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Just installed LED sequential tail lights in my General Lee

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The company is www.spaghettiengineering.com and the LED tail lights division is at www.digi-tails.com

These are 13X's brighter than the factory tail light. Another great thing is that you dont change the outside appearance

of your car at all. When these lights are off you cannot tell they are even LED's!

When you turn on the lights or brakes you surely know they are!

Then the bonus is that the turn signals are sequential!

There is also a switch on them that you can turn on or off the sequential signals too!

I really like these things..


Sissy it wasn't always that way! I found a 69 charger and well made it happen one step at a time. I'm still doing things to improve it. I still want to get a toolbar installed etc...

In short though it was one of the best decisions I have made with a car! I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS MUCH FUN WITH A CAR!


First congratulations to you for so much love to your general lee. It may be safer to drive at night but I like more the original lights, do not be angry is just my opinion. I see the general lee original has very strong personality as it left the factory.

thanks for sharing with us who do NOT have the "supreme" ajajajajaa.



Carlos not mad everyone has opinion but remember the General Lee is or was made from a plain Charger and it too is/was an upgrade from that. So in looking at it as it's been upgraded and more modern it gets 2 thumbs up from me.


Darrell that's a bonus there's no fabrication at all. In fact all the old bulb sockets are still back there waiting to be changed back If one should decide to do so. I will not go with a third brake light lol.

Sissy it wasn't always that way! I found a 69 charger and well made it happen one step at a time. I'm still doing things to improve it. I still want to get a toolbar installed etc...

In short though it was one of the best decisions I have made with a car! I HAVE NEVER HAD THIS MUCH FUN WITH A CAR!

Hopefully it will happened fer me one day. If it does it will be more like a half a step at a time cuz I don't know diddly bout fixin up a car. :cornfused:


Nice job TomBo. I can see Carlos's point of view, but I can also see the improvement to safety in terms of increased visibility.

Some sort of LED conversion can actually be necessary when people bring American cars to the UK. I speak as someone who's read about it rather than done it. The UK had different laws regarding lights, especially the rears. All rear turn signals must flash amber, and must not adversely affect any other light (brake light, parking light). There are also rules about driving lights, rear fog lights, back up lights and side repeaters for turn signals depending on the age of the vehicle. I found the following demo on the website of a company that advertises in the American car magazine that I read. It shows how their conversion would look on a 1968 Shelby Mustang, and also has a feature called SmartSwap that allows the lights to revert to US style operation.

AMCAR: 1968 Shelby GT350 S/C


They're awesome!

You guys did a great job considering I didn't see Cooter there helping. He must of been fishing or something.

I love that last picture. It looks like something out of the episode "The Ghost of the General Lee"

  • 3 years later...

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