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You'd better take some pictures and upload them to Instagram while you're there. Wrigley Field is currently in fourth place in the table of most pictures of a ballpark posted online:

How Instagram Is Taking Over Major League Baseball

Enjoy the game :).

I will definately take pictures...still got some of Wrigley from last year. :D Though have never used Instagram before so don't know if I'd know how to do that or what it takes to do it. I can see w hy it is high ranked ballpark in photos...Wrigley is just BEAUTIFUL!

Thanks...am really looking forward to the game. They just better win. :D


I saw the latest standings today Garrett and noticed that the Cubs and San Diego are tied for the worst team in MLB. I know we have a friendly rivalry but I just want you to know that I'm rooting for your team to make a comeback.....that is unless it's at the expense of the Pirates, who have surged into second place.

Despite what I've said in the past about the Cubs, I really do like them. If they were in any other division except the one they're in, they'd be my favorite team in their division. I wish they were in the American League so I could like them even more. Which makes me wonder, do you root for the White Sox too?

I saw the latest standings today Garrett and noticed that the Cubs and San Diego are tied for the worst team in MLB. I know we have a friendly rivalry but I just want you to know that I'm rooting for your team to make a comeback.....that is unless it's at the expense of the Pirates, who have surged into second place.

Despite what I've said in the past about the Cubs, I really do like them. If they were in any other division except the one they're in, they'd be my favorite team in their division. I wish they were in the American League so I could like them even more. Which makes me wonder, do you root for the White Sox too?

Wow Roger you are full of insults tonight...first you say my Cubs are one of the worst teams in baseball...and then you have the nerve to ask me if I root for the...don't know if I can say it...the White Sox. :roll:

Well my Cubs may be statistically last right now, but I refuse to believe they are or ever will be the worst team in baseball. They are going through a lot of changes right now and sooner or later they will come back.

As for the White Sox...I refuse to go for a rivalry team.

Well at least one of our teams is doing alright...but if memory serves me right, your Pirates were on a roll this time last year as well. LOL. But for your sake, I hope that they will last.


Well y'all...think yesterday has got to be the fastest day in history. Sadly it was the day I went to Chicago to see the Cubs play. :D Had a great day, but went way too fast. The Cubs lost 3-5 to the Tigers, but did their best. Alfonso Soriano, my favorite current Cubs player, got on base once and struck out twice trying to hit me that home run I was hoping for. ;) Was great to see him play in person, last year they had someone else in left field...he came to hit for someone and guess who missed his one at bat last year? ME. LOL. This year he was in the whole game. And though I am a die hard Cubs fan, was great to see Justin Verlander and Prince Fielder play in person.

Well attached (if I did it correctly...) is three photos. One of the great Wrigley Field (think I love that field more and more I go there...another reason why everyone should be Cubs fans) another one is of Cubs left fielder Alfonso Soriano at first base with Prince Fielder. And the other one is of the Chicago Cubs sign...not the marquee one that is notable, but the sign on the other side of the field where we waited for the bus.

Had a great time and am looking forward to going back again!





I'm happy to hear that you had fun but sad to hear your boys lost.

3 to 5 means it was a pretty competitive game so I'm wondering if the Cubs got anybody on base in the bottom on the 9th. If they did I bet you were on the edge of your seat.

I wish the Cubs weren't in the Pirates division so I could root for them more. If they ever make the post season and the Pirates don't I'll buy one of those blue hats with a C on top, watch the playoffs and wave a "Go Cubbies" pennant.

I'm happy to hear that you had fun but sad to hear your boys lost.

3 to 5 means it was a pretty competitive game so I'm wondering if the Cubs got anybody on base in the bottom on the 9th. If they did I bet you were on the edge of your seat.

I wish the Cubs weren't in the Pirates division so I could root for them more. If they ever make the post season and the Pirates don't I'll buy one of those blue hats with a C on top, watch the playoffs and wave a "Go Cubbies" pennant.

