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Well the race in Dover will start in another hour...hope y'all are getting the beverages ready as well as a comfy seat on the sofa. ;) Martin Truex Jr has won his first pole and will be leading them down after the green flag waves. It is a mile track - monster mile as they call it.

Brian Vickers, driver of the number 83 Red Bull car was hospitalized on Wednesday or Thursday and has now been released...for blood clots in his leg and near his lungs. His return is uncertian at the moment. Casey Mears will be racing for him at Dover today...who use to race at Hendrick. :) OK I have been venting about this for the past half week now...I love NASCAR, but sometimes to me, they don't make no sense. I guess since Vickers won't be racing he won't be getting the points, which will make it impossible for him to get into the chase when it comes time for the chase. It's not Gordon or Johnson, so perhaps I shouldn't get upset about it, but I do like Vickers. He's a good driver and seems to be a pretty good guy. To me it don't make no sense that he won't get the points as to where his car finishes today...sure it is Mears driving it and not him. I see that part of it, but it is still his car. It isn't like he just didn't feel like racing this weekend or went out partying or made some other kinds of plans for this weekend as to why he isn't racing. He was in the hospital! To me, it just seems so unfair that NASCAR is penalizing him when he is already having a hard time of his own. Mears is a part time driver who has only raced a couple of races t his year (I do like him) but Mears isn't racing for points so the points will mean nothing to him, the chase will mean nothing to him. But to Vickers who is a full time driver, their main focus is upon getting into the chase!

OK I apologize for my ranting...(If I got that wrong, please let me know. But from what I read and know from the past, a driver has to START the race as to get the points. Which is why drivers who are sick will start the race and sometimes have a replacement driver or race the whole thing.) It just don't make no sense whatsoever to me and hate it for Vickers and his team. Hopefully he will get feeling soon and return to the track when he is ready to...

Well anyone has any guesses who'll win today? My fantasy driver pick for this race is Johnson. After the bad race he had last week, I'm looking for him to retaliate back with a victory. Of course, I am hoping that I am partially wrong and that Gordon will take home the monster trophy! (Sorry Roger...Johnson can come in second. Afterall, Johnson as 3 victories to his name for this year. Gordon on the other hand has 0 victories next to his. Seems only fair he should get his first of the year today!:D)


Well the race at Dover just got over and for me, it was a long race. Gordon hung back in 15th spot or so all day. Finished up 11th and dropped from fourth in points down to sixth in points. Kyle Busch won the race (he won the Nationwide Series race last night there too)...then again, Jimmie Johnson pretty much gave him the win. Johnson dominated the race with leading the most laps. Before going to the last pits, Johnson passed Kyle but going out of pits Kyle won to be leading the race with Johnson right behind him before Johnson does something very uncharacteristic for him - he got caught speeding on pit road. Which gave him a drive through penalty and put him a lap down. To give the win to Kyle Busch. Kyle may or may not have won it without Jimmie's mistake, but Jimmie would have fought him for it until the very end if it hadn't been for his penalty. Though as it was, Jeff Burton was second behind Kyle...seven seconds behind him. I think Kenseth was third and Harvick fourth or fifth...something like that. I am not for sure.

Kevin Harvick is the point leader with Kyle Busch in second, Matt Kenseth in third, Jimmie Johnson in fourth, Denny Hamilin in fifth, and Gordon in sixth. Jr fell out of the top twelve by having a bad race today and Martin Truex Jr moved into the twelveth spot. That is about all I know as for points go.

Next week's race will be Saturday night at Charolette MotorSpeedway....but don't go looking for it on Fox. It is the All Star race and it will be on the Speed Channel. It is a non points race and whoever wins the race gets a million dollars. In order to get into the All Star Race (not all the drivers will be in it) I think has to be last year's chase or won a race in the past year. Something like that. They changed it from last year so I am not a hundred percent sure on the exact qualifications...I know one driver will be voted into it. This is the race that the double file restarts originated at.

So the next official race will be May 30th on Fox, which will be a Sunday Night race since it is Labor Day weekend. That will be at Charolette Motorspeedway as well.


I forgot to mention...

That the NASCAR Hall of Fame officially opened on Tuesday (would really love to go!) and will have it's ceremony on May 23. With that...AJ Allmindinger - who had a fast car today with a few mistakes or mishaps here and there today - drives the Petty owned Ford #43 and drove it in Richard's color scheme as he had drove it so many years ago. Thought that was pretty awesome.

