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1 minute ago, RogerDuke said:

Maybe we could do another one Sunday. Hoss could suggest the time and episode since there is such a time difference.

Capital idea Stanley! ( remember Avery Schreiber?)

16 minutes ago, Hobie Harkins said:

I'm not like Hoss...I can never remember the episode or the season! LOL!

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I know all the shows really well but I get a lot of episode titles and seasons mixed up too. I don't really pay attention to titles so if I watched a lot of eps but didn't see the titles at the beginning I'd struggle with guessing lots of those titles. 


Luke's Love Story 

-- I think from now on I'll first do a short reminder of what the episode is about before adding other comments. 

-- This is the episode where Luke falls in love  with Powder Puff champion Amy, his competition in the Hazzard County Obstacle Derby. In the meantime Amy's female mechanic and Bo make a side bet: Ownership of  Lucifer (the black Ford Mustang) against the General Lee. 

-- Boss hid his Mama's ashes in the trophy so he could have her close to him without Lulu knowing about it. When the trophy was in the Boar's Nest he said "My Mama sitting on a bar, and her a good Baptist." Later someone threw the trophy behind the bar. It hit an ash tray and made a puff of smoke. Boss thought it was his Mama's ashes and tried to catch them with his upside down hat. Then Rosco said "Boss, did your Mama smoke?" LOL 

-- Luke was terrible at falling in love. After telling Amy he wouldn't be able to stop dating other girls but he wanted her to stop dating other guys he apologized in the morning but then did it again. At least he was honest.

-- Gas at Cooter's was 66 cents a gallon. 

-- It was sweet to hear Jesse mention his dearly departed wife. (spell check changed it to "deadly departed" just now...lol). I wish they would have done a flashback of her but they never did in 7 years. Her name was Martha or Livinia. I speculate that he was only married once but one of those names was either her middle name or nickname. 

-- There was a bad guy named Turk. That reminded me of Enos's partner in his spin-off series. His name was Turk. 

-- This episode was okay but I wasn't crazy about it.  I'm sorry but I was never really crazy about Amy. I don't really know why. The race was awesome though. 



The Big Heist

-- Neil Bishop is a chicken farmer who got gyped by Boss so he put on a facemask and robbed Boss of $30,000 of moonshine money. His car got impounded so Daisy got it out and convinced him to come to the farm. Despite holding Jesse and Daisy at gunpoint he ended up becoming friends with all 4 Dukes.

-- When he was holding Boss up there were stacks of money on his desk. Even so, Boss said "I never keep any money in my office"

-- Bo getting the mail order boots reminds me of how often people shop today online without actually seeing the item in person. 

-- The opening scene was a roof camera with the General Lee going down the road. Wow! I could watch that all day.

-- I liked this Jesse quote while holding his gun. "Being around a still without a shotgun is like being in church without a shirt on. It don't feel right."

-- We discussed this awhile back. Very few episodes show a TV in the Dukes living room but this one shows it the best. It is right by Bo at the end. Of course it was off. It would have been nice to see "One Armed Bandits" in the background!

-- I loved this episode. It's one of many to have all the ingredients necessary to be classic Dukes. Your thoughts? 

On 4/2/2020 at 11:56 PM, RogerDuke said:

Repo Men

-- Those Duke boys will do anything to get that Richard Petty engine. I had forgotten that Petty was filming a tire commercial when the wreck happened. 

-- It was exciting to watch this episode since Andrew is working on his model. I just hope it looks better than the Rolls Royce did at the end.

-- I loved seeing the cars in Ace's lot. I remember the days when you could get a good used car for $600. Well, it didn't always end up good. 

-- I love it when Luke explained Murphy's law and Bo asked him if Murphy was a race driver.

--This ep is the first appearance of Lulu. She loved the Duke boys. She said that she wanted Boss to make her brother sheriff because it was a safe job. 

-- When Rosco used the word redneck it might be the only time it was ever used in the series. For some reason they avoided that and went with hick, rube, plowboy, hayseed, etc but not redneck. 

-- I love the scenes from the Georgia episodes that lasted all 7 years in the opening song.

-- When Rosco said you need a registration to have a vehicle (the wrecked Petty car) on a public road I wonder why the boys didn't say that it's not on the road, it's on a trailer? 

-- It was funny when Jesse said the boys wouldn't do well in a jury trial because there would be too many parents on the jury of the girls they've been chasing since they were 13. 

-- I liked Luke's response when Cooter said "What do ya think old Burt Reynolds would do at a time like this?" Luke said. "I'm not sure but I know he'd be doing it with someone a whole lot prettier than you." Luke was driving slow so right after that Cooter said he wanted out so he could run ahead. 

-- Great episode. I have to admit the first time I saw it I would have never guessed the fate of the Rolls. 

Great Episode.
great review.

Love Lulu  she is a scene stealer !

I like the Enos moments in this episode as well...when he shows up at the farm to talk to Jesse on his lunch break, as well as when they stop the boys at the roadblock to take back the "Rolls"- Enos- "Now boys I'm on your side, but you gotta come up with a better excuse than that. Now what happened to those papers, boys ?"
Luke-"We told you a dog ate them."  Bo- "It were a big ol Doberan dog!"

