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(This RP is for me, BoJames and Roger Duke only- thank you)

L: *swings his ax down, splitting the log in two, shading his eyes and staring at the sky-the sun was shining bright and sweat beated on his forehead; normally, he liked the hard work and enjoyed every opportunity to be outside in the clean Georgia air, but today..he wasn't sure why but hehad a funny feeling that today would be anything but typical...shaking his head he swung the ax into another log*


Jesse *walks out of farmhouse and looks at Bo and Luke splitting wood*

"Me and Maudeen hauled dem fencepost down to the back 40 this morning. When you boys are done here you can git on down there and replace them busted ones"


You finish here...if you can do it without breaking anything... I'm gonna go try to smooth his feathers a bit... *swings his ax to a stop into the standing log and leaving before Bo had a chance to argue with him- truth be told they had been doing enough of that lately and he was just tired of it; pulling on his shirt but leaving it to hang open in fron so that he could cool off a little he followed his uncle into the barn* It wasn't our fault...


*sighs already sensing that somehow, as always, Bo had gotten the easier job of the two* We was bringin' back Maudine's oats from town...just like you asked us to... *figuring he might as well start with emphasizing the fact that they were being obedient- stacking the cards in his favor from the beginning*


Well...Rosco had set up one of them damn speed traps again...went from 55 miles an hour to 5.. *shakes his head in disgust not even noticing the slip of a cuss word from his mouth* S'all it took....an' he was ont' us like a cat after a mouse...


*sighs-leave it to Jesse to turn a story into a sermon; besides in Luke's mind he was doing no such thing, but hen...Uncle Jesse was a lot more strict on what was a cuss word and what wasn't than any man Luke ever met* Well...he was gonna...but I told Bo to take the shortcut by Sutter's Pond...we did...and woulda made it all right if Bo woulda checked the tires like I told him to...we landed wrong and took out the fence... *shrugs* Simple as that


*continues to split logs as he spoke, not about to let Luke blame everything on him just because he was the one driving*

"I said cousin, that you never asked me to check them tyres, you said you was gonna check the tyres while I called Cooter an' asked him if he had the spare parts for the General in. Stop tryin' t'blame everythin' on me."


*snorts, shaking his head*

"No course you wouldn't Luke, cause yer just Mr. Perfect aintcha? Can't do anything wrong, everyone else is always wrong cause you cant ever put a toe outta line! Its impossible aint it!"

*retorts back sarcastically*


"In case you aint noticed, I aint the one that gets us inta trouble! Its Rosco an' Boss, all i'm doin' is drivin where i'm told to drive! What d'you want me t'do, just stay on the farm an' never drive again?"

*snaps back, chopping wood harder and harder with each swing*


"Oh really! Well then..." *throws the axe down into the chopping block, grabbing his shirt* "You can finish that an' do the rest of the chores yourself if i'm so incapable of doing any work! I'll probably only do it wrong and you'll re-do it anyway!"

*yells back at him, yanking his shirt onto his shoulders and going to the General, sliding in and driving off*

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