broke the law by makin' an illegal U-turn, an' I hereby as a citizen of the town of Mayberry an' the United States of America arrest you!"

  • 3 weeks later...

(Season 1 The Manhunt)

Barney stops his mom at roadblock and frisks her. Mrs. Fife:"But Barney, I’m your mother." Deputy Barney Fife:"Sorry. But you might be the criminal disguised as you. Us lawmen can't afford to take any chances."


I like watching for "Bloopers" and retakes. In the episode where the gold shipment comes to town, there are two different sets of "T-Men", and when Barney goes to the Hotel it is raining and his raincoat is wet. When they cut away and come back, his raincoat is dry. 
In the episode where Barney recites "The Preamble" and messes up his hair, they cut away and come back and his hair is combed again.
I'm sure there are more and to me they add to the show and make it funnier.


(Season 4 The Sermon For Today) Barney:“Yes Sir, that’s one subject you just can’t talk enough about… sin!” (Barney didn’t even hear the sermon because he was nodding the whole time.) Andy:"He didn't talk about sin!"


(Season 5 A Date for Goober)

Barney - “You were on your date already?”
Goober - “Yeah, and it sure went fast and I followed all the directions.”
Barney - “Goober, you were on a date; you weren’t taking medicine.”


(Season 2 Keeper of the Flame)

Barney Fife:"Andy I'm tryin' to tell you somethin' an' it's very important." Andy:"Hold on. Wait a minute. Maybe you won't have to. Jubel Foster yer under arrest!" Jubel:"Huh!? Under arrest, what for!?" Andy:"For runnin' a still, an' settin' fire to yer own barn. An' ain't that the finest way for a fire to spread every which way, when it hits that alcohol!?"


(Season 5 The Lucky Letter)

Barney:"Norbert, back it up! You're on my foot! You're on my foot! Norbert you're a... Ope, you better go on in the courthouse. You're cramping my language. You know what you are, don't you Norbert?"


(Season 2 Opie's Hobo Friend)
When the hobo told Andy he should just let Opie decide for himself how he wanted to live…
Andy said, "No, I'm afraid it don't work that way. You can't let a young’n decide for himself. He'll grab at the first flashy thing with shiny ribbons on it. Then when he finds out there's a hook in it, it's too late. Wrong ideas come packaged with so much glitter that it's hard to convince them that other things might be better in the long run. All a parent can do is say 'Wait' and 'Trust me' and try to keep temptation away."


(Season 5 Man in the Middle)

When Barney & Thelmer Lou have a fallin' out: 

Barney:"So deep a friendship hath one man for another, that no female caress shall ever tear it asunder. Boy, the guy that wrote that must have been some kind of a nut!"


(Season 1 Ellie Comes to Town)

Emma Brand:"Sheriff, I come to report a murder."

Andy:"A murder?"

Emma:"That's right."

Andy:"Somebody's been murdered?"




Andy :"You?"

Emma:"Yes, and I'll tell you who done it! That lady druggist, that's who!"

Andy:"Miss Walker?"

Emma:"She's the one. Now, Sheriff, go arrest her. Do your duty."

 Andy:"Well, now, Emma, they's...they's just the teensiest little technicality involved here. You ain't quite dead yet."

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