I love Bo driving the old Chevy wrecker ripping apart the 2 counterfitters cars.

On 4/3/2020 at 12:37 PM, RogerDuke said:

High Octane 

-- We learn that Luke's middle initial is K and Jesse's is L. I like to imagine that Jesse's middle name is Lee like mine and like the General Lee car. 

-- I remember the gasoline shortage days. Thankfully I wasn't putting too many miles on my Mustang so it didn't affect me. 

-- mouth to mouth recreation...LOL 

-  When Agent Huntley first heard Daisy's name she thought they were talking about a dog. That made me miss our dog Daisy. 

-- I loved Rosco and Boss in the woods with cammo, shotguns and binoculars. I really love all the woods scenes especially around the still. I wonder if that still was real. I bet it was. Hobie? 

-- That was the only time in 7 years I can remember Enos wanting a date with someone besides Daisy. 

-- There was a lot of clever stuff in this episode, like Bo throwing the match on the floor, hiding the shine in the gas tank and Bo drinking water when Roxanne thought it was shine. 

-- Even though I don't drink this is my all-time favorite episode.....and no, you won't hear me repeat that in any future review. It really is. 

-- now it's off to California *sobs* Oh well, I'll be used to it by the time Swamp Molly is half over. I sure will miss those Georgia trees though.

Nothing to add. Best episode of the series in my opinion as well !

18 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Swamp Molly

-- Welcome to California. Even though I like the Georgia episodes better it is nice to see some of these familiar places. 

-- Jesse has a different white Ford truck. Speaking of trucks I love Molly's. I think it was used in other eps, Farmer Perkins? Didn't you post something about that truck awhile back Hoss? 

-- This is the ep where Bo accidently had a live stick of dynamite on the arrow and blew up the outhouse and 5 years worth of Luke's car magazines. Later, Luke did just the opposite. He put a dud on when they needed a live stick. 

-- Several years ago I learned from Ray Kohn of Northeast Ohio Dukes that Cousin Alice (Mary Jo Catlett) is the voice of Mrs Puff on SpongeBob. "Wanna rastle?" LOL

-- I dont know why Boss said that Swamp Molly is ugly as sin. She looks good for her age.

-- The first time I saw this episode I was as surprised as Luke to see weapons when the door was opened. 

Oh well, it might be California but this was a great episode. At the end Jesse hinted that we would see Molly again. Sadly we didn't 

-The truck (Swamp Molly's) is in the background in one of the episodes when they are in that one abandoned town, I can't think of the episode of the top of my head.

-I REALLY REALLY wish they would have brought back Swamp Molly and Cousin Alice  at least once a season like they did with Huey Hogg. Cousin Alice was a great character played magnificently by Mary Jo Catlett. It would have been great to have her around to "wanna rastle" Bo,  or use her brute strength to foil bad guys. 
The writers/etc really missed out  not using them again. 

-now off to the fridge for some Butter Brickle Crunch....or maybe some Double Peanut Doo   with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum

13 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

Luke's Love Story 

-- I think from now on I'll first do a short reminder of what the episode is about before adding other comments. 

-- This is the episode where Luke falls in love  with Powder Puff champion Amy, his competition in the Hazzard County Obstacle Derby. In the meantime Amy's female mechanic and Bo make a side bet: Ownership of  Lucifer (the black Ford Mustang) against the General Lee. 

-- Boss hid his Mama's ashes in the trophy so he could have her close to him without Lulu knowing about it. When the trophy was in the Boar's Nest he said "My Mama sitting on a bar, and her a good Baptist." Later someone threw the trophy behind the bar. It hit an ash tray and made a puff of smoke. Boss thought it was his Mama's ashes and tried to catch them with his upside down hat. Then Rosco said "Boss, did your Mama smoke?" LOL 

-- Luke was terrible at falling in love. After telling Amy he wouldn't be able to stop dating other girls but he wanted her to stop dating other guys he apologized in the morning but then did it again. At least he was honest.

-- Gas at Cooter's was 66 cents a gallon. 

-- It was sweet to hear Jesse mention his dearly departed wife. (spell check changed it to "deadly departed" just now...lol). I wish they would have done a flashback of her but they never did in 7 years. Her name was Martha or Livinia. I speculate that he was only married once but one of those names was either her middle name or nickname. 

-- There was a bad guy named Turk. That reminded me of Enos's partner in his spin-off series. His name was Turk. 

-- This episode was okay but I wasn't crazy about it.  I'm sorry but I was never really crazy about Amy. I don't really know why. The race was awesome though. 


Couldn't have summed up my thoughts better. 
-Not a fan of Amy either. Good actress but....
Her mechanic was cute but her voice reminds me of Rudolph when he is wearing the fake nose. 
-Cooter is still CRAZY  sends the motorcycle out the door of the Boars Nest

2 hours ago, RogerDuke said:

The Big Heist

-- Neil Bishop is a chicken farmer who got gyped by Boss so he put on a facemask and robbed Boss of $30,000 of moonshine money. His car got impounded so Daisy got it out and convinced him to come to the farm. Despite holding Jesse and Daisy at gunpoint he ended up becoming friends with all 4 Dukes.

