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Alf series episode Somewhere Over the Rerun/The Ballad of Gilligan's Island

Alf:"I gotta go Willie sorry. It's almost time for Gilligan's Island."

Willie:"Better hurry. If you miss this Rerun, you'll have to wait 3 weeks before it's on again."

Alf(Sarcastically):"You know, it's people like you who drive quality programming off the air!"

I agree with the furry little guy from Melmac. Gilligan's Island is quality programming.


"Feeling CRAZY!


Got a special message for Bluenox, the seller who tried to deceive me with a Gorget Braid bait-and-switch!


Toby Keith's "How Do You Like Me Now?" just got a whole new meaning:


"How do you like me now?

Now that I'm on my way

Do you still think I'm crazy

Because I let you deceive me

With Gorget Braid bait and switch?


I've always dreamed about Mouse Braid

Now I have it, thanks to a crafted Mom


How do you like me now?

Now that I have my correct braid?"


#GilligansIsland #SkipperHat #MouseBraid #BaitAndSwitch #LessonLearned #MomToTheRescue #TobyKeith #HowDoYouLikeMeNow"


# Warning: Beware of Bait-and-Switch Sellers!


"I want to share a cautionary tale about my experience with Bluenox from Pakistan. They advertised a Gilligan's Island hat with Mouse Braid, but what I received was a hat with Gorget Braid instead!


On the other hand, I've had a fantastic experience with Midway Cap in Chicago. What made it even more special was that my custom hybrid hat order was personally taken by Midway Cap's President herself, Merle Sbertoli! I ordered a perfect blend of Alf episode and Rescue From Gilligan's Island Reunion movie details, and they delivered exactly what I saw.


The lesson learned is to choose reputable companies like Midway Cap, where honesty and transparency matter. Don't fall for bait-and-switch tactics like Bluenox's.


#ReputableCompaniesMatter #HonestyIsKey #BewareOfScams #MidwayCap #ExceptionalCustomerService"


Season 2 Gilligan's Mother-in-law. Professor translating Native Haruki's declaration to Ginger.

Professor:"He says he likes you but you're not exactly the kind of girl he'd take home to mother."

Ginger:"Well, well, Hmmmph!"


Alf Somewhere Over the Rerun (1987)

Alf:"Hey Gilligan. That Mary Ann is kind of cute. How come you never asked her out?"

Gilligan:"Where would we go?"

Alf:"Ha ha ha! Where would we go? Ha ha ha!"

Skipper:"This little fella is easily amused Gilligan!"

Gilligan:"Yeah! I like him!"


Hey friends! I wanted to share my thoughts on my Skipper's hat. Some of you have said I should've splurged on the $249 Benford Yacht Hat from Inverness, Florida. But here's the thing: even that hat uses the same Gorget Braid style as the one I got from Pakistan.


So, whether I spent $78.29 or $249, I still would've needed my mom to modify it to get the screen-accurate Alan Hale Jr. Mouse Braid rope band style.


For me, spending less and making it work was the better choice. What do you think? Would you rather spend $78 or almost $300 for a hat that still needs modifications?

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