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(*Looks around.* I thought this was a story/writing board? You see in short story books we write in paragraphes and follow a writing form. The roll playing board is over yonder, aint the admins nice to have built a board for such writing?

"Watermelon Crawl" Hmmm... let me see I count four....attempts at writing on one page of this board alone that come from song titles. One infact is mine, I admit, but mine is in proper writing form. No ones perfect, but titles of songs have been done, and done again and again. Atleast make an attempt at creativity, thats what writing is about. I bet your grade school teacher would give you one big fat F!

A second grader could do better.)


(*Looks around.* I thought this was a story/writing board? You see in short story books we write in paragraphes and follow a writing form. The roll playing board is over yonder, aint the admins nice to have built a board for such writing?

"Watermelon Crawl" Hmmm... let me see I count four....attempts at writing on one page of this board alone that come from song titles. One infact is mine, I admit, but mine is in proper writing form. No ones perfect, but titles of songs have been done, and done again and again. Atleast make an attempt at creativity, thats what writing is about. I bet your grade school teacher would give you one big fat F!

A second grader could do better.)


( I am in agreement with Chet here, song titles have been done to death. As he said no one is perfect but if a story is worth writing it's just like every thing else you do it's worth putting your best effort into it. Everyone makes mistakes writing I know I do but I reread what I write and fix mistakes that I see and still don't get them all. Sometimes it helps to have someone proof read and find the things you yourself have missed.)


Enos had been driving back to Hazzard from Atlanta as the plane had brought him back from LA, the whole way he listened to his and Daisy's favorite songs.

(Elly i'll join in this here story! It looks great, just like ALL your storys)

Daisy, Bo, Luke, Uncle Jesse, Boss, Rosco and the whole town of Hazzard were waiting at the Boars Nest to greet Enos and throw him a huge Welcome Back party, and everyone was really excited, especially Daisy.


(Hey daisydukeXenosstrait, whatever you do dont become a Defense Lawyer! Would your brain over heat writing more then one or two sentences? )


(Hey daisydukeXenosstrait, whatever you do dont become a Defense Lawyer! Would your brain over heat writing more then one or two sentences? )


(I'm sorry you don't like the way I write but you can't control that, all I was trying to do was join a story that my friend wrote and I like the idea)

(I'm sorry you don't like the way I write but you can't control that, all I was trying to do was join a story that my friend wrote and I like the idea)

(That is true DaisydukeXenosstraite noone can control the way anyone else writes but like I said before if it's worth doing its worth doing your best. All Chet said about the idea is the song titles had been a bit over done.)


Alright I've kept my mouth shut long enough...There's a specific difference in RR and RP. RR is more formal and done in paragraphs as Chet has tried to explain, notice the key word, tried. I suppose you get credit for trying though Chet, some people are just too hard headed to take the advice and tidy up their writing style.

Ahem, as I was explaining, RP is done in usually sentences or the actions are done with asteriks. It looks to me that you two are RPing. Sure some stories have catching titles but the content needs a whole heck of a lot of work.

What you said DaisyXEnos was true, we can't control your writing style, but you're in high school for crying out loud...you should know how to write a complete sentence with punctuation and spelling, correct mind you, tossed in.


(This aint writting... its not even proper readable english half the time...ok 80% of the time. Its a good thing ya'll dont hand write this stuff on paper, it would really be too much effort.)


Daisy nodded and laid her hand over her shorts pocket. . .she had something to tell Enos and something she had to give him. Her heart pounded

Daisy ran out side to Enos and Enos smiled "Daisy! Daisy get over here....its been way to long" and smiled at Daisy as Daisy walked, or should be said RAN at Enos.

Enos took her into his strong arms and held her close. He never wanted to be away from her again.

Daisy said "Enos...I missed you...don't ever leave again like that?!"

(I do write my own storys thank you Chet...like i said were not gonna stop this story just cause ya'll wanna critiziize our writing)

"I won't Daisy. I promise." then Enos reached into his pocket and brought out a little box for Daisy.

(yeah Chet no offense but around here we don't really let comments like that bother us)

(I agree)

Daisy smiled "What's this?" the idea in her head was different from the one he had in his.

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