MaryAnne Posted March 7, 2011 Posted March 7, 2011 ..hahaha....uh....yeah. Well ya see, that's why I need you to sign this deed and transfer that power over to me. To prevent any unfortunate misunderstandings that could otherwise im-pede the performance of my duties around heah. *waves the deed* B'sides, it ain't like I'd evah abuse the power. *not counting years of altered posts, mysterious chatroom incidents, and accidently zapping Alex so badly once that it took two weeks and a system reinstall to bring him back*Nah, you'd never abuse the power. Provided we don't count all the years of altered posts, mysterious chatroom incidents and accidentally zapping Alex so badly once that it took two weeks and a system reinstall to bring him back.
Brian Coltrane Posted March 7, 2011 Author Posted March 7, 2011 Nah, you'd never abuse the power. Provided we don't count all the years of altered posts, mysterious chatroom incidents and accidentally zapping Alex so badly once that it took two weeks and a system reinstall to bring him back. Oh, hush! Those were isolated e-vents. *looks back to Mufn, deed in hand* Now then. I encourage ya to sign this without further ado. Seein' as how, if I mysteriously "disappear", you won't be gettin' outta heah anytime soon.
Meadowmufn Posted March 7, 2011 Posted March 7, 2011 Oh, hush! Those were isolated e-vents. *looks back to Mufn, deed in hand* Now then. I encourage ya to sign this without further ado. Seein' as how, if I mysteriously "disappear", you won't be gettin' outta heah anytime soon.As if you were the only one who could let me out... Ha!I've got a feelin' that I can wait it out longer'n you can, seein' as I'm the one that signs yer paychecks.
Brian Coltrane Posted March 7, 2011 Author Posted March 7, 2011 As if you were the only one who could let me out... Ha!I've got a feelin' that I can wait it out longer'n you can, seein' as I'm the one that signs yer paychecks.*showing a thin, wicked smile* Anybody who lets you out, will find themselves takin' yer place. Meantime, I gotta thank you for the excellent idea you just gave me.*looks at the deed* S' true, you sign our paychecks. I've seen your signature enuff to know exactly what it looks like. Which means, I ain't gonna need you to sign this deed after all...since I can do it for you, and imitate yer signature well enuff that nobody at the recordin' office will know the difference. *clicks a pen* Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice mah penmanship. KHEEHAHAHAHA!!
Meadowmufn Posted March 7, 2011 Posted March 7, 2011 *showing a thin, wicked smile* Anybody who lets you out, will find themselves takin' yer place. Meantime, I gotta thank you for the excellent idea you just gave me.*looks at the deed* S' true, you sign our paychecks. I've seen your signature enuff to know exactly what it looks like. Which means, I ain't gonna need you to sign this deed after all...since I can do it for you, and imitate yer signature well enuff that nobody at the recordin' office will know the difference. *clicks a pen* Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go practice mah penmanship. KHEEHAHAHAHA!!And just HOW are you going to get it notarized when any notary public can clearly see that you ain't me?
RogerDuke Posted March 7, 2011 Posted March 7, 2011 *The crowd gets larger and louder. RogerDuke gets up on the bed of his pick-up truck and adresses them*"Listen folks, now don't do anything drastic here. Garrett's in there trying to figure out what's going on. When Garrett gets out we'll have a better idea what to do next. I've lived long enough to know that overeaction is worse than no reaction in cases like this." *notices a group of folks whispering then walking over to Rhuebottom's*
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2011 Posted March 8, 2011 *Garrett quietly enters the jail through the forgotten back door and quietly closes the door behind him before coming to a halt behind the thick wall. He peers momentarily around the corner long enough to see the jail area and to see Meadowmufn behind bars before repositioning himself behind the wall as to not get seen in return. Pressed against the wall, hidden from sight from the jail, Garrett hopes to overhear what is going on in order to relay it all to Roger and the crowd that lingers outside of the jail.*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2011 Author Posted March 8, 2011 And just HOW are you going to get it notarized when any notary public can clearly see that you ain't me?HA! I can forge a notary public's signature just as easy as I can forge your signature! I'll "borrow" the notary stamper, and nobody will evah know the difference!*adding an evil laugh, just for the practice* MUAHAHAHA!!
