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Hows it hanging ya'll, Dukes fan from the Windy City, just saying hi for now. Came here to possibly make a few friends, find some collectables, get some more info I may not know about the show, share some ideas and eventually some of my stories I'm working on.

Just want to add I have loved this show since I can first recall. Still see it as the best show that was on TV for the mere fact its not smut like shows today.

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Hows it hanging ya'll, Dukes fan from the Windy City, just saying hi for now. Came here to possibly make a few friends, find some collectables, get some more info I may not know about the show, share some ideas and eventually some of my stories I'm working on.

Just want to add I have loved this show since I can first recall. Still see it as the best show that was on TV for the mere fact its not smut like shows today.

welcome, Ive only just joined this forum, but its a friendly place, enjoy your stay

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Welcome to Hazzard County Markus Nitro.

Who's your favorite character?

Congratulations on those Blackhawks winning the Stanley Cup.

Thanks for all the warm welcomes. Really appreciated.

I have favorites, and its Bo and Coy. I can relate to both of them fairly well with a great many things, so, they are both my favorites..

My stories at the moment are simply in basis form(meaning the plot ideas jotted down). But when I get them written, I think most would like to see them made into reality, because I am basing them as more of a sequel to the series than anything else.

Thanks for the congrats on the Blackhawks, 49 years is too long to some people.

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Welcome to Hnet...I am willing to bet you'll enjoy your stay. :D Hope you find what you are looking for and am looking to see some of your stories. I've got a few floating online as well. Don't know how good they are...but they're there all the same. Khee.

The windy city, huh? That's just a few hours from where I live. I'm not a big city person, but have been to Chicago a few times and must say for a big city, I do tend to like it there. Then again, I am a HUGE Chicago Cubs fan. Gotta ask...Cubs or White Sox? ;)

Once again, welcome to Hnet!

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White Sox. Normally a neutral fan a great majority of the time though.

I have to agree on the big city thing. Growing up here, you develop a love/hate for it. I'll make my way to a small town in Wisconsin or Indiana every so often to change things up, it does good.

If my photobucket wasn't acting up right now, I'd show ya'll my friends pro-am off road truck that ran as the General Lee, he build three of them and ran the name(even had the name copyrighted in motorsports). Got another 2 friends who have monster trucks themed off the General as well.

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