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I am back again.....

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I have missed being here, but the work I have now keeps me quite busy and hardly any time for myself....

As a lot of you know, I been depressed a long time, and I bounce on and off from here to there.

I am trying to get better, and to some extent , the anti depressant pills I take helps a wee bit.

I still feel like a failure a lot of times, but I try to pass by that.

It was so great to be talking to Roger again, but I was sad to hear he would need heart bypass, that is scary, so I dedicate this topic to him, the more prayers to a successful operation the better.

He is one of the best you know, and I have met some really wonderful people on here, so I can't wait to be talking to you all again...


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It sure is good to see dukefan back. I get attatched to folks here and miss them when they're gone.......and celebrate when they come back.

Things have been slower than normal here on the HazzardNet but with dukefan back, I have a feeling that's about to change.

Just to clarify something, it's not heart bypass, it's aortic valve replacement. As far as heart surgeries go, it's the simplest and safest there is. Of course it's still serious but I'm confident God has more for me to do so I'll be fine. Thanks for caring.

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Welcome Dukefan! I am really glad to see that you have returned to HNET! :D

Well Roger, I am glad that it is the simplest and safest surgery. That part is a relief. I really hope that it will go well for you and that you will have a safe and quick recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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