Meadowmufn Posted March 8, 2011 Posted March 8, 2011 HA! I can forge a notary public's signature just as easy as I can forge your signature! I'll "borrow" the notary stamper, and nobody will evah know the difference!*adding an evil laugh, just for the practice* MUAHAHAHA!!You know, I do have surveillance cameras in this place. *points to the corner ceiling* With the kind of riff raff we get around here, we need 'em. And you just admitted on camera that you're going to attempt forgery. The feed is recorded in an undisclosed location. And don't bother takin' 'em down cuz my security company will get mighty suspicious if the feed "disappears". Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they've already alerted the authorities. Now, you wanna let me outta here or do you want to face a forgery rap, as well as kidnappin'?
Brian Coltrane Posted March 8, 2011 Author Posted March 8, 2011 You know, I do have surveillance cameras in this place. *points to the corner ceiling* With the kind of riff raff we get around here, we need 'em. And you just admitted on camera that you're going to attempt forgery. The feed is recorded in an undisclosed location. And don't bother takin' 'em down cuz my security company will get mighty suspicious if the feed "disappears". Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they've already alerted the authorities. Now, you wanna let me outta here or do you want to face a forgery rap, as well as kidnappin'?*looks around for the camera* Oh, come on. Is this why our paychecks are so small, 'cause you went high-tech on us and installed all this junk? You're paying a security company to watch a jail? What, don't you trust us?*finds a camera, and thumbs nose at it* And it can't be called kidnappin', 'cause I'm gonna drum up charges....uh, I'm gonna levy charges to make your stay heah nice and o-fficial. How about embezzlin' county funds? I don't recall us approvin' no security system. Who knows where else you been squanderin' money? Just think of the headlines on the front page!*with this said, eyes Meadowmufn through the bars, seeing if this last threat proves effective*
RogerDuke Posted March 8, 2011 Posted March 8, 2011 *At first it looked like RogerDuke's words had calmed the crowd, which was increasing in numbers but then, out of nowhere a tall, bearded scruffy, mysterious man in the back yelled out* "I ain't waiting fer that Garrett character to git out here. I say we do something about it right now. I don't know about ya'all but I'm going in. Meadowmufn is a friend of mine and I ain't standing around taking it" *RogerDuke, still standing on the truck bed loudly responded* "Now listen here feller, if you storm the jail, somebody could hurt. Besides, violence ain't gonna solve anything" *The mystery man shrugged his shoulders* "Well then, we at least we should make our voices heard "FREE MEADOWMUFN! FREE MEADOWMUFN! FREE MEADOWMUFN!" *Another voice followed, than another and then a crowd of 300 people were chanting in unison....*
Garrett Duke Posted March 8, 2011 Posted March 8, 2011 *Garrett winces slightly at the mention of a security camera being ran in the jail. He hadn't even thought about an security cameras nor had a reason to. Of all the times he's been at the jail, there never was one in the building. Heck the only building in Hazzard he'd think of a security camera would be at is the bank and perhaps the little jewlry store in town. But the jail? Well this was Hazzard and anything is possible in Hazzard.Shaking off the thought and worry over the camera, Garrett's thoughts go back to what he had heard. Of Meadowmufn's charges and what she was being accused of. Of Brian forging her signature. Of the power that may give him. Only to send chills down Garrett's back. Something had to be done.Garrett glances around the corner once again to take everyone in before he slowly walks back to the back door and silently slips back outside and quietly closes the door behind him.He follows the same path he had taken to the back door back to where Roger is standing, surprised at all the yelling and to see how worked up everyone seems to be. *"Roger," Garrett whispers in his ear, "we have to do something." He then goes on to tell Roger what he had just overheard and saw in the jail.
RogerDuke Posted March 9, 2011 Posted March 9, 2011 "Good job Garrett! Now ain't that interesting? I wonder if Meadowmufn was serious or bluffing about the security camera feeding the video to an undisclosed location.....and I wonder where that location is." *crowd gets louder and starts inching toward the courthouse steps* "Garrett, I don't know how long I can hold them back. Meadowmufn's pretty popular around here and if folks find out what Brian's up to, it could get ugly. I just don't want to see anybody get hurt, not even Brian. I mean, he ain't all that bad. Despite his reputation he does have some good qualities.....there', there's a......well, he uh.....*scratches head* hmmm, I'm gonna need a little more time....."
