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G'day everyone

you have a cool site here and glad to be part of it. I normally live on pinball forums but have been getting back into The Dukes of Hazzard lately. Even picked up a the Dukes of Hazzard card game to play with the kids as well as a Dukes of Hazzard Spiral Pinball for the kids (80's toy).

I really enjoy 3d designing / 3d printing as well as pinballs and have started on a few dukes of hazzard pinball concepts so what better place to get advice on layouts, rules, art etc other than the pinball forum but from the Dukes of Hazzard fans forum. The ultimate dream is to get a pinball company in the US to build them... :D

chat soon


Welcome to the HazzardNet! We're glad to have you.

I see you're from Newcastle Australia. I live not too far from a place called New Castle. It's in the USA (Pennsylvania) and is about as far away from your Newcastle as you can get...LOL

Posted (edited)

Welcome to HNet, swinks.

The only pinball machine I remember in Dukes was the one in the Boar's Nest (it's briefly mentioned in the Interior layout of the Boar's Nest thread).


I'm sure you know this already, but some Googling has identified it as a Jungle cabinet (Gottlieb, 1972) with a Sheriff backglass (Gottlieb, 1971).

Edited by HossC

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