Brian Coltrane Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 *Takes a deep breath and looks at Alex* Speaking for myself, I am in no need of a cure. Thank-you for your concern though. Though seriously, thank you for helping me out the way you did. If not for you...*lets it hang* *Looking at Brian* Well Brian, for the first time I guess I'd have to agree with you. Despite our differences *nods at him* glad to see you're going to be alright after all this.*answers Garrett* Glad to heah you feel that way. Ah'm hard to git rid of, though Chet almost succeeded this time. *pauses* The fact you were in harm's way didn't even slow him down...
Garrett Duke Posted February 25, 2010 Posted February 25, 2010 *answers Garrett* Glad to heah you feel that way. Ah'm hard to git rid of, though Chet almost succeeded this time. *pauses* The fact you were in harm's way didn't even slow him down...*Nods silently at the Coltrane that occupies the bed besides him as his thoughts momentarily flash back to the events that had led him where he is now* We may not be the best of friends here, but I ain't the kind to wish ill towards anyone else. No matter what. *Goes silent. Wishes for a smoke.* And after my years of living in your town, I kinda came to the conclusion that you were hard to get rid of, which I spose it's for the better thinkin' of what coulda been. And as for Chet *goes silent, am reminded of the hurt look upon Chet's face when he had seen him talking to Brian on the street* I don't know. Then again, if you hadn't the gun pointed at me to begin with...*Let's statement linger unfinished and looks away from Brian and back at the ceiling.* (Author's note: I will most likely not be able to be online tonight, if so, will only be on for a few moments or so. Will be on tomorrow night if all goes well. Don't have too much fun without me. )
Cowboy Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Scoots to the edge of the bunk and plants my cowboy boots on the floor, my spurs ring off the concrete. Glances around feeling utterly naked without my hat on but I assume it was lost in the transport here. Rattles the handcuffs behind my back uncomfortably, presses my lips. Sighs heavily and touches the bump on my head to my shoulder, theres no blood its just a whopper of a goose egg. Works my wrists in the cuffs testing them but they are good and tight.*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Then again, if you hadn't the gun pointed at me to begin with...*Let's statement linger unfinished and looks away from Brian and back at the ceiling.*Considerin' the fact Chet had a gun pointed at me earlier - not that you heah me whinin' about it - ah'd say all's fair. B'sides, I just wanted you as a chess piece. I figured if Chet was watchin' , he'd come outta hidin'. If he wasn't around, I'd pass word along to him later that I had you hostage...and then make arrangements for Chet to take your place. *sighs in irritation, at this part of the plan going so wrong* But no, you hadda speechify yerself all indignant. I had a gun on ya, and you were worried about the Geneva Conventions. If I was half the jerk I was made out to be, I woulda just shot ya to hush the noise. Instead, the fifth horseman of the hillbilly apocalypse, yer brother Chet, gallops in and nearly kills us both.*glances at Alex* And that's after bonkin' Alex in the head, as a warm-up. Chet's ran up a helluva tab with me, and someday soon ah'm gonna collect on it.
AlexJackson Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 Considerin' the fact Chet had a gun pointed at me earlier - not that you heah me whinin' about it - ah'd say all's fair. B'sides, I just wanted you as a chess piece. I figured if Chet was watchin' , he'd come outta hidin'. If he wasn't around, I'd pass word along to him later that I had you hostage...and then make arrangements for Chet to take your place. *sighs in irritation, at this part of the plan going so wrong* But no, you hadda speechify yerself all indignant. I had a gun on ya, and you were worried about the Geneva Conventions. If I was half the jerk I was made out to be, I woulda just shot ya to hush the noise. Instead, the fifth horseman of the hillbilly apocalypse, yer brother Chet, gallops in and nearly kills us both.*glances at Alex* And that's after bonkin' Alex in the head, as a warm-up. Chet's ran up a helluva tab with me, and someday soon ah'm gonna collect on it.*gives a firm nod at Brian's words* Yeah before you start pointing fingers there Garrett, because believe me,I was tempted to just shoot you. The one who really got you on your back is nowhere to be seen, what a shock! *dark eyes harden* and frankly... Chet and I have unfinished business.