Garrett Duke Posted March 10, 2011 Posted March 10, 2011 *Shrugs as lights another cigarette* Guess I finally done something right. Imagine that. But yeah, it's all interesting. Now what are we...or what you going to do about it? *Glances quietly around the crowd, listening to their angry chants and yells* They do seem upset. Ironically, I don't recall all these people upset when I was arrested. *Glances back at Roger* You're probably right. Best no one gets hurt...despite whether or not they have good qualities about them. Though, I still think it'd be fun to start a riot. We got the right crowd and atmosphere for it.*Falls back to silence as he inhales from his cigarette, taking in the scene around him.*
Meadowmufn Posted March 21, 2011 Posted March 21, 2011 (Art might as well imitate life... I'm home sick today. Blecch.)*plops down on the edge of the cot* *puts hand on forehead* I ain't feelin' so good. *swings legs onto cot and curls up, trying to stay warm in the dank cell*
Brian Coltrane Posted March 25, 2011 Author Posted March 25, 2011 *watches the cot-covering, dejected captive and nods to self* Ain't surprised you ain't feelin' good. I gotcha caught in my scheme, and it's one of my better devious plots. You outta be flattered.*hears the noise outside growing louder. Steps over to the window and peers through the blinds, seeing a large crowd with some pitchforks being waved around* Huh. Either the Farm Bureau is on a rampage, or those folks are riled up about somethin'. Whatevah s' all about, MaryAnne needs to do some crowd control.
RogerDuke Posted April 9, 2011 Posted April 9, 2011 Happy Birthday MaryAnne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Since she's such a troublemaker I figured a thread about prison would be a good place to post it)
Garrett Duke Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 Poor Meadowmufn has been locked away for some time now...
Brian Coltrane Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 Poor Meadowmufn has been locked away for some time now...Evidently she's in no hurry to get out. That means...mah little scheme has been successful. MUAHAHAAAA!! If she's not payin' attention heah, now's my chance to "update" a few thangs.
MaryAnne Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 Happy Birthday MaryAnne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Since she's such a troublemaker I figured a thread about prison would be a good place to post it)Evidently she's in no hurry to get out. That means...mah little scheme has been successful. MUAHAHAAAA!! If she's not payin' attention heah, now's my chance to "update" a few thangs.I must not be much of a trouble maker as I missed the birthday wishes from Roger on this thread. Heh heh! (Thank you, Roger!)Howevah! Brian is much the trouble maker! What's this about updating stuff? Wait just a pea pickin' minute heah....*remembers there's a crowd outside, bordering on a riot* We got some unruly folks out there, cousin, and I was not sent to riot school...
Brian Coltrane Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 I must not be much of a trouble maker as I missed the birthday wishes from Roger on this thread. Heh heh! (Thank you, Roger!)Howevah! Brian is much the trouble maker! What's this about updating stuff? Wait just a pea pickin' minute heah....*remembers there's a crowd outside, bordering on a riot* We got some unruly folks out there, cousin, and I was not sent to riot school...No problem! I'm sure the crowd wasn't sent to riot school either. They're amatuers, so your own inexperience won't show. Now git out there and hose 'em down or somethin', eh?
MaryAnne Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 No problem! I'm sure the crowd wasn't sent to riot school either. They're amatuers, so your own inexperience won't show. Now git out there and hose 'em down or somethin', eh?What? No, I need help! You have to help me! You're much more intimidating than I am...
Brian Coltrane Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 What? No, I need help! You have to help me! You're much more intimidating than I am...*blinks* Oh, no ya don't. I did my part already, I'm pretty sure I caused the riot. *goes and peeks through the blinds* B'sides, you're the one with the shiny silver badge. People in Hazzard County respect that sorta thang. Right?
MaryAnne Posted April 16, 2011 Posted April 16, 2011 *blinks* Oh, no ya don't. I did my part already, I'm pretty sure I caused the riot. *goes and peeks through the blinds* B'sides, you're the one with the shiny silver badge. People in Hazzard County respect that sorta thang. Right?Since when?
Brian Coltrane Posted April 16, 2011 Author Posted April 16, 2011 Since when?Since you're wearing it. G'wan now! Put on a brave face, carry a big stick, n' all that. *giving cousin a friendly, encouraging push towards the doors*
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