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Ray Kohn is up to it again. He has a show scheduled for Friday July 1st near Youngstown Ohio. These shows are truly great spectacles put on by a team of folks who love the Dukes of Hazzard. If anybody here gets a chance to make it to the show, stop by the area where the cars are staged and introduce yourself.

Google Yankee Lake Truck Night for more information. Google North East Ohio Dukes for more information about Ray and his team.

Also for more info, go to the original post on this thread to read what the shows are like.


Woops! The stunt show at Yankee Lake has been cancelled. By the time I got off the phone to Ray Kohn it was too late to edit my last post. The show was cancelled for several reasons but there will be at least two more this year. One will be in Valparaiso Indiana on the last week of July. There will also be one near Cleveland Ohio on August 20. I'll post more about those later.

Sorry about the mistake.

<wondering why there isn't a Dukes Of Hazzard related events forum?>

That's what this is. (We can't help it if they keep changing the name of the shindig, ya know?) It was "DukesFest" for years, so we made a "DukesFest" topic in the forums. Now it's "Hazzard Homecoming" because Ben gave/sold the name "DukesFest" to John, but when John ran the shindig in Atlanta, he lost his shirt. We still refer to it as DukesFest because we're too lazy to keep changing the forums.

And we've got the cast categories in the forums as well, so if a cast member is appearing someplace individually, it can be posted there.

When ya get right down to it, everybody posts stuff all over the place, so between the Forums and the home page, word seems to get out. We could create another forums category but my head would explode.


Actually Daney, I figured out what you mean. We don't really have a specific category for Ray's stunt show. Well.... *BOOM* there goes my head.

I wish we had a little exploding head picture, like those smile-face things. I guess this rotten tomato guy is gonna halfta do. :rottentomato:

For now, it's fine if Roger posts about Ray's stunt shows as he has been in the Forums, and I'll post about them on the home page. If we start seeing more events that don't fall into DukesFest or cast appearances, or Dukes news, or...whatever else we already got, we'll address it. Somewhere...

  • 3 weeks later...

Ray Kohn's Dukes of Hazzard Stunt Show will be in Valparasio Indiana soon. I'm not sure of the date but I think it's Wednesday or Thursday this week.

For more information you can google Valparisio Indiana Fair or Ray's site Northeast Ohio Dukes.

If anybody gets a chance to go, let us know about your experience.

If you live near Valparisio, this show is a "must see." If you don't live near Valperisio, this unique show is still well worth the drive. It is gauranteed to entertain you even if you're not a Dukes fan.

(although I can't for the life of me figure out why someone wouln't be a Dukes fan)

Ray Kohn's Dukes of Hazzard Stunt Show will be in Valparasio Indiana soon. I'm not sure of the date but I think it's Wednesday or Thursday this week.

For more information you can google Valparisio Indiana Fair or Ray's site Northeast Ohio Dukes.

If anybody gets a chance to go, let us know about your experience.

If you live near Valparisio, this show is a "must see." If you don't live near Valperisio, this unique show is still well worth the drive. It is gauranteed to entertain you even if you're not a Dukes fan.

(although I can't for the life of me figure out why someone wouln't be a Dukes fan)

So glad to know that royalties are going to the DOH cast & crew.

Roger, I want to apologize to you for hijacking your thread. I'll pm you with the concern that was brought up when John appeared in Canton.

Daney, why don't you post it here? I'm curious now. Did John have some beef with the Northeast Ohio Dukes show?

Since we're an independent website, we can talk about these things without getting in trouble. So let 'er rip.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I just had another awesome time at Ray Kohn's Northeast Ohio Dukes Stunt Show.

My wife and I showed up at the Lake County Fairgrounds (just east of Cleveland) five hours before the show. This was my fourth show but she'd never been to one. She used the extra five hours to go shopping at some nearby stores and visit some of the many attractions at the fair.

It was awesome seeing all my friends who are a part of the show. I love them all but Ray's father is my favorite. He looks and acts so much like my hero Uncle Jesse I wish I could have hung out with him all day but Ray put me to work right away.

I worked with the sound man Theo setting up his huge sound system. Theo has an excellent system with 4 large speakers that sit on two yellow scaffoldings. We were down the track from where the big jump would take place. Cement barriers seperated us from any potential impact from a runaway stunt car. During the show I was helping Theo and the announcer coordinate things that were playing out from the script.

Ray's show had never taken place at this fairgrounds before. Last year he and his crew of a couple dozen staff worked hard all day through the rain at this location but the rain never stopped as was hoped and the show was cancelled....all that work and planning went down the drain. Rain was forecast for this show too and the chance increased as the night went on so we were watching the forecast hoping for the best.