Thanks Roger. :) Yeah too bad our boys do play in the same devision...but it gives us a friendly rivalry. ;) If I recall in the nineth inning was when they scored the third run...but can't recall on the top of my head at the moment. Wrigley Field was invaded by Tigers fans...lot of 'em...they were happy. I was glad the Cubs were at least in the game and not losing 1 to 11 or some outragous score like that. And do have to admit it was neat seeing Verlander and Fielder at Wrigley as well...just wish they were wearing Cubbie blue. LOL

If it helps any...every time I see the Pirates score or who they are playing, I think of you. IF they are not playing the Cubs, I am happy that they win.

  • 4 weeks later...

Speaking of the Cubs did anybody see the insurance commercial where the Cub (I'm not even sure who he is) was pulling things out of the ivy at Wrigley Field? After pulling out a few items he then pulled out former Cub Andre Dawson. Andre looked around then asked "What year is it?"

I saw it last night during the home run derby and cracked up....

.....and of course I thought of a certain Cubs fan here on the HN.

Tonight's the All-Star game!

Posted (edited)
Speaking of the Cubs did anybody see the insurance commercial where the Cub (I'm not even sure who he is) was pulling things out of the ivy at Wrigley Field? After pulling out a few items he then pulled out former Cub Andre Dawson. Andre looked around then asked "What year is it?"

I saw it last night during the home run derby and cracked up....

.....and of course I thought of a certain Cubs fan here on the HN.

Tonight's the All-Star game!

Wow...sounds like an amazing and awesome commercial. One that I sadly missed since I sadly missed the All Star game. Miss the days of Andre Dawson...The Hawk! He played for the Cubs back when I was growing up and I can still remember that team. Loved the Cubs then, love them now. Guess not much have changed. ;)

Cubs State Farm Insurance commercial Thanks Roger for bringing this to my attention. I had to go check it out after I read your post...the Cubs player that they are talking to is my second FAVORITE all time baseball player (Right after Ryne Sandberg who use to play with Andre Dawson...Sandberg will always be number 1 for me!) anyway the player is Kerry Wood. The Kid. Kid K. Miss Sandberg and Wood in a Cubs uniform. Both are great guys who were great for Chicago. (For some history, Kerry Wood struck out 20 Astros on my birthday ten or so years ago. Was great and then had to have Tommy John Surgery on his elbow and then his career was shortened as he was plagued with injuries after injuries after that. Went from an starter to a closer to a relief pitcher for the Cubs. Good in all spots. Sad to see a great guy like that to be robbed of a Hall of Fame career due to injuries. Very sad day when he retired this past May.)

GO CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!! :popcorn:

Edited by Garrett Duke

20 strike outs!

Was that an extra inning game?

I doubt that's happened too often....nice birthday present.

I saw Roger Clemens strike out 16 in Toronto. It's the only major league game I've ever been to that wasn't in Pittsburgh.

20 strike outs!

Was that an extra inning game?

I doubt that's happened too often....nice birthday present.

I saw Roger Clemens strike out 16 in Toronto. It's the only major league game I've ever been to that wasn't in Pittsburgh.

Sadly I have only seen that game in highlights. Kid K (Kerry Wood) goes up and gives me a great birthday present and go figure, I miss it. :( At least he tried, right?

If I remember right his 20 K was somewhat a record breaker or something at the time, don't know if it has been passed before or if I am just imagining it. But yeah 20 strike outs in one game is definately something you DON'T see every day. Don't know if it went into extra innings but I can look that up when I get more time.

Be awesome to see Roger Clemens pitch especially that well. Was it your Pirates he was striking out?


I've been meaning to tell ya this Garrett, but I noticed that the show "Undercover Boss" did a show with the Cubs. I don't know when it's showing again but I noticed it a few weeks ago on TLC.

I've been meaning to tell ya this Garrett, but I noticed that the show "Undercover Boss" did a show with the Cubs. I don't know when it's showing again but I noticed it a few weeks ago on TLC.

I have heard of "Undercover Boss" but I never watched it nor heard of it with the Cubs. Would love to watch it though...make for a great show. Has to be good with the Cubs :D.