Garrett Duke Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 Considerin' the fact Chet had a gun pointed at me earlier - not that you heah me whinin' about it - ah'd say all's fair. B'sides, I just wanted you as a chess piece. I figured if Chet was watchin' , he'd come outta hidin'. If he wasn't around, I'd pass word along to him later that I had you hostage...and then make arrangements for Chet to take your place. *sighs in irritation, at this part of the plan going so wrong* But no, you hadda speechify yerself all indignant. I had a gun on ya, and you were worried about the Geneva Conventions. If I was half the jerk I was made out to be, I woulda just shot ya to hush the noise. Instead, the fifth horseman of the hillbilly apocalypse, yer brother Chet, gallops in and nearly kills us both.*glances at Alex* And that's after bonkin' Alex in the head, as a warm-up. Chet's ran up a helluva tab with me, and someday soon ah'm gonna collect on it.*Looks at Brian harshly* That was all Chet. I had nothing to do with what he did to Alex or what he done to you. So if you're upset at someone for it, be upset at him for it, cause trust me, I had nothing to do with it. That is between you and him.Last I knew, kidnapping was a crime whether you had plans for me or not. Not that seems to bother you any.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Looks at Brian harshly* That was all Chet. I had nothing to do with what he did to Alex or what he done to you. So if you're upset at someone for it, be upset at him for it, cause trust me, I had nothing to do with it. That is between you and him.Last I knew, kidnapping was a crime whether you had plans for me or not. Not that seems to bother you any.Oh, now, waaait a minute heah. *giving Garrett a dark-eyed glare* You came up to mah car, and said you surrendered. Only you didn't wanna honor that once I was takin' you captive. Well, what the hell does "surrender" mean in your book? Did you mean, surrender, but still not go along with anythang I say or do? *half-turns in order to face Garrett better, the morphine allowing unpained mobility* When I think about it, you got your share o' blame in this thang too. And some bad guy you are, gettin' all technical about kidnappin'. Ah was a fool to think you could handle it.
AlexJackson Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 Oh, now, waaait a minute heah. *giving Garrett a dark-eyed glare* You came up to mah car, and said you surrendered. Only you didn't wanna honor that once I was takin' you captive. Well, what the hell does "surrender" mean in your book? Did you mean, surrender, but still not go along with anythang I say or do? *half-turns in order to face Garrett better, the morphine allowing unpained mobility* When I think about it, you got your share o' blame in this thang too. And some bad guy you are, gettin' all technical about kidnappin'. Ah was a fool to think you could handle it.*cocks an eyebrow at Garrett and scoffs* maybe Doc needs to give you something to knock you out because the more you speak the feeling of wanting to shoot you is returning...And Brians right you need to check the dictionary, surrender and kidnap arent the same thing...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *cocks an eyebrow at Garrett and scoffs* maybe Doc needs to give you something to knock you out because the more you speak the feeling of wanting to shoot you is returning...And Brians right you need to check the dictionary, surrender and kidnap arent the same thing...You always were good with legal fine points, Alex....
DaneyDuke Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Looks at Brian harshly* That was all Chet. I had nothing to do with what he did to Alex or what he done to you. So if you're upset at someone for it, be upset at him for it, cause trust me, I had nothing to do with it. That is between you and him.Last I knew, kidnapping was a crime whether you had plans for me or not. Not that seems to bother you any.*walks back in the clinic where the patients are. Looks in Garrett's direction* Garrett, your motorcycle is waiting outside *pause* I think Chet is in jail...
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *walks back in the clinic where the patients are. Looks in Garrett's direction* Garrett, your motorcycle is waiting outside *pause* I think Chet is in jail...*reacts to this before Garrett does, surprised by the news* Wha--?!
Garrett Duke Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Nods silently* I'll admit I have my share in things here. I ain't innocent by no means. I just didn't attack anyone or put anyone else at gun point. That's all I meant by that.As for surrender, I'd have better time of gettin' in your car if you hadn't put the gun on me to begin with. I was dumb not to see that coming.*Shakes head while breathing in deeply*
Garrett Duke Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *walks back in the clinic where the patients are. Looks in Garrett's direction* Garrett, your motorcycle is waiting outside *pause* I think Chet is in jail...*Nods in appreciation at Daney* I appreciate you relocating my bike. With any luck I'll be outta here by morning. *Eyes her for a long moment at the last part of the sentence and sighs heavily* Thanks for letting me know, Daney.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *reacts to this before Garrett does, surprised by the news* Wha--?!*coming in at the tail end of Daney's announcement* Yeah, Chet is locked in a cell over at the courthouse. MaryAnne knocked him out and hauled his butt into her car. When she got over here she asked Luke and I to help her get him into the cell. He's not going anywhere any time soon.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *coming in at the tail end of Daney's announcement* Yeah, Chet is locked in a cell over at the courthouse. MaryAnne knocked him out and hauled his butt into her car. When she got over here she asked Luke and I to help her get him into the cell. He's not going anywhere any time soon.*reacts again* Holy @#$%.