Was excited to see that Richard Petty...the king himself, was the grand marshal for today's race. Meaning he was the one that got to say "Gentlemen Start your Engines" (The words we...um, well at least I do, look forward to hearing every week! ;) )He did a pretty good job at it too. :D


Kyle Busch won? Wasn't that the last guy that I was 'cheering' for? lol... I can't remember... it's been too dang long... I haven't had barely any time to stop and eat let alone watch tv! It's terrible... Once all the crop is in the ground, all the cows are out to grass and grad is done, I'll get back into it. I promise! haha


LOL sounds like you've been busy! No wonder why you haven't been posting or watching them!

I thought it was Kurt Busch that you were going for? I could be wrong though. If so, glad your driver did well. Didn't mean anything against Kyle...just not a fan of either Busch brother. They both have talent, I'll give them that. I'll also give Kyle the fact t hat he has grown up a lot it has seemed.


I just got back from a three day trip. It looks like I have a lot to catch up on. Thanks again for all your updates Garrett. I sure admire your passion for NASCAR. The Duke boys would be proud!!

Now, I'm off to read all Garrett's insightful posts......


Thanks Roger for all that you said. I am enjoying writing about the races - it gives me a chance to talk about it in length w/out worrying about boring everyone to death. Well I probably do here, but sadly y'all have the option to ignore it and move on if you desire. HA HA. Hopefully the Dukes would be proud...it is because of them that I am into NASCAR afterall. Before I got back into the Dukes back in '97 I thought of any sort of racing as a waste of time and a senseless sport (afterall, it's only a bunch of drivers chasing each other in cirlces...right? LOL). Then I got into the Dukes and with all their racing and The General...look at me now! KHEE! To quote Rosco. I love it! Khee!

Well I hope your three day trip was well and that your party you went to yesterday went well TXDaisy! Hope you enjoyed them. Next Saturday is the All-Star race and most likely I will be missing that for my neice's three year old birthday party...guess I can't catch them all - though I do try to. I will tape the race and since it is on Saturday instead of Sunday, hopefully will be able to watch the recorded tape on Sunday. Not the same day of the race, but if I can stay away from NASCR.com, should make for a fun race all the same.


Due to the medicine that Brian Vickers is on due to his blood clots, he will be out the remainder of the season. :( They said he couldn't drive for a minimum of six months which would be the end of the season...but will be racing again at Daytona next February. Casey Mears will race for him in the All Star race tomorrow as well as for the rest of the season.


Hey, my mechanic went to the race at Dover. Actually they had other races there before the big one. I think he said he went to three races. The other ones weren't sell outs like the big show.

Is that the way they do it at every NASCAR race?....have other races there the day before, like NASCAR trucks.

Sorry to hear about Brian Vickers.


Roger - There is three different NASCAR series - but there are a whole lot of different types of racing if you know what I mean. They said some number last night, but I can't remember exactly what it was. It was a lot though.

The three NASCAR Series are the Craftsman Series or Camping World (I can't remember right now. They switched sponsors for the name and I cant remember which was the old one and which is the new one.) Which is the truck series races. I haven't really gotten into them or even watched them. Though I do know some of the top names of the drivers in the series. Some of Nextel Drivers drive there as well.

Then there is the Nationwide Series (formly known as the Busch Series) that is where mainly the younger drivers race. Though a lot of NEXTEL drivers drive in there as well such as Kevin Harvick, Carl Edwards, Denny Hamlin and so forth. It is kinda like triple A baseball is to the MLB. Where the drivers get their start before moving up. (Though unlike baseball, the big league drivers have the option to race in it. Though not all do. Gordon and Johnson doesn't as well as a lot of others.)

Then there is the main NASCAR series that is the Nextel Series which is what Gordon, Johnson, Stewart, Jr and all them race in that I mainly talk about. I think I have only watched one or two Nationwide Series races, though again do know some of the drivers that do drive in it. Nextel Series is the only series that I watch every week and know the most about. Though would be interesting to get into the Nationwide Series races more if I had more time and all that. . .

Hope that helps Roger. Bet your mechanic had a great time at Dover! I would love to go to a race!


You are welcome, Texas Daisy. Thought I'd share that info about Vickers. I bet he is disappointed and all knowing that he is feeling a lot better and yet can't race.


Well anyone other than me watch teh All Star race last night? The shoot out race before, I only saw the last half, but was satisified to see Truex Jr and Biffle win their way into the All star race. Was glad to see Edwards get the fan vote - if I'd have voted, I would have voted for him.

I really like the driver introductions that they do before the All - Star race. It is always exciting to see the way the drivers and the crews present themselves. Found it very touching and nice to see Brian Vickers get introduced and walk in with Casey Mears who drove his car for him. It was good to see him after what he went through.

