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P.S. Lancaster Uniform Cap Co. also made Alan Hale Jr.'s Yacht Captain Skipper Hat Cap for 2 of the 3 Reunion movies, The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979)and The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981).


The makers of Alan Hale Jr.'s Yacht Captain Skipper Hat Cap for the 1st Reunion Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978)was Midway Cap Co. Chicago USA. It's The Cruiser Cap model style not Aristocrat Cap model style. www.midwaycapcompany.com


Gilligan's Island Fun Fact: Alan Hale's black Lancaster hats and Jim Backus white Lancaster hats all had the shaper stiffening rings inside around the top like my Bluenox hat has. But they were removed for filming the 3 seasons 98 episodes 1964-1967 because with the rings in, it wouldn't look right for men stuck on an island. Except Alan Hale's Midway in Rescue From Gilligan's Island (1978) cuz Midway are made without the rings put in.


(Season 2 Mr. & Mrs.???)Skipper:"Gilligan. That is our hut! And I'm gonna figure a way to get him out of there." Gilligan:"One way is to throw him out, remember?" Skipper:"Please, don't remind me." Gilligan:"You sure told him. "Alright Howell! Now here this! Enough is enough, there's one thing you're gonna do!" And he did. He gave you his laundry." Skipper:"Yes! But what kills me, is I took it!" Gilligan:"Life is like a game of marbles Skipper. No matter pretty yours are, the other guy's are prettier." Skipper:"Thanks a lot, Gilligan! That's all I need is a dropout philosopher!"


(Season 2 Ghost a Go-Go)Ghost:"AooooOooo!!!" Gilligan:"No, that wasn't you Skipper." Gilligan(Looks out window, sees ghost)Ghost:"AooooOooo!!!" Gilligan(Runs over to hammocks, wakes up Skipper)"Hey Skipper, Skipper, wake up! Wake up!" Skipper:"What is it? What's a matter, Little Buddy?" Gilligan:"I just saw a ghost out there!"(pointing to door/window of hut)Skipper:"Oh, for goodness sakes Gilligan. You didn't wake me up out of a sound sleep to tell me about your nightmare?" Gilligan:"No, no! I saw a real live ghost, out there!"(pointing to hut door/window again)Skipper:"Gilligan, people are alive, ghosts are dead." Gilligan:"Then, I saw a real dead ghost, and he ran that way."(pointing to the direction the ghost ran in)Skipper:"Well, if he was dead, how come he was running that way?" Gilligan:"But Skipper, but Skipper. He's right out there, Skipper."(points to the hut door/window once again)Skipper:"Oh Gilligan, will you stop that!? Now, go to sleep! Goodnight!"


(Season 2 Gilligan Gets Bugged) Gilligan:"But what about the bath tub?" Skipper:"Gilligan. Forget about the bath tub, you could finish it tomorrow or the next day." Gilligan:"No. I wanna finish today. If it's the last thing I ever do." Skipper:"Don't say that Little Buddy!" Gilligan:"Skipper. If there's one thing we have more of than anything else here on the island, it's time." Skipper:"That's the spirit, Little Buddy. Keep fighting." Gilligan(Looking confused after Skipper walks off)"Keep fighting?"

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