Lucky for you Garrett, I found someone who put the whole episode of YouTube with no commercials.


K-Duke -

Thanks for posting that...I just got done watching it and enjoyed every minute of it. Had to laugh when Todd got fired from cleaning the bathroom. It really makes you see what goes behind the game and what it all takes to make the game happen. And not just the trainers, coaches, and ball players. I would love to work on the ground of Wrigley or better yet in the score board...that would be an AWESOME job.

Thanks again. That was awesome!


No Garrett, that Roger Clemens game was when he was pitching for Toronto and they were playing the Angels.

(I was going to tell you that the Blue Jays and Pirates are in different leagues and don't play each other but I forgot about intraleague games)

By the way, I picked up Carlos Marmol in the other fantasy league that I'm in....not ours.

No Garrett, that Roger Clemens game was when he was pitching for Toronto and they were playing the Angels.

(I was going to tell you that the Blue Jays and Pirates are in different leagues and don't play each other but I forgot about intraleague games)

By the way, I picked up Carlos Marmol in the other fantasy league that I'm in....not ours.

LOL Roger...my baseball expertise may be with the Cubs, but I do know that the Jays and Pirates are not in the same league. Though when you say Clemens, I think of the Yankees...which only leaves the question of why the Yankees and Pirates play in Toronto. LOL. Didn't think that far into it though did think of the interleague play when I asked that. Even still, bet it was a good game.

Good ol' Carlos. I had him in one of my leagues, but I think I dropped him. Now leaves me wondering if that was a good choice or not...

You're welcome Garrett. Luckily it was easy to find.

That is good...I think they have a NASCAR one too that I will have to look for when I get the time. It was very interesting to see all the different jobs and how hard they are. Would hate to clean the bathrooms...but hey if it got me to all the baseball games, it might be worth it. Might...LOL.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really like the trivia thread and I like to post multiple choice questions so here's one for the baseball thread.

Who won today's Pirates vs Cubs matchup by a 3-2 score?

A) Pirates

B) Pirates

C) Pirates

D) Pirates

By the way Garrett, if you miss this one I'll give you a second guess since I'm in such a good mood after the Pirates win today.

I really like the trivia thread and I like to post multiple choice questions so here's one for the baseball thread.

Who won today's Pirates vs Cubs matchup by a 3-2 score?

A) Pirates

B) Pirates

C) Pirates

D) Pirates

By the way Garrett, if you miss this one I'll give you a second guess since I'm in such a good mood after the Pirates win today.

Sure the Cubs gave you one today...musta been feeling generous. But let me give you a trivia question...who won on Tuesday by 5-1 with the starting pitcher being an ex-Pirate, Paul Maholm:





Could it possibly be the CUBS? LOL. GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!:rofl:

Sure the Cubs gave you one today...musta been feeling generous. But let me give you a trivia question...who won on Tuesday by 5-1 with the starting pitcher being an ex-Pirate, Paul Maholm:





Could it possibly be the CUBS? LOL. GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!:rofl:

Shucks, I was hoping you didn't notice. By the way, if you see the thread "Blue Screen of Death" you'll notice I'll be offline for awhile. As soon as it gets fixed I'll be back to tease you more about the Cubs.

I like this new trivia thread. I've correctly guessed the last two questions even though I know nothing about baseball ;).

Hoss you cracked me up on this post...thanks for the smile. See how much you know about baseball already? And you didn't even know it...just think how much you would know if you started to watch baseball...especially the Cubs. Afterall, the Cubs are the BEST team in baseball...don't let their stats of this year and Roger fool you about that. The Cubs are NUMBER ONE team in baseball...MLB and Roger just don't know it. :rofl:

  • 3 weeks later...

Well, well, well. I just was that the Reds are at the top of the National League in the central area with the most win. 71 to be specific. We'll have to see if the can make it 72 tonight and beat the Cubs.

And so ya know Garrett, Cubs are 4th and the Pirates are 2nd.

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