AlexJackson Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *coming in at the tail end of Daney's announcement* Yeah, Chet is locked in a cell over at the courthouse. MaryAnne knocked him out and hauled his butt into her car. When she got over here she asked Luke and I to help her get him into the cell. He's not going anywhere any time soon.*gaze goes from Daney to Bo* Chet is locked up? well looks like the reign of the temporary jackass just might be over.. *looks at Brian* in more than one way...
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *gaze goes from Daney to Bo* Chet is locked up? well looks like the reign of the temporarily jackass just might be over.. *looks at Brian* in more than one way...Let's hope. *grimace* At least he won't be getting in anyone's way for a while.
Brian Coltrane Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *gaze goes from Daney to Bo* Chet is locked up? well looks like the reign of the temporary jackass just might be over.. *looks at Brian* in more than one way...I suppose that makes me the permanent jackass? You got a way with words, buddy. But anyhow, I don't think s' gonna be that easy.*glances at Garrett* And we'd better know who stands where...before we plan anythang.
AlexJackson Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 I suppose that makes me the permanent jackass? You got a way with words, buddy. But anyhow, I don't think s' gonna be that easy.*glances at Garrett* And we'd better know who stands where...before we plan anythang.*chuckles* no Brian that doesnt make you permanent jackass because you arent a jackass... *gaze also glances to Garrett* yeah...youre right...
Garrett Duke Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 I suppose that makes me the permanent jackass? You got a way with words, buddy. But anyhow, I don't think s' gonna be that easy.*glances at Garrett* And we'd better know who stands where...before we plan anythang.*Looks at Alex and then Brian* Well don't look to me for your plans. Once I get done wasting my time here, I'm taking my bike for a nice long ride. In other words, I don't have any plans of gettin' in your way if that's what you're wondering.
Cowboy Posted February 26, 2010 Posted February 26, 2010 *Eases myself to the floor its been awhile since Ive tried this or had to do this. Wiggles my handcuffed arms under my rear and then under my knees, now to just get past my feet. Squirms, bends, stretches and grimaces as the steal cuffs dig into my wrists. But finally after some serious working at it my hands are now cuffed in front of me, alittle more comfortable and valuable.Paces my cell, circling it like a nervous horse locked securely in a stall, pondering deeply.*
Brian Coltrane Posted February 27, 2010 Posted February 27, 2010 *Looks at Alex and then Brian* Well don't look to me for your plans. Once I get done wasting my time here, I'm taking my bike for a nice long ride. In other words, I don't have any plans of gettin' in your way if that's what you're wondering.But Chet's yer brother. We may think of 'em as an inbred horse's posterior, but he's still your kin. Ain't like a Duke to let another Duke hang by himself.
AlexJackson Posted February 27, 2010 Posted February 27, 2010 But Chet's yer brother. We may think of 'em as an inbred horse's posterior, but he's still your kin. Ain't like a Duke to let another Duke hang by himself.*raises an eyebrow at Garrett, also looking surprised at his words* So youre just going to hop on your bike and abandon your brother?
Garrett Duke Posted February 27, 2010 Posted February 27, 2010 *Eyes Alex and Brian for a long moment* Well no matter how badly I wish to help Chet out of the mess he currently finds himself in, last I was informed, he was in no need of me or my help. So unless he has changed his mind from last I heard, I am of little use to him.*Shakes head in worry* Not that I am too thrilled about sitting back and watching y'all go at it and him outnumbered and all, because I'm not, but I don't see I have much choice as of now. So for now, I am just left thinking and worrying about what may happen and hope for the best for all of your sake.
BeauregardDuke73 Posted February 27, 2010 Posted February 27, 2010 *Eyes Alex and Brian for a long moment* Well no matter how badly I wish to help Chet out of the mess he currently finds himself in, last I was informed, he was in no need of me or my help. So unless he has changed his mind from last I heard, I am of little use to him.*Shakes head in worry* Not that I am too thrilled about sitting back and watching y'all go at it and him outnumbered and all, because I'm not, but I don't see I have much choice as of now. So for now, I am just left thinking and worrying about what may happen and hope for the best for all of your sake.*watching and listening to this, upset because Brian's right, Duke's stick together - yet...I'm angry as anything at Chet and I'm a Duke...* What a mess...*thoughts unintentionally spoken aloud.*
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