-- When he was holding Boss up there were stacks of money on his desk. Even so, Boss said "I never keep any money in my office"

-- Bo getting the mail order boots reminds me of how often people shop today online without actually seeing the item in person. 

-- The opening scene was a roof camera with the General Lee going down the road. Wow! I could watch that all day.

-- I liked this Jesse quote while holding his gun. "Being around a still without a shotgun is like being in church without a shirt on. It don't feel right."

-- We discussed this awhile back. Very few episodes show a TV in the Dukes living room but this one shows it the best. It is right by Bo at the end. Of course it was off. It would have been nice to see "One Armed Bandits" in the background!

-- I loved this episode. It's one of many to have all the ingredients necessary to be classic Dukes. Your thoughts? 

It's a fairly good episode. I would have enjoyed it more if Daisy wasn't such a sucker for doofy guys. 

1 hour ago, Flint Duke said:

-The truck (Swamp Molly's) is in the background in one of the episodes when they are in that one abandoned town, I can't think of the episode of the top of my head.

The truck reappears in 'Deputy Dukes' being driven through Springville (Hazzard Square redressed with dirt!). Its third and final appearance is in the background of the bad guys' distribution center in 'Mason Dixon's Girls' in season 2.


I can't remember what episode but I think there was a scene where farmer Perkins has a shotgun and is using that truck. As I recall he points the. gun at one of the boys and the truck starts rolling away or something and one of the boys saves it. I'm probably a little mixed up. It might have been a different old truck. 

1 hour ago, Flint Duke said:

It's a fairly good episode. I would have enjoyed it more if Daisy wasn't such a sucker for doofy guys. 

Thanks so much Flint for all the review comments. I hope you continue to do so.....and other folks too. 

11 minutes ago, RogerDuke said:

I can't remember what episode but I think there was a scene where farmer Perkins has a shotgun and is using that truck. As I recall he points the. gun at one of the boys and the truck starts rolling away or something and one of the boys saves it. I'm probably a little mixed up. It might have been a different old truck. 

It's a different truck, Roger. Farmer Perkins drives a tan colored 1958 Chevy Apache Stepside pickup. He appears in 'By-Line, Daisy Duke' in season 3.


Limo One is Missing 

-- Cooter just can't help himself. He hotwires Limo One when nobody is looking. Then he parks it at the Duke farm where it runs out of gas. Boss thinks he is going to get the credit if he can recover it and has dreams of being a national hero.

-- Hobie, Flint and myself had a great time tonight watching this together. We pushed start at the same time on our DVD players and posted comments on the Limo thread I started. Hoss started one for tomorrow (Sunday April 5) so check it out. We're watching Deputy Dukes.

-- I really love this episode. It has a ton of funny quotes in it, some may not be understood today by someone who didn't know a lot about Jimmy Carter's presidency. Like his politics or not (talking politics is a violation of HN's terms of agreement) Carter was a Georgia farmer so that worked out nicely since the Dukes are also Georgia farmers. The two Georgia farmers, Carter and Jesse talked to each other on the phone at the end. 

-- I was paying too much attention to Hobie and Flint's comments as well as typing my own that I really wasn't taking notes but this episode is one you have to see!

On 4/3/2020 at 4:56 AM, RogerDuke said:

Repo Men


-- When Rosco used the word redneck it might be the only time it was ever used in the series. For some reason they avoided that and went with hick, rube, plowboy, hayseed, etc but not redneck.

Admittedly, it was rare, but not the only time. Take a listen to the bad guys in the blue car as Bo and Luke arrive in Springville when we watch 'Deputy Dukes' later today.


Deputy Dukes 

-- We just finished our watchalong. It was Hoss, Hobie, Flint, Colt and myself. These are always fun. 

--In Deputy Dukes the boys end up in jail and Boss and Rosco make a deal with them for their freedom and car. They get deputized and  dress up as deputies and go to Springville to pick up public enemy #1-#10 (yep, he's a bad boy) Rocky Marlow. The daughter of an old acquaintance of Rocky's (played by Dolly Parton's sister) pretends to be a deputy but is really scheming to murder Marlow to get revenge for his sending her dad to prison. Great episode! 

On 4/4/2020 at 4:04 PM, RogerDuke said:

Thanks Hoss. As always, you're Awesome Hossome. 

Ain't that the truth! When did you first start watching Dukes Hoss? Did they show them in Ireland like they did in America??

10 hours ago, Hobie Harkins said:

 Did they show them in Ireland like they did in America??

The Dukes of Hazzard was definitely shown in Ireland, but I grew up in England. The UK got Dukes about five weeks after the US ('One Armed Bandits' debuted on January 26th in the US and March 3rd in the UK). It was initially shown at 9pm on a Saturday night (maybe a reflection of the more adult tone of the Georgia episodes), and as I was only eight at the time, I wasn't allowed to watch it very often. It then got an earlier slot and I became a regular viewer.

Last year I posted the original UK TV listing from 1979 to celebrate 40 years of Dukes - you can see that here.

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