As for the All Star race itself...my opinion is that the only positive thing about the whole race was that it was NOT a points race. Being a Gordon fan and a Johnson fan - it was very frustrating race for me. Gordon hit the wall hard on the first lap and struggled throughout the whole thing staying back in 15th or so place through the whole thing before someone ran into Martin or something and caused the big wreck - knew Gordon was going to be in it. He had no where else to go. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it took him out of the race completely after that. My first instinct was to turn it off and go to bed since it was late and I'd have to get up early today, but Johnson was still in it so I stayed up to watch since he was so dominant. Only to be shoved infield with a couple of laps to go. By then I might as well as have stayed up to see the finsih. Kurt Busch took home the million dollars that the winner gets... And all that with Gordon and Johnson happened in the last ten lap shoot out, which is a given that something is going to happen with the winning at stake, no points, and ten laps to do it...

Was kinda interesting to see the whole thing happen between Hamlin and his team mate Kyle Busch. Hamlin may not have hit Busch when Busch went for the lead, but he blocked him right into the wall to send him backwards. Only for his tire to blow and take him out completely...as well as Kasey Kahne (Felt bad for Kahne, another driver in the wrong place at the wrong time.) But Kyle was mad...told his crew on the radio that htey better keep him away from Hamlin after the race. It had it won. He said that before his tire blew. Then he went and parked his car in front of Hamlin's trailer! Guess they had a 20 minute talk between them and their car owner Joe Gibbs.

Well we are onto Charolette again on Sunday night for the Coca-Cola 600 where it will be for points so hopefully Gordon and Johnson will have a much better race! My opinion of course. Would have been much more upset last night with Gordon's wreck if it was for points...as well as Johnson, but Gordon is behind Johnson so in my opinion, is in need of more points. LOL.

Well there is my two cents worth on all that had happened last night in the All-Star race. I hope that everyone else's drivers had better races than my drivers had. All four Hendrick drivers were in the two accidents in ten laps to go...Am looking forward to the Coca-Cola 600 on Sunday night on Fox again. (I am thinking it is the last race they'll have on Fox. Then it will go to TNT. :( I like Darrell Waltrip, Jeff Hammond, and Mike Meyers - the announcers on FOX. Once again, my opinion...:)


I flipped over to it on occasion but Garrett is making me lazy by posting updates plus I always catch the highlights on ESPN.

Thanks for clarifying the different classes Garrett.

Around our local tracks we have "sprint cars" but that's a style of car. I used to get them mixed up with "Sprint" which is the big NASCAR sponser and has nothing to do with "sprint cars" here at our local dirt tracks.

I still like dirt tracks better. There's nothing more exciting than some good old fashioned fish-tailing. We have a paved track in the county where I live too but I've only been to it once and that's because I got free tickets. Cale Yarborough was there a couple years ago just to sign autographs but I didn't get there that day.


It's my fault for making you lazy, huh Roger? Perhaps I should stop with my reports so you'll get back to rooting for Jimmie Johnson and watching him. I think he needs your support right about now...I give him mine, but obviously it ain't enough for him. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact I go for Gordon more than him, but still, Jimmie's my second favorite. LOL.

Just joking. I'd have a hard time talking about the race when y'all have given me permission to do so and put up with it. I don't know much people that likes racing or NASCAR, so this gives me an opportunity to talk about it to someone who is interested in it. ;)

You are welcome. Glad I was able to help. I would see how and why you would get mixed up with Sprint and the sprint type of cars. I would too.

Sunday night will be the Coca Cola 600 at Lowes (Charolette MotorSpeedway) It will be a fun and exciting night of racing I am assuming. I am looking forward to it - then again, I always look forward to the races, especially if Gordon does bad in the last race. Look forward to see him come back with a stronger finish if that makes sense. Jimmie Johnson is good at this track so hopefully he can find his lucky horse shoe everyone jokes he had and have a better finish than he did at the All-Star race which is at the same track. They use to call it "The house that Jimmie Built" since Lowe's sponsors him and he's good at Lowe's the track. LOL Anyway, hope Gordon and all of your drivers will have a good race and a good finish. :D


I'd be glad to go over the top standings so far...

1. Kevin Harvick

2. Kyle Busch

3. Matt Kennseth

4. Jimmie Johnson

5. Denny Hamilin

6. Jeff Gordon

7. Greg Biffle

8. Jeff Burton

9. Kurt Busch

10. Carl Edwards

11. Mark Martin

12. Martin Truex Jr.

That is the top twelve drivers in the points right now...which is where everyone wants to be when it comes to the last ten races when the chase starts. Anyone outside of the top twelve has no chance of getting the championship...

Ryan Newman has won his sixth pole for the Coca Cola 600 (Sunday night's race). Kurt Busch will start second, Martin Truex Jr will be third, Kasey Kahne will start fourth, and Jimmie Johnson will start fifth for the race. (The top five qualifying order.) As stated before, am excited for the race. It is a night race, which is always exciting for me, plus it tends to be a long race as well. Just hope Gordon can at least come away with a top five in it if not the win...he needs to break this horrible winless streak. LOL!