After weeks of planning, days of set up and several hours of intense last minute preparing, the National Anthem was sung and the show began. The announcer explained to the crowd that the stunt show was run like an episode played out. In this case, two bad guys from Atlanta were out to get Boss because he sold them some low quality moonshine.

After some introductions and a lot of excellent country music, the real action began. The Dukes were being chased by Big Ed Little but the poor sheriff had a little mishap in the middle of the hot pursuit and flipped over a few times. It just seemed like the green and white sheriff's car would never stop flipping but it eventually landed and luckily the stunt man was fine. Then the plot thickened with all kinds of drama taking place like the General Lee breaking down, Rosco and Boss setting Bo and Luke up for running moonshine, more car chases, the bad guys stealing Boss's money, shooting, a chicken coop being smashed to smithereens, Daisy being kidnapped, Enos flying over the ramp with his patrol car on top of parked cars, the bad guys wrecking and the local fire department having to put out their smoking debris. It was a sight to behold and ran very smoothly.

Finally it was time for the big jump. Right on cue, the wind picked up in dramatic fashion as if it was helping to add to the drama of the big event. Ray raced down the track and hit the brand new ramp perfectly, sailing like only the General Lee can do, clearing all the cars cleanly and saving the day. The landing was perfect but the damage to the steering was serious and he veered off toward the sound equipment. He hit the cement barrier, violently pushing it back toward the yellow scaffolding landing inches from the expensive equipment. When I say inches I'm not exagerating. If it would have traveled about 18 more inches it would have toppled the scaffolding and ruined a lot of expensive high quality sound equipment. It also came less than two feet from the flag pole where Old Glory was flying. It was almost as if Ray had planned it that way!

As for me, I was only about 20 feet from the car's resting place. When Ray puts the jump on his website you'll probaly see me. I'm the one with my eyes bugged out wondering if the barrier will hold! It was a thrill to say the least.

Speaking of a thrill, I'm about to get hit with that storm I was talking about. It has followed me home to Pennsylvania and I might be losing my electric soon so I'd better post this before I lose what I've written. Luckily it held off until the show ended. Like ole Waylon says, "In Hazzard, we tend to like happy endings."

Edited by RogerDuke
  • 9 months later...

Now that Ray and his crew have completed their first show of the season (Galax Va) they have three more scheduled. I wouldn't be surprised if they add more later. All three are going to be events at county fairs in Ohio and are bunched together in a short time span.

July 23 Clark County Fair in Springfield Ohio

July 28 Vinton County Fair in McArthur Ohio

Aug 5 Medina County Fair in Medina Ohio

Medina's in the northern part of the state near Cleveland. Clark County is in the midwest part of Ohio and Vinton County is in the south-central part.

  • 1 month later...
Now that Ray and his crew have completed their first show of the season (Galax Va) they have three more scheduled. I wouldn't be surprised if they add more later. All three are going to be events at county fairs in Ohio and are bunched together in a short time span.

July 23 Clark County Fair in Springfield Ohio

July 28 Vinton County Fair in McArthur Ohio

Aug 5 Medina County Fair in Medina Ohio

Medina's in the northern part of the state near Cleveland. Clark County is in the midwest part of Ohio and Vinton County is in the south-central part.

The date for the Clark County Fair here is NOT accurate. It is actually Sunday July 22. These are amazing shows. If you're anywhere near Ohio try to catch at least one!

The date for the Clark County Fair here is NOT accurate. It is actually Sunday July 22. These are amazing shows. If you're anywhere near Ohio try to catch at least one!

I would love to see the Clark County one but I don't think we can. It's $7 to get into the grandstands and we just don't have the money. I really wish I could.:cry:


Roger, I found this, I think it's from the show you were talking about:

That's one of the more unquie landings I've ever seen. Yow.

I put a post about the upcoming NE OH Dukes shows on our FB page. Hopefully they'll get a good turnout!

  • 4 weeks later...

July 23 Clark County Fair in Springfield Ohio

July 28 Vinton County Fair in McArthur Ohio

Aug 5 Medina County Fair in Medina Ohio

Thanks for the video of Clark County on July 23rd Brian.

Is there any chance of getting videos from these other two?

  • 1 year later...

I'm pretty excited. Yankee Lake Truck Night in eastern Ohio has struck up a deal with Ray Kohn to get his Dukes stunt show back.

Most of Ray's shows have been in western Ohio lately so I haven't been going. Also, on July 4 and 5th I'm going to get to meet two stars I've never met before, Coy Duke and Sheriff big Ed Little will be there.

Maybe somebody with computer skills can post a link here.

Ray's show are unbelievable!

  • 3 weeks later...

Only four more days until I get to meet Coy and Big Ed Little.

Needless to say I'm pretty excited since I'm never met either of them.

Hobie, in case you're wondering, Ray only uses Chargers that are unrestorable so it's not really a loss to classic car enthusiasts.

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