MaryAnne Posted January 10, 2010 Posted January 10, 2010 Somebody to fill the jail for a spell! It's come to our attention that the Hazzard County Jail has been empty too long. It's time we cracked down on the scofflaws, vagrants, and innocent people minding their own business that affect our fine community. Plus we gotta keep people on the county payroll looking busy. For that reason, I'm gonna be on patrol and making arrests where I see fit. Then, we'll set bail just as arbitrarily. Post your bail and you'll be free as a bird! Until next time.... Khee!
countrygirl1986 Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 Maryanne, you coltranes are slacking. Looks like you haven't arrested anyone in over a year. Does someone around here have to stir up some mischief to liven this place up?To start the ball rolling on mischievous thoughts I pose a question: how many people would it take to restrain Maryanne and Brian to paint maverick and Diablo both pink? I don't mean just any pink, I mean pastel Easter pink... with pastel Easter purple details... hum.... I wonder how many people it would take to restrain Garrett to do the same to his motorcycle.Just seeing who is paying attention.
CDoherty95 Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 I wonder how many people it would take to restrain Garrett to do the same to his motorcycle. you wouldn't dare paint another mans motorcycle,that's going one step too far!
countrygirl1986 Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 Well for the motorcycle and his car I was more thinking paint it orange with a rebel flag and big zero one on the doors with the name general lee... the motorcycle would more or less have the whole paint job done on the tank.... though... Diablo would look good in an oranges jumpsuit. I still say they would all look pretty in pastel pink though. Hum.... decisions decisions.Nay I'm not really going to paint anyone's cars or motorcycle.BUT it would be interesting to see both Maryanne and Brian locked in the jail cell at the same time.
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 *Angry look* How dare YOU even think of such a thing! *Shudders at the thought* No one touches my motorcycle or my car...especially YOU! *Takes a step forward* Think it is best for you to get back to where ever you came from!CDoherty95 - Garrett appreciates you stepping up for him and his motorcycle his one of two prized possessions. His car and his motorcycle.
countrygirl1986 Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 *bats eye lashes innocently * didn't you miss me?*smirks * Oh I got a cute present for ya. *hands Garrett a ford mustang keychain which is.... PINK* Oops that one is mine lol. *takes it back and hands over a blue one*
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 Miss you? *Suspiciously eyes you* Don't know if that is what I'd call it, but guess it is nice to see you back. That is until you started threaten to vandalize my motorcycle and car.*Eyes the key ring with even more suspious* What's that for? *Is slow to accept it* Thanks. I think.
countrygirl1986 Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 To be truthful I was only entertaining the thought to see who was paying attention. That and to get a rise out of ya. *winks*
Garrett Duke Posted January 29, 2012 Posted January 29, 2012 I know...figured I'd let Garrett play along.
TRPColtrane95 Posted January 30, 2012 Posted January 30, 2012 ha! no one can get into hazzard county jail! lol... as motorcycle or ATV what ever ride for it.. So "whistle" at you guys to be.
Meadowmufn Posted January 31, 2012 Posted January 31, 2012 I think it's hilarious that people think I've been in jail this entire time. Nobody ever suspected the trap door I put in... Oops, I've said too much.
countrygirl1986 Posted January 31, 2012 Posted January 31, 2012 Actually I read about that... but yes I think you said too much lol... not to mention you. Lft it open. ;-) and you might want to rescue Maryanne from that mob.Now, I think I shall start mixing the paint to paint the patrol cars, maverick, and Diablo... ah heck, Garrett's vehicles too.*few hours later reappears with several canvases displaying a pink maverick, pink patrol cars, orange patrol cars, a pink Diablo, and a Diablo done up like the general lee, a pink motorcycle, and a mustang done up like the general lee.* I know I said I wouldn't but I couldn't help myself. Sides, I never said I would paint the actual cars!Now if only I had photo editing software!
TRPColtrane95 Posted January 31, 2012 Posted January 31, 2012 I think it's hilarious that people think I've been in jail this entire time. Nobody ever suspected the trap door I put in... Oops, I've said too much. lol and yeah and you need get out more often from jail is. and lol for traps and they would not be getting stuck here for while like on and off.. like that.
Garrett Duke Posted February 1, 2012 Posted February 1, 2012 *Takes one look at the canvas to shudder and anger rises within at seeing my vehicles done up so ugly. Angrily turns and eyes Hilery* You've got a wicked and ugly imagination to you girl. *Shakes head. Relieved it is only on canvas* Only you would think of painting Spittin' Cobra and my bike such an ugly color as leave that on canvas and throw it in the lit fire place where it belongs.
countrygirl1986 Posted February 2, 2012 Posted February 2, 2012 Maybe this one would be more your speed. *pulls one from the back of the stack and hands it to Garrett. Depicted on the canvas is the car with the current Miss Tricounty (not daisy) looking like a slinky hood ornament, holding a trophy and a number magnet... never mind the fact it was a second place trophy* is this better? I stole one of Bo's pinups and took a pictures of cobra and crossed them. Call it a very early birthday present. *winks* the other two are for Bo... well the rest are.
TRPColtrane95 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 You are very creative countrygirl1986.I agree second that.. as well..
countrygirl1986 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 I get creative when I get bored... and i have been very bored. I need to catch up with K and Garrett and start that story lol... and unfortunately right now I am super bored. I got admitted to the hospital for another attack (see prayer list)... and I am about to get knocked out from medication. Hoping it doesn't, but it's for the pain I am in from a migraine and abdominal swelling. I hate dilotted (no idea how to spell it). Makes me fall asleep even when I am trying to eat. The nurse is putting it in my IV as I type and it is already knocking me out so I dunno LOL. and I asked for a very low dose instead of the full dose.
TRPColtrane95 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 ouch that not good to be, same as me so boring here too.. due my heath problem as well.. I love when you or Garrett or others do here can take out than stay in jail as boring... and need get relax place make feel better.. lol
countrygirl1986 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 Thanks TRP.Either Garrett's author hasn't gotten on today, or he doesn't know how to react to the painting... Might be looking for his eyes to put them back in his head LOLI know I can be entertaining, but I have nothing on MaryAnne and Brian Coltrane... which I don't think they have noticed we've been posting to this thread, or at least.... they haven't read it. I know they would usually have something to say about it.
TRPColtrane95 Posted February 3, 2012 Posted February 3, 2012 you welcome, and hope they will back soon to be.
Garrett Duke Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 *Looks at photo, rolls eyes, and throws it on the floor* I don't need that or want that. What I want is for you to leave my vehicles alone and to NEVER associate my Spitting Cobra with General. What a disgrace!*As for his author...have been busy and off line for the past day or two...wish life would slow down some. Give me more time...perhaps I could get more writing in...*
countrygirl1986 Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 See, this is why I like Bo better. He can at least appreciate hard work. You're just spoiled. *picks up painting* I know plenty of men who would want this more than a spoiled little boy.(on a side note, I kinda figured that is what happened Kris.)
Garrett Duke Posted February 4, 2012 Posted February 4, 2012 *Glares at you before shaking my head before climbing on my motorcycle* Call me whatever makes you happy, because the only person who seems to be believing your vicious lies is yourself. But whatever you do, don't you EVER compare me to him! *Turns motorcycle on and is quick to drive away*()
texasdaisy09 Posted September 20, 2012 Posted September 20, 2012 *Glares at you before shaking my head before climbing on my motorcycle* Call me whatever makes you happy, because the only person who seems to be believing your vicious lies is yourself. But whatever you do, don't you EVER compare me to him! *Turns motorcycle on and is quick to drive away*()Sounds like things are alive and well in it's good to be back!
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