Hope everyone will have a great Memorial Day weekend...hope you get to watch the race! :D


Jimmie Johnson? Don't you mean when Jeff Gordon get to be first in points? Khee...You know I couldn't help myself. I like Jimmie Johnson, but I am thinking he had his turns already. Should be Gordon's turn right about now to be up top. Don't you? ;) HA HA.

Hmmmm, let me think about that for awhile....

*one millionth of one tenth of one second passes by*


LOL Roger. Well I had to give it a try...though let me remind you who brought Jimmie Johnson into the Sprint Series. The man that owns part of Johnson's car...Jeff Gordon. And look at the gratitude he gets. *Shakes head* Well, I guess we'll see how the points shake out after tonight's race. Hopefully both Gordon and Johnson will have a great race...though really hope Gordon gets the win. HA HA!


Well the race has just gotten over and it was a pretty good race. For the most part. Johnson fought a lose car all day and got into the wall once before he hit hard to finish 37th and several laps off the lead lap due to being in the garage. Though, I have to admit that I was surprised he was able to come back after he had hit the wall so hard and all. Gordon finished sixth which is a lot better than I had thought he would after spending the first half in twenty-third or fouth spot before he moved up with pit stop strategy. So I can deal with sixth place for Gordon. Kurt Busch led a lot of laps and at the end was a fight for the lead between Kurt and Jamie McMurray. Was rooting for Jamie Mac to win it, but he came in second and Kurt won his second race of the year so far. Kyle Busch had problems in pit road...once hitting Brad Keselowski and then got caught leaving too fast and got penelyzed. Last pit stop for Kyle he hit his own crew member...still don't see how he didn't get penelyzed for hitting his crew. I mean how is it that Jeff Burton a couple races back ran over his air hose and had to do a drive by penalty, but Kyle hits his own crew member as the member ran back to the wall and gets nothing? Perhaps it is just me, but it just seems wrong. Tony Stewart hit the rear tire carrier for Greg Biffle on one of his tops with the rear wing and sent the carrier to the hospital for farther observation. Something needs to be done to protect the crew members more...

With only a few laps to go, Kyle Busch made it three wide to cut down Jeff Burton's tire and sent Burton to pit road. Burton was having a good race up until then...Found it interesting that Burton got into Kyle's face at the end of the race. Burton is an older driver that don't generally get too upset over things. Not being a fan of Kyle Busch, was glad to see Burton express his displeasure to Kyle for what he had done to him. Also was tired of the announcers keep talking about Kyle all race long as if he was the best driver out there. Don't want to change stations, but tonight was out of control with them continuously talking about him and all that. I thought at least. These announcers are pretty good about being fair to all the drivers and not favoring just one. Except for tonight.. I thought at least.

Here is the top ten of how they finished tonight:

Kurt Busch

Jamie McMurray

Kyle Busch

Mark Martin

David Reutimann

Jeff Gordon

Clint Bowyer

Paul Menard

Ryan Newman

Matt Kennseth

Here is the top twelve in standings (unofficial):

Kevin Harvick

Kyle Busch (-29 points)

Matt Kennseth

Jeff Gordon

Denny Hamlin

Kurt Busch

Jimmie Johnson

Jeff Burton

Greg Biffle

Mark Martin

Carl Edwards

Ryan Newman

We are onto Pocono (I think) next week and it will be on TNT for the summer coverage of the season. We are now halfway to the chase...


Well I am going to be out of town Friday and probably getting back sometime Saturday (don't know know when) so I thought I'd give a small race preview for Sunday's race.

They are racing at Pocono on Sunday and it will be on TNT...I think noon ET or at least that is when the coverage starts. So there will be different announcers and pit interviewer people come Sunday now that they are on a new station. Think they will be on TNT for eight races before going to ESPN.

I think Pocono is a fun track for them to be on. Mainly because of how different it is from other tracks. Instead of being in the shape of an oval, it is in the shape of a triangle. For my NASCAR fantasy team, I picked Denny Hamlin as my top driver. (Of course, I hope that I lose this week and that Gordon will win! LOL) I remember his rookie year when he won both Pocono races (unless my memory is failing me...) which I thought was pretty neat. If I remember right Pocono is sorta hard track to win at. Don't know about how anyone else is at this track...though am hoping Gordon will win his winless streak. (That surprise any of y'all? LOL) Hopefully Johnson will break through his run of bad luck that has plagued him in the past seven races or so...

Hope you all will get to watch the race and that you all will have a great weekend! Also hope that all of your drivers will have a great race. . .

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