DaneyDuke Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Nah, I don't think so. I think you can do it. If you stopped running your mouth long enough you'd probably get a lot written on a story. Maybe? Oh, that's right, it's Alex that's the chatterbox...Maybe you and Alex should have dinner now. So Brian can concentrate? Maybe he'll come up with some unexplained poison type death for the story? *thinking out loud again and looks at the new person*
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Maybe if Maryanne took this time to let him fulfill his bail you'd get more work done. See great minds do think alike.
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Waaal, I reckon I'll just halfta git rid of Alex. *eyes the blond cellmate* I hated to ree-sort to such an obvious scheme, but....I don't know that I've got the patience to see this thang through... *tenses body, squaring shoulders**cocks an eyebrow at that and turns to face cellmate, uncrossing arms* Oh? You dont have the patience? And what scheme might you be resorting to?
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *cocks an eyebrow at that and turns to face cellmate, uncrossing arms* Oh? You dont have the patience? And what scheme might you be resorting to?*looks to the people who are watching* I appreciate ya'lls vote o' confidence, but if ah'm truly the bad guy to beat around heah, I'd better act it, eh?*turns to Alex, taking a step towards him* I got three words for ya. *yells while leaping to attack* CELL BLOCK RIOT!! *throws Alex down and starts grappling with him* YAAAAAH!!
MaryAnne Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 *glances at Daney and Lizzy and nods*Yeah. Wouldn't it be easier for me to get Alex out of the way for you, by having him take me to dinner? Then that'll satisfy his bail, he'll be out of your way and then you can concentrate on your work!---*words spoken too late as Brian starts to fight with Alex* Ah, geez, is nothin' ever easy around here?
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *looks to the people who are watching* I appreciate ya'lls vote o' confidence, but if ah'm truly the bad guy to beat around heah, I'd better act it, eh?*turns to Alex, taking a step towards him* I got three words for ya. *yells while leaping to attack* CELL BLOCK RIOT!! *throws Alex down and starts grappling with him* YAAAAAH!!If it was easy, it wouldn't be Hazzard *watching, shaking head* MaryAnne, you need any help with these hooligans? *thinking so much for needing to report a fight since MaryAnne's standing closer than I am*
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 It can't be easy when you locked up two bad guys in the same cell.
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *looks to the people who are watching* I appreciate ya'lls vote o' confidence, but if ah'm truly the bad guy to beat around heah, I'd better act it, eh?*turns to Alex, taking a step towards him* I got three words for ya. *yells while leaping to attack* CELL BLOCK RIOT!! *throws Alex down and starts grappling with him* YAAAAAH!!*The two men hit the floor with Brian on top, the blond man grips the black leather and throws cellmate to one side, the two bodies rolling to one side with the action, the blond man lets go of the leather jacket and draws a curled fist back, letting it fly hitting the black clad man on the jaw...*
MaryAnne Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 If it was easy, it wouldn't be Hazzard *watching, shaking head* MaryAnne, you need any help with these hooligans? *thinking so much for needing to report a fight since MaryAnne's standing closer than I am*It can't be easy when you locked up two bad guys in the same cell.True. I probably shoulda seperated 'em...*looks at Bo and then looks to the fight in the cell....**The two men hit the floor with Brian on top, the blond man grips the black leather and throws cellmate to one side, the two bodies rolling to one side with the action, the blond man lets go of the leather jacket and draws a curled fist back, letting it fly hitting the black clad man on the jaw...*....or I could take bets on who y'all think will win this fight? *digs into pocket* I got five bucks. Anybody in?
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I would but I spent all my money on that pie.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 True. I probably shoulda seperated 'em...*looks at Bo and then looks to the fight in the cell....*....or I could take bets on who y'all think will win this fight? *digs into pocket* I got five bucks. Anybody in?*swears as Alex connects the punch* *smack!* OW! #$%&*!! *throws one back on Alex in return, a quick rabbit-punch to his gut, knocking out wind. But at MaryAnne's words, looks up, startled, a fist held in check, the other hand holding Alex by the shirt*Wait a minute, what kinda law enforcement do you call that?!
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 True. I probably shoulda seperated 'em...*looks at Bo and then looks to the fight in the cell....*....or I could take bets on who y'all think will win this fight? *digs into pocket* I got five bucks. Anybody in?I'll put $5 on Brian...*chuckling* Duke's ain't got much money, but this is worth it.
MaryAnne Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 *swears as Alex connects the punch* *smack!* OW! #$%&*!! *throws one back on Alex in return, a quick rabbit-punch to his gut, knocking out wind. But at MaryAnne's words, looks up, startled, a fist held in check, the other hand holding Alex by the shirt*Wait a minute, what kinda law enforcement do you call that?!My kind. Awright, you two break it up. If Alex is gonna be takin' me to dinner sometime, I ain't goin' with him all busted up. And if you're gonna be writin' a story or two, Brian, you can't be beatin' up on Alex. So...!*steps toward the cell* You're losing your cellmate. I'm gonna have to put Alex in the other holding cell, downstairs, for the time bein', until we have our dinner. *holds cell key in hand and watches the two men*
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *swears as Alex connects the punch* *smack!* OW! #$%&*!! *throws one back on Alex in return, a quick rabbit-punch to his gut, knocking out wind. But at MaryAnne's words, looks up, startled, a fist held in check, the other hand holding Alex by the shirt*Wait a minute, what kinda law enforcement do you call that?!*grunts at the force of the blow to the gut, air is briefly gone with the punch and gasps, then grabs at the hand in shirt...at MaryAnne's words, the blond man too looks shocked, freezing just as Brian does as both men stare at the Deputy...*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 My kind. Awright, you two break it up. If Alex is gonna be takin' me to dinner sometime, I ain't goin' with him all busted up. And if you're gonna be writin' a story or two, Brian, you can't be beatin' up on Alex. So...!*steps toward the cell* You're losing your cellmate. I'm gonna have to put Alex in the other holding cell, downstairs, for the time bein', until we have our dinner. *holds cell key in hand and watches the two men**looks at cousin, then back to Alex... then seems to shurg and punch Alex again in the stomach, a bit higher up* Fine, ah won't hit 'em in the face much.
DaneyDuke Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I would but I spent all my money on that pie.Lizzy, just tell MaryAnne who you want to bet on. My treat. *grins and holds out a $10 dollar bill to MaryAnne* My choice is the same as BeauregardDuke73's.
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I think I'll pass on that Daney thanks though. I don't think I could ever choose between the two.
MaryAnne Posted February 18, 2010 Author Posted February 18, 2010 *looks at cousin, then back to Alex... then seems to shurg and punch Alex again in the stomach, a bit higher up* Fine, ah won't hit 'em in the face much.I'd prefer you didn't hit each other at all but if you insist the betting window is still open folks! Just make a note on this here pad of paper... *pauses, looking at watch* Ah, dang, it's time for patrol. Well, I was gonna move ya Alex but I'll have to deal with you two later! Try to get some writin' done, eh, cousin? *knows this ain't gonna happen* *hooks key back to gunbelt and turns* Y'all behave now! *exits the booking room*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I'd prefer you didn't hit each other at all... *pauses, looking at watch* Ah, dang, it's time for patrol. Well, I was gonna move ya Alex but I'll have to deal with you two later! Try to get some writin' done, eh, cousin? *knows this ain't gonna happen* *hooks key back to gunbelt and turns* Y'all behave now! *exits the booking room*Damn! *as MaryAnne leaves, heaves a hard breath of frustration* She didn't fall for it. So close! If she'd a' just opened that cell door an inch, we woulda been outta heah! *still holding a grip on Alex's shirt and having a fist raised*
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 Damn! *as MaryAnne leaves, heaves a hard breath of frustration* She didn't fall for it. So close! If she'd a' just opened that cell door an inch, we woulda been outta heah! *still holding a grip on Alex's shirt and having a fist raised**grunts at the second blow to the gut, then at MaryAnne's departure manage to get both hands up and gives Brian a shove away, straightens a little out of breath and fixes shirt* great we have a betting poll! And no she didnt fall for it, in fact shes raising money!
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *Watches the deputy leave the jail from the dark corner of the outside of the building. Bites my lip moving the tools around in my pocket. Moves around the building to carefully peer in the window to see the two still locked up tight. Looks around makin sure all seems pretty clear, jogs up the steps and heads on into the court house. Enters the booking room with a curled grin.* Enjoying the concrete and iron bars yet Brian? Alex?
Brian Coltrane Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *Watches the deputy leave the jail from the dark corner of the outside of the building. Bites my lip moving the tools around in my pocket. Moves around the building to carefully peer in the window to see the two still locked up tight. Looks around makin sure all seems pretty clear, jogs up the steps and heads on into the court house. Enters the booking room with a curled grin.* Enjoying the concrete and iron bars yet Brian? Alex?*stands up and brushes hands off on jeans, offering Alex a hand up* No, MaryAnne didnt' fall for it, but I think for a minute she was close. Ah shoulda hit you in the face like ah'd planned --- *hears Chet and looks up sharply* Oh yeah, s' great. Me n' Alex were just havin' a cage match.
DaneyDuke Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 I think I'll pass on that Daney thanks though. I don't think I could ever choose between the two.You're welcome, Lizzy. *looks at Brian and Alex still in the cell* That's probably one of the hardest things to ever do. *pause* Maybe MaryAnne was raising money for the dinner- *stops in mid sentence as Chet appears*
AlexJackson Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 *stands up and brushes hands off on jeans, offering Alex a hand up* No, MaryAnne didnt' fall for it, but I think for a minute she was close. Ah shoulda hit you in the face like ah'd planned --- *hears Chet and looks up sharply* Oh yeah, s' great. Me n' Alex were just havin' a cage match.*Takes the offered hand and gets tugged up, adjusting clothes still then turns at the voice* Oh yes, joy and rapture to be here in this cell...*chuckles at Brian's comment* Wrestlemania Hazzard style...
Cowboy Posted February 18, 2010 Posted February 18, 2010 How would ya like to come on out and play? *Narrows eyes and